Taman Inspirasi - Kota Semarang

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Taman Inspirasi

Address :

Tembalang, Kec. Tembalang, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50275, Indonesia

Postal code : 50275
Website : http://undip.ac.id/
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Tembalang, Kec. Tembalang, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50275, Indonesia
Benny Pudjiastanto on Google

Kalau dibandingkan dengan taman yang terdahulu, taman yang sekarang jelas lebih menarik, terutama pada bagian amphitheatre nya yang menghadap ke Widya Puraya. Karena waktu berkunjung ke taman ini sudah sore, jadi tidak merasakan bagaimana suasana taman ini di siang hari, mengingat kawasan Tembalang semakin panas dewasa ini. Yang jelas taman ini butuh pohon peneduh. Di lantai taman ada detail motif dedaunan, namun sayang sekali pengerjaan cor nya compang camping, warna semennya berbeda-beda, sambungan antara satu segmen cor dengan segmen lainnya tidak rapi. Akan lebih bagus kalau hal-hal detail seperti ini bisa diperbaiki lagi.
When compared to the previous park, the current park is clearly more attractive, especially in the amphitheater that faces Widya Puraya. Because when I visited the park it was already late in the afternoon, so I didn't feel the atmosphere of the park during the day, considering the Tembalang area was getting hotter today. What is clear is that this park needs shade trees. On the garden floor there are detailed motifs of leaves, but unfortunately the cast work is tattered, the color of the cement is different, the connection between one cast segment and another is not neat. It would be better if things like this could be fixed again.
Muhammad Dzaky on Google

fasilitas baru yang sangat bermanfaat buat kita para mahasiswa undip, bisa buat titik kumpul kalo ada kegiatan, bisa jadi tempat foto seangkatan/se organisasi, bisa buat bikin konten yg bagus, atau hanya sekedar duduk bersantai di sore hari, oke bangett, top!
New facilities that are very useful for us Undip students, can make a gathering point if there is an activity, it can be a place for photos for a class / organization, can make good content, or just sit back and relax in the afternoon, really good, top!
Yugo Bimawan on Google

Taman inspirasi, duduk dan menikmati pemandangan sekitar taman ini, akan membuat anda menjadi banyak inspirasi. Lakukan tiap hari disini,sambil olahraga atau sekedar menikmati lingkungan sekitar taman inspirasi, dijamin pikiran dan tubuh kita jadi relaks dan tenang ,penuh inspirasi (Taman Inspirasi UNIDIP Semarang).
Inspirational garden, sitting and enjoying the scenery around this park, will make you a lot of inspiration. Do it every day here, while exercising or just enjoying the environment around the inspirational park, guaranteed that our minds and bodies will be relaxed and calm, full of inspiration (Taman Inspirasi UNIDIP Semarang).
Sang Surya on Google

Taman yang santai untuk nongkrong, kerjain tugas. Berhadapan dengan bangunan iconik Universitas Diponegoro, sehingga membuat taman ini memiliki ke Khasan yang tidak dimiliki taman taman lain di Universitas Diponegoro.
A relaxing park to hang out with, do chores. Faced with the iconic building of the University of Diponegoro, so that makes this park has a characteristic that is not owned by other parks at Diponegoro University.
Tomi Setiaji on Google

ahmadlukmanp on Google

Eko Purnomo on Google

Beautiful and esthetic place
J.C Ferrara on Google

good place to chill, especially around 4-5 pm.

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