State Junior High School 2 Sempor - Kebumen Regency

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact State Junior High School 2 Sempor

Address :

Karangsambung, Kenteng, Sempor, Kebumen Regency, Central Java 54421, Indonesia

Postal code : 54421
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 7AM–2PM
Tuesday 7AM–2PM
Wednesday 7AM–2PM
Thursday 7AM–2PM
Friday 7–11AM
Saturday 7AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Karangsambung, Kenteng, Sempor, Kebumen Regency, Central Java 54421, Indonesia
Danang Syahrul on Google

Sekolah yang cukup bagus, banyak anak yang berprestasi sekolah di sini, fasilitas yang ada cukup lengkap, cara guru mengajar juga patut di acungi jempol.
The school is quite good, there are many children who excel at school here, the facilities are quite complete, the way teachers teach also deserves thumbs up.
Anto Harya on Google

Samping sekolah rumah mbah (Rumah Mbah Partamin)...skrang dikontrakin buat praktek bidan.....masa2 kecil dikampung...
Next to the school house of Mbah (Rumah Mbah Partamin) ... now it is contracted for the practice of midwives ..... childhood childhood is accommodated ...
Sri Warsono on Google

Untuk meningkatkan pendidikan terutama Sekolah Menengah Pertama di kecamatan Sempor, maka untuk wilayah utara tepatnya di Ds Kenteng berdirilah sekolah menengah negeri 2 Sempor untuk menampung anak didik atau pelajar dari Somagede, Kenteng Semali juga Kedung bulus.. Sekolah ini belum lama berdiri tapi murid2nya telah banyak yang nimba ilmunya disini disamping daerahnya asri karena masih kawasan hutan yang dikelola Perhutani Utara.. udara masih segar belum terkena polusi asap kendaraan, juga untuk kegiatan belajar sangat mendukung serta nyaman tenang sekali disamping tidak bising udara yang sehat dapat membawa konsentrasi belajar tersendiri.. dengan demikian kuwalitas pendidikan tidak jauh terpaut dengan SMP yang dikota..
To improve education, especially junior high schools in Sempor sub-district, in the northern region precisely in Deng Kenteng, a 2 Sempor public high school was established to accommodate students or students from Somagede, Kenteng Semali and Kedung Bulus. This school has not been established for a long time but there are many students who have knowledge here besides the beautiful area because it is still a forest area that is managed by North Perhutani .. the air is still fresh and not yet exposed to vehicle smoke pollution, also for learning activities it is very supportive and comfortable very quiet besides the noiseless air healthy can bring its own concentration of learning .. thus the quality of education is not far adrift with junior high school in the city ..
Rofiq Syuhada (Rofiq Syuhada) on Google

Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri Sempor merupakan salah satu sekolah tingkat menengah yang berada di wilayah kecamatan Smepor. Meski lokasinya jauh dari jalan raya utama namun sekolah ini terbilang cukup menonjol dari segi prestasi dan jumlah siswanya lho.
Sempor State Junior High School is one of the middle schools located in the Smepor sub-district. Although the location is far from the main road, this school is quite prominent in terms of achievement and number of students.
Puspa Indah on Google

Jalan menuju smp negeri 2 sempor sudah bagus, dapat dilalui dgn kendaraan roda 2 dan roda 4. Dari pusat kota gombong ke utara memakan waktu kira2 30 menit. Dapat juga diakses dgn angkot menuju kenteng, angkotnya warna merah.
The road to SMP Negeri 2 Sempor is good, it can be traversed by 2-wheeled and 4-wheeled vehicles. From Gombong city center to the north it takes about 30 minutes. It can also be accessed by angkot that goes to Kenteng, the angkot is red.
ASM Engine TU on Google

Alumni 2009
Gilang Faturrozy on Google

a Public Junior High School in Suburban Area with a Great Teachers and Student .
Gilang Faturrozy on Google

The school is actually great, also have nice competent teachers like ms. Prastika, ms. Agus, Mr. Supri and many more (idk if they all still teach there). But they have some unnecessary things happening in the school too (like mandatory head scarf for female student, ps. I know a lot of my friends who took off the scarf literally outside the gate). Public transport is not reliable, there's only angkot and it kinda expensive compared to riding your own bike, that's the reason we ride at a very early stage of life hahaha. The canteen is soooooo cheap, I was shocked when I was transfered here, but the food surprisingly good. The toilet, mehh. The class room is ok (maybe they can replace those old wooden table and chair). Oh I forgot, the library is