4.5/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Bojong Pondok Terong, Cipayung, Depok City, West Java 16436, Indonesia

Postal code : 16436
Opening hours :
Monday 9AM–3PM
Tuesday 9AM–3PM
Wednesday 9AM–3PM
Thursday 9AM–3PM
Friday 9AM–3PM
Saturday 9AM–3PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Bojong Pondok Terong, Cipayung, Depok City, West Java 16436, Indonesia
Eko Nugroho on Google

Tempatnya mudah dicari didaerah pondok terong depok
The place is easy to find in the Depok eggplant cottage area
Andres Silvas Guero on Google

Sayang sekali fasilitas yg ada gk terawat. Banyak nya gubdukan sampah membuat lingkungan Kampus menjadi tidak nyaman. Saya rasakan sendiri ketika saya menunggu diparkiran kampus tsb.
Too bad the facilities are not maintained. Many rubbish dumps make the campus environment uncomfortable. I felt it myself as I waited for the campus parking lot.
Candra Arum Chasana on Google

Tempat kuliaj ke guruan yang memiliki Dosen2 hebat. Yang memberikan ilmu luar biasa.
A place to study at a teacher who has great lecturers. Which provides extraordinary knowledge.
Sakura alifia on Google

Kalau tidak terpaksa lebih baik jangan kuliah di sini. - Tidak ada gedung khusus untuk mahasiswa stkip. Kelasnya bercampur dengan sekolah SMAnya, sehingga saat proses belajar berisik sekali. Belum lagi kalau mereka sedang latihan ekskul, suaranya sangat mengganggu. - Fasilitas tidak memadai: *Toilet dan mushola yang sangat buruk. *Kursi kelas banyak yang rusak. *Kelas yang tidak pernah dibersihkan sebelum dipakai. Emangnya tidak ada petugas kebersihan ya? Setiap datang ke kelas selalu dalam keadaan kotor, banyak sampah dan berdebu. Yang membuat suasana belajar tidak nyaman. *Tidak ada spidol dan penghapus whiteboard yang disediakan pihak kampus. *Koleksi buku perpustakaan sangat sedikit dan ruang perpus yang sangat sangat sempit dan tidak nyaman. - Ada oknum yang terkesan memaksa untuk membeli buku. Padahal di era sekarang, pengetahuan dapat diperoleh darimana saja. Jurnal, buku pinjaman, buku perpustakaan dan sebagainya. - Bagian administrasi yang masih berantakan. * Tidak adanya jadwal akademik: mahasiswa tidak tahu kapan perkuliahan dimulai, tidak tahu kapan ujian, libur, dsb jika tidak aktif bertanya sendiri. * Tidak ada web khusus yang dibuat agar mahasiswa dapat mengakses segala jadwal dan nilainya melalui web. * Tidak ada sarana agar mahasiswa dapat memberikan feedback kepada dosen. Padahal ini penting. Di kampus lain pun ada. Di mana tidak hanya dosen yang menilai mahasiswa, tapi mahasiswa pun dapat menilai kinerja dosen. Karena mahasiswa ingin diajar oleh dosen yang benar-benar profesional.
If you don't have to, it's better not to go to college here. - There is no special building for stkip students. The class is mixed with high school, so when the learning process is very noisy. Not to mention if they are practicing extracurricular activities, the sound is very disturbing. - Inadequate facilities: * Toilets and prayer rooms are very bad. * Many class chairs are broken. * Classes that have never been cleaned before use. Don't you have a janitor? Every time you come to class you are always dirty, lots of trash and dusty. Which makes the learning atmosphere uncomfortable. * There are no markers and whiteboard erasers provided by the campus. * Collection of library books is very small and library space is very very narrow and uncomfortable. - There are people who seem forced to buy books. Even though in this era, knowledge can be obtained from anywhere. Journals, loan books, library books and so on. - The administrative division is still a mess. * Absence of academic schedules: students don't know when classes start, don't know when exams, holidays, etc. if they don't ask themselves. * There is no special website that is made so that students can access all schedules and grades via the web. * There is no means for students to give feedback to lecturers. Though this is important. There are also on other campuses. Where not only lecturers judge students, but students can also assess the performance of lecturers. Because students want to be taught by lecturers who are truly professional.
Sandria Sandra on Google

