Taman Kembang Kerep - West Jakarta City

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Taman Kembang Kerep

Address :

Jl. Kembang Kerep, RT.4/RW.2, North Meruya, Kembangan, West Jakarta City, Jakarta 11620, Indonesia

Postal code : 11620
Categories :

Jl. Kembang Kerep, RT.4/RW.2, North Meruya, Kembangan, West Jakarta City, Jakarta 11620, Indonesia
Fahrir MFR on Google

Saya bersama keluarga ke sana sudah 2 kali. Jika kalian ingin suasana sepi di weekend, bisa berkunjung di pagi hari menjelang siang. Sabtu juga oke. suasananya adem
My family and I have been there twice. If you want a quiet atmosphere on the weekend, you can visit in the morning before noon. Saturday is okay too. the atmosphere is cool
sarji_cugok channel on Google

tempat yg cocok untuk nyore sama si buah hati
a suitable place for nyore with the baby
Arif Rizqi on Google

Secara umum lumayan nyaman untuk bawa keluarga,lokasinya mudah terjangkau, cuma untuk menyebrang harus ekstra hati-hati karena zebra cross nya pas ditikungan dan arus kendaraan lumayan banyak dan cepat
In general, it's quite comfortable to bring the family, the location is easy to reach, just to cross you have to be extra careful because the zebra cross fits right around the corner and the flow of vehicles is quite large and fast
Kaswary on Google

Raferensi baru. Taman dengan konsep outbond dengan fasilitas dan pepohonan yang varistif. Landscape yang ditata sedemikian rupa membuat pengunjung nyaman. Lingkungan yang bersih menambah asri taman ini, namun perlu perhatian lebih untuk beberapa fasilitas seperti jembatan dan rumah pohon karena ada beberapa bagian yang sudah rapuh
New reference. A park with an outbound concept with varied facilities and trees. Landscape arranged in such a way to make visitors comfortable. A clean environment adds to the beauty of this park, but more attention is needed for some facilities such as bridges and tree houses because some parts are already fragile
Istiana Shalihati on Google

Tamannya edukatif, rimbun, dan sangat apik sekali. Namun, sayangnya saya tidak menemukan tempat parkir kendaraan, roda dua dan roda empat. Ada tempat parkir, namun di pinggir tol. Lalu akses menuju tangga turun ke taman dari parkir sangat jauh. Barangkali bisa jadi evaluasi ?
The garden is educational, lush, and very neat. However, unfortunately I did not find a parking space for two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles. There is parking, but on the edge of the highway. Then access to the stairs down to the park from the parking lot is very far. Maybe it can be an evaluation ?
Iwan Noerfazrie on Google

Tempat yg cocok kumpul bersama keluarga sekaligus mencari suasana yg sejuk dan udara yg fresh.
A suitable place to gather with family while looking for a cool atmosphere and fresh air.
Dini Sarah Mulyanti on Google

Tempatnya asri sejuk dan rumah pohonnya, tetapi perawatan tempat masih kurang, ada rumah pohon nya kayu nya udh bolong2. Jadi mesti hati2 pas naiknya
The place is beautiful, cool and has a tree house, but the maintenance of the place is still lacking, there is a tree house whose wood has holes in it. So you have to be careful when you go up
Ahmad Mamun12 on Google

Rain garden

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