Taman Sumberan - Sleman Regency

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Taman Sumberan

Address :

Jalan Sumberan 2 No.rt 01 RT.rw 21/RW.ni 19 Jl. Raya Wonorejo, Wonorejo, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55581, Indonesia

Postal code : 55581
Categories :

Jalan Sumberan 2 No.rt 01 RT.rw 21/RW.ni 19 Jl. Raya Wonorejo, Wonorejo, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55581, Indonesia
Abdi Marang Gusti Al Haq on Google

Terima kasih kepada yg membuat dan menjaga. Semoga semakin banyak Taman seperti ini di jogja
Thanks to those who made and took care of it. Hopefully there will be more parks like this in Jogja
Sir Alex on Google

Nah ini taman yg lengkap ada mainan ada joglo2nya kalo bisa lapangan bola disebelah selatan taman di bersihkan mungkin bisa diadakan pertandingan sepakbola anak2
Now, this is a complete park, there are toys, there are joglos. If possible, the soccer field in the south of the park can be cleaned, maybe there will be a children's soccer match.
Suyatini Tini on Google

Gak sengaja goes pagi2 berolah raga menelusuri jalan dan gang sempit di pedesaan eee ketemu taman yg manis dan cukup indah menurutku.
Accidentally going early in the morning to exercise along narrow roads and alleys in the countryside, I found a sweet and quite beautiful garden in my opinion.
Rara Mirah Nurtasyah on Google

Lumayan banget bisa buat anak2 melepas penak dirumah aja..
It's really good to be able to make children take off their pens at home..
Lia Destiarti on Google

Ada gazebo, permainan anak (ayunan dll), lintasan taman bersepeda/jalan santai
There is a gazebo, children's games (swings, etc.), a cycling park/walking track
Mas Goen on Google

Ruang terbuka hijau untuk publik sekaligus taman bermain ini patut diapresiasi, karena berada di tanah kas desa/padukuhan. Semoga menginspirasi desa/padukuhan lain, sehingga tanah kas tidak hanya untuk disewakan/komersil. Beberapa kali ke sini dengan keluarga, saya lihat masih ada saja bungkus makanan/minuman anak2 yang dibuang sembarangan oleh pengunjung. Mohon para orangtua agar lebih membimbing anak2nya supaya lebih sadar kebersihan, atau malah orang dewasa yang buang sampah sembarangan? Malu dong...
This green open space for the public as well as the playground should be appreciated, because it is located on the village treasury land / padukuhan. Hopefully inspire other villages / padukuhan, so that cash land is not only for rent / commercial. Several times here with family, I see there are still packs of food / drinks children who are thrown away randomly by visitors. Ask parents to better guide their children to be more aware of cleanliness, or even adults who litter? Embarrassed ...
Isti Kaka on Google

Taman yang lumayan Indah dan terawat. Ada beberapa alat bermain juga untuk anak-anak. Bisa untuk olahraga sederhana dan Istirahat. Karena disini terdapat beberapa gazebo. Overall good buat taman rumahan kek gini.
A pretty beautiful and well-maintained garden. There are some play equipment for children too. Can be used for simple exercise and rest. Because there are several gazebos here. Overall good for a home garden like this.
dani eltanto on Google

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