Terminal Jati Jajar - Kota Depok

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Contact Terminal Jati Jajar

Address :

Jl. Pelangi Raya, Sukamaju, Kec. Cilodong, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16415, Indonesia

Postal code : 16415
Categories :

Jl. Pelangi Raya, Sukamaju, Kec. Cilodong, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16415, Indonesia
lovarum channel on Google

Terminal baru, lokasi di daerah jati jajar. Situasi masih terbilang sepi. Terminal baru dibuka tapi fasilitas masih sangat kurang dan banyak yg rusak. Atap plafon rusak, lantai licin seperti ada rembesan air, keramik ada yg pecah. Mohon utk segera diperbaiki. Utk papan petunjuk sudah ada tapi utk pegawai sikapnya masih cuek bebek
New terminal, location in the jajar jati area. The situation is still fairly quiet. The new terminal was opened but the facilities are still very lacking and many are damaged. The roof of the ceiling is broken, the floor is slippery like there is seepage of water, the ceramic is broken. Please correct it soon. For the sign board, but for the employee, his attitude is still ignorant of the duck
Rio Abi Anggoro on Google

Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub) mendorong agar proses pembangunan Terminal Jatijajar di Kecamatan Tapos bisa berlanjut. Bahkan ditargetkan tahun 2018 terminal Tipe A ini segera beroperasi. Hal itu disampaikan Direktur Prasarana Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek (BPTJ) Kemenhub, Risal Wasal, saat kunjungan kerja ke Balaikota Depok, kemarin (20/2). Risal menegaskan, pihaknya telah mengusulkan melanjutkan pembangunan Terminal Jatijajar. “Tinggal siapa, apakah Dirjen Perhubungan Darat atau BPTJ (sebagi penanggungjawab). Kelanjutan pembangunan khususnya di ruang AKAP, kami usulkan dalam waktu dekat ini,” ungkap Risal kepada Radar Depok. Ia mengatakan, terminal Jatijajar memang menjadi kewenangan pusat (Kemenhub) dalam proses kelanjutan pembangunan. Disinggung nilainya, ia menaksir untuk jembatan senilai Rp6 miliar, dan bangunan sekitar Rp50 miliar. “Diharapkan rampung secepatnya. Kalau bisa tahun depan selesai. Prosesnya dalam tahap (menuju) lelang,” tegasnya. Jelasnya, sesuai status Tipe A yang disematkan ke terminal Jatijajar, maka tentu trayek bus yang beroperasi juga akan banyak. Kemungkinan trayek meliputi Jawa-Sumatera. Sebab itu akan disiapkan akses langsung ke Tol Jagorawi. “Pasti akan banyak jumlah busnya,” beber dia. Dia memastikan, adanya terminal Jatijajar tak akan mematikan terminal Depok. Adanya dua terminal di Depok akan menguntungkan masyarakat. Mobilitas jadi lebih dinamis. “Hanya tinggal pembagian trayek saja. AKAP (bus luar kota) tetap masuk ke Terminal Jatijajar,” beber dia. Risal menambahkan, dibangunnya Terminal Jatijajar juga sebagai upaya menertibkan terminal-terminal bayangan yang kerap muncul di sepanjang Jalan Raya Bogor. Ini berkaitan dengan keberadaan agen PO bus di sana. “Kenapa dibangun itu salah satunya. Menertibkan bus-bus di pinggir jalan. Nantinya tidak ada lagi pemberangkatan di agen. Adanya di terminal,” tegasnya. Wakil Walikota Depok, Pradi Supriatna mengatakan, saat ini Pemkot Depok menyelesaikan proses administrasinya. Ini kaitan hibah dari pusat. Karena status Tipe A, maka pengelolaannya dilakukan pusat. “Sejauh ini pembangunan Jatijajar sudah menghabiskan anggaran Rp120 miliar,” ujar Pradi. Ia mengatakan, sejumlah kendala menghambat pembangunan. Yakni, pembangunan jembatan dan pembebasan lahan di sebelah timur. Dirinya optimis bila terminal ini beroperasi, akan memberi dampak baik bagi Kota Sejuta Maulid. Terutama dalam upaya penambahan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Kota Depok. “Kemacetan di tengah kota juga akan berkurang,” tandasnya. Sementara itu, Anggota Komisi V DPR RI Mahfudz Abdurrahman dalam kelanjutan pembangunan Terminal Jatijajar Perlu ada komunikasi pusat dan daerah. “Contohnya pembangunan jembatan dalam waktu dekat ini. Tiga bulan saya yakin selesai,” beber dia. Polisi PKS ini tidak mau berandai-andai jika terminal ini bisa beroperasi tahun ini. Sebab memang perlu ada pembahasan ihwal jalan keluar dari terminal. “Jika tidak ada, khawatir timbul masalah baru. Macet misalnya,” tegasnya. Senada, Kepala Dinas Perhubungan Kota Depok, Gandara Budiana mengatakan, belum bisa memastikan kapan terminal Jatijajar bisa berfungsi. Karena kewenangan ada di pemerintah pusat. “Kami masih analisa trayek angkutan umum yang bakal masuk ke Jatijajar, guna melayani masyarakat,” kata Gandara. Ada beberapa trayek yang tengah dianalisa, seperti angkutan jurusan Cileungsi, Cibinong dan beberapa angkutan yang dapat melintasi terminal Jatijajar. Sedangkan dalam kota Trayek 05 jurusan terminal Depok – Citayam – Bojong Gede, dan Trayek 06 jurusan terminal Depok Cisalak. Analisa tersebut dilakukan guna mengetahui berbagai kemungkinan apabila sejumlah trayek dialihkan masuk ke Terminal Jatijajar. Selain itu, tidak menutup kemungkinan sejumlah trayek jurusan yang melintas di Jalan Raya Bogor seperti Bogor – Kampung Rambutan, Cibinong – Kampung Rambutan, dan beberapa jurusan lain dapat transit ke Terminal Jatijajar. Sehingga akan membantu dan memudahkan masyarakat dalam menggunak
