Taman Tongkrongan Kantil - Yogyakarta City

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Taman Tongkrongan Kantil

Address :

Baciro, Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55225, Indonesia

Postal code : 55225
Categories :

Baciro, Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55225, Indonesia
Servasius “Servas” Wue on Google

Sejuk dan nyaman untuk tempat bermain anak-anak..
Cool and comfortable place for children to play ..
Henry Rooney on Google

Taman tongkrongan dulu kliatan angker skg bersih banyak tanamannya.. ?
Park Tongkrongan used to look a lot haunting skg clean plants .. ?
Bilva Yuka on Google

Tempatnya nyaman dan sangat asri cocok untuk nyore bersama anak2
The place is comfortable and very beautiful suitable for singing with children
maraditia dwi on Google

Lumayan teduh buat ngobrol2 atau menikmati sore hari.. cuman kotor tmpat duduknya
It's pretty quiet to chat or enjoy the afternoon ... just get dirty and sit down
elidona ruslie on Google

Tempatnya nyaman..pembersihan taman berjalan rutin..rapi dan bersih..itu kesan pertama di rasakan sewaktu berada di taman ini.. Ada petunjuk untuk tidak belajar mobil atau motor di daerah jalan2 di sekitar taman..sehingga tidak berbahaya bagi orang2 yg ingin jalan pagi atau olah raga.. Ini juga rute becak yg membawa turis2 melewati daerah sekitar taman dan perumahan.. buat rasa bangga karena bisa menyajikan perumahan yg rapi dan taman yg bersih..wl byk pohon..tp tdk byk sampah daun dan sampah..Terimakasih untuk kerja keras pembersih taman..Pak Yusuf dan temannya ..yg sempat kami sapa sewaktu sdg pembersihan taman.. Juga terimakasih untuk masyarakat di sekitar perumahan yg menjaga kelestarian lingkungan..
The place is comfortable..the park cleaning runs regularly..it is neat and clean..that's the first impression you feel when you are in this park .. There are instructions not to study cars or motorbikes in the streets around the park ... so it is not dangerous for people who want to take a morning walk or exercise .. This is also a pedicab route that takes tourists through the area around the park and housing .. make a sense of pride because it can provide a neat housing and a clean garden..wl lots of trees .. but not lots of leaf litter and trash .. Thank you for the hard work of cleaning the park ... Mr. Yusuf and his friends ... we were able to greet when we were cleaning the garden ... Also thank you for the people around the housing who protect the environment ..
Cintantya A. on Google

tempatnya enak, adem, terletak di perumahan yg tenang meskipun di tengah kota. cocok buat anak2, remaja, dewasa, hingga lansia yg hanya ingin sekedar duduk2. disini terdapat lapangan rumput yg biasa dipake anak2 main bola, ada lapangan tenis yg biasa dipake buat senam hari minggu juga, ada ayunan, taman, dll.
the place is nice, cool, located in a quiet housing area even in the middle of the city. suitable for children, teenagers, adults, to the elderly who just want to sit down. here there is a lawn that is usually used by children playing football, there are tennis courts that are used for Sunday gymnastics as well, there are swings, parks, etc.
ferry panendra on Google

Nice place to hangout
Steven Edgar on Google

Best place to sit and picnic...

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