- Di awal bayarannya terlihatnya murah, tapi ke sana-sananya banyak bayar ini itu. Jadi baiknya tanya yang lebih jelas detail yang perlu dibayar sampai lulus. - Kampus belum terakreditasi, baru program studi saja yang sudah terakreditasi. - Kartu tanda mahasiswa tidak pernah diberikan kepada mahasiswa, meskipun di awal masuk sudah diminta bayar. - Fasilitas kelas, toilet dan mushola begitu buruk, tidak pernah dibersihkan terutama kelas. Padahal penting sekali faktor kebersihan ini untuk menjaga kenyamanan saat belajar. Mushola sempit dan kotor, toilet pun begitu. Baiknya ada gedung khusus sendiri bagi stkip, tidak digabungkan dengan SMP/SMA. - Dosennya masih kurang reliabel/berkompetensi, dalam arti seringkali kurang menguasai materi yang diampuhnya. Materi kuliahnya apa, yang diajarkan apa. Padahal ini penting sekali untuk menghasilkan lulusan calon guru yang nantinya akan menjadi pendidik masa depan bangsa. Baiknya dalam pemilihan dosen, tidak hanya dengan memperhatikan gelarnya tinggi tetapi juga kemampuan, terutama kemampuan dalam materi kuliah yang diampuh dan bahasa inggris.
- At first, the pay seems cheap, but there are a lot of payments going there. So it's better to ask more clearly the details that need to be paid until graduation. - The campus has not been accredited, only study programs have been accredited. - Student identification cards are never given to students, even though they have been asked to pay at the beginning. - Class facilities, toilets and prayer rooms are so bad, they have never been cleaned, especially the classrooms. Though this hygiene factor is very important to maintain comfort while studying. The prayer room is narrow and dirty, the toilet is the same. It would be better if there is a special building for staff, not combined with SMP / SMA. - Lecturers are still less reliable / competent, meaning that they often do not master the material they teach. What lecture material, what is taught. Even though this is very important to produce graduate teacher candidates who will later become educators of the nation's future. The good thing is in choosing lecturers, not only by paying attention to their high degree but also of ability, especially the ability in taught course material and English.
indy Ledy on Google

Cukup baik. Kalau bisa di perluas lagi kebun kosong yg di depan gedung samping rel kereta api sebaiknya dibeli saja untuk lahan parkir jd lahan parkir dan lapangan yg skrng dipergunakan untuk penambahan gedung
Pretty good. If it is possible to expand the empty garden in front of the building next to the railroad tracks, it is best to buy it for a parking area as a parking area and a field that is now being used for building additions.
Ayu Permatasari on Google

Kecewa beberapa hal: - Nilai yang ditunjukkan dosen tidak sama dengan yang diinput pada transkrip nilai. Ini bagian penginputnya bagaimana ya? Asal input aja biar cepat selesai? Hal ini bukan hanya terjadi pada saya saja tapi teman-teman saya. - Ijazah tidak dibagikan sama rata waktunya. Ada yang cepat didahulukan, ada yang lama. Padahal sama-sama membutuhkan, it's not fair. Tolonglah diperbaiki lagi semua kinerjanya, terutama bagian penginput nilai. Jangan kelabakan pas udah mau bagiin ijazah. Setiap semester harusnya bisa dicicil. Dosen juga harus pantau nilai yang diberikan sama yang diinput sama atau ngga. Kasian dengan yang sungguh rajin belajar, akan kalah dengan keberuntungan di tangan penginput nilai.
Disappointed a few things: - The value shown by the lecturer is not the same as that entered in the transcript. How about the input part? Just input so it's finished quickly? This not only happened to me but my friends. - Diplomas are not distributed equally. Some are quick to take precedence, some are old. Even though they both need it, it's not fair. Please improve all the performance again, especially the value input part. Don't be surprised when you want to give out your diploma. Each semester should be paid in installments. Lecturers also have to monitor the value given is the same as input or not. Pity for those who really study hard, will lose with luck in the hands of value inputs.
lukman nurhakim on Google


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