The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) encourages the development process of the Jatijajar Terminal in Tapos District to continue. Even targeted 2018 Type A terminal is immediately operational. This was stated by the Director of Infrastructure of the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) of the Ministry of Transportation, Risal Wasal, during a working visit to Depok City Hall, yesterday (20/2). Risal said he had proposed continuing the construction of the Jatijajar Terminal. "Who is left, whether the Director General of Land Transportation or BPTJ (as the person in charge). We continue to propose development, especially in the AKAP room, in the near future, "Risal said to Radar Depok. He said, the Jatijajar terminal was indeed the central authority (Kemenhub) in the process of continued development. Mentioned about his value, he assessed the bridge worth IDR 6 billion, and the building was around IDR 50 billion. "It is expected to be completed as soon as possible. If possible next year is complete. The process is in the (towards) auction stage, "he said. Obviously, according to the Type A status pinned to the Jatijajar terminal, of course there will be many bus routes operating. Possible routes include Java-Sumatra. Therefore, direct access to Jagorawi Toll Road will be prepared. "There will be a lot of buses," he explained. He ensured that the Jatijajar terminal would not turn off the Depok terminal. The existence of two terminals in Depok will benefit the community. Mobility becomes more dynamic. "Only the distribution of routes remains. AKAP (buses outside the city) still enter the Jatijajar Terminal, "he explained. Risal added, the construction of the Jatijajar Terminal was also an attempt to curb shadow terminals that often appeared along Jalan Raya Bogor. This relates to the presence of PO bus agents there. "Why is built for one thing. Curb the roadside buses. Later there will be no departure at the agent. It's in the terminal, "he said. Deputy Mayor of Depok, Pradi Supriatna said, the Depok City Government is currently completing the administrative process. This association grants from the center. Because of Type A status, the management is carried out centrally. "So far the development of Jatijajar has spent a budget of Rp120 billion," Pradi said. He said, a number of obstacles hampered development. Namely, the construction of the bridge and land acquisition in the east. He is optimistic that if this terminal operates, it will have a good impact on the City of Million Mawlid. Especially in an effort to increase the Regional Original Revenue (PAD) of Depok City. "Congestion in the city center will also be reduced," he said. Meanwhile, Member of the House of Representatives Commission V Mahfudz Abdurrahman in the continuation of the Jatijajar Terminal development, there needs to be central and regional communication. "For example the construction of bridges in the near future. "I'm sure it's finished for three months," he explained. This PKS police did not want to imagine if this terminal could operate this year. For it was necessary to have a discussion happenings way out of the terminal. "If there is no one, worry about a new problem. Stalled for example, "he said. Likewise, the Head of Department of Transportation in Depok, Gandara Budiana said, not sure when Jatijajar terminal can function. Because no central government authority. "We are still analyzing public transportation route that will go into Jatijajar, to serve the community," said Gandara. There are several routes that are being analyzed, such as transportation in the Cileungsi, Cibinong and some transportation routes that can cross the Jatijajar terminal. Whereas in the city of Trayek 05 majoring in Depok - Citayam - Bojong Gede terminals, and Route 06 Depok Cisalak terminal majoring. The analysis was conducted to find out various possibilities if a number of routes were diverted into Jatijajar Terminal. In addition, it does not rule out a number of route routes passing on Bogor Highway such as Bogor - Kampung Rambutan, Cibinong - Kampung Rambutan, and several other departments can transit to Jatijajar Terminal. So that it will help and facilitate the community in using it
Pradit Ramazan on Google

