Taman Ki Ageng Giring - Kabupaten Gunung Kidul

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Contact Taman Ki Ageng Giring

Address :

Kendal, Giring, Kec. Paliyan, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55871, Indonesia

Postal code : 55871
Categories :

Kendal, Giring, Kec. Paliyan, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55871, Indonesia
Nury Wijayanti on Google

Terletak di desa giring kecamatan paliyan kabupaten Gunungkidul Yogyakarta tepatnya di pertigaan giring.di dekat petilasan kali gowang.
Located in Giring Village, Paliyan District, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta, precisely at the Giring T-junction, near the Gowang River Petlasan.
Setya Sarosa on Google

Baru kali ini baca narasi resmi tentang penafsiran adanya yoni bercerat tiga... ??
This is the first time I read the official narrative about the interpretation of the existence of a three-spoke yoni ... ??
yulia putra on Google

Taman Ki Ageng Giring adalah taman yang berada di Giring ,Sodo. Kadang banyak para peziarah yang datang kesini.
Ki Ageng Giring Park is a park located in Giring, Sodo. Sometimes many pilgrims come here.
Edi Wibowo on Google

Nyaman buat santai n momong anak2...
Comfortable for relaxing and having children...

Siapa sih yang g kenal sama ki ageng giring dari sodo gunung kidul ??? Ngomongin soal ki ageng giring, tentunya tidak lepas dari ki ageng pemanahan berikut kelapa ajaib yang didapat dan sejarah kali gowang. Beberapa ratus meter dari taman ini terdapat makam ki ageng giring lll yang sejatinya adalam makom dari sang tokoh legendaris ini. Terdapat juga sebuah balai dibelakang taman ini.
Who doesn't know Ki Ageng Giring from Sodo Gunung Kidul??? Talking about ki ageng giring, of course, it can't be separated from ki ageng archery along with the magic coconut he got and the history of gowang times. A few hundred meters from this park there is the tomb of Ki Ageng Giring III, which is actually the makom of this legendary figure. There is also a hall behind this park.
j wolf on Google

Taman Ki Ageng Giring terletak di pertigaan Balai Desa Giring, tempat untuk bersantai-santai atau sekedar nongkrong. Di Taman Ki Ageng Giring ini terdapat sebuat patung besar tokoh yang sangat dihormati yaitu Ki Ageng Giring. Ki Ageng Giring sendiri merupakan tokoh yang berjasa bagi daerah sekitar.
Ki Ageng Giring Park is located at the T-junction of the Giring Village Hall, a place to relax or just hang out. In Ki Ageng Giring Park there is a large statue of a highly respected figure, Ki Ageng Giring. Ki Ageng Giring himself is a figure who contributed to the surrounding area.
Dheyna Hasiholan on Google

Andi Setyawan on Google

Good job...

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