Baru prtama kali naik bus d trminal jati jjar??waktu sblum imlek.... Lumayan lahh good??????
First time taking the bus at the Jati jjar terminal time before Chinese New Year.... It's pretty good??????
art mudal on Google

Sangat butuh Penyempurnaan. Sistem pelayanan seperti Bandara, serba bayar Jasa (troli). Masih Terkesan semrawut. Lantai keramik banyak yang pecah, butuh penutup jendela samping (jika hujan air masuk keruang tunggu). Jarak dari lobi ke ruang tunggu lumayan jauh. Lintasan Bus masih tergenang air jika hujan deras.
Urgently needs improvement. Service systems such as airports, all-service (trolley) services. Still impressive. Many ceramic floors are broken, need a side window cover (if it rains, water enters the waiting room). The distance from the lobby to the reception area is quite far. Bus tracks are still flooded when it rains a lot.
Ullifna Tamama on Google

Terminalnya seperti terkesan terburu-buru untuk dioperasikan. Mengapa? Karena beberapa agen bus belum memiliki tempat yang layak, sebagaimana mestinya. Selain itu, minimnya outlet atau toko, dan juga warung makan. Sehingga membuat sejumlah masyarakat kesulitan mencari minuman kemasan.
The terminal seemed to be in a hurry to operate. Why? Because some bus agents don't have a decent place, as they should. In addition, there are minimal outlets or shops and food stalls. So that makes a number of people have difficulty finding bottled drinks.
As Ari on Google

Terminal luar kota milik kota depok. Alur masuk penumpang dengan kendaraan pribadi masih kurang jelas, minim informasi tanda arah jadi penumpang perlu tanya tanya dulu harus nunggu dimana dan naik busnya dari mana. penjual makanan masih sangat dikit, bahkan keluar terminalpun juga belum ada yang jual makanan. tolong perbanyak lagi transportasi umum arah kesana
The outer city terminal belongs to Depok City. The inflow of passengers with private vehicles is still unclear, there is minimal information on signs of direction so passengers need to ask questions first, where to wait and where to take the bus. Food sellers are still very small, even out of the terminal, no one has sold food. please multiply the public transportation direction there
Badon on Google

crazyametung on Google

It has been operating since a few month ago after inaugurated by the Major of Depok City. It will be the main terminal of Depok. I hope that it won't create heavy traffic in this area. I hope also they will preserve the already partly occupied the historical pine forrest and the small lake behind the terminal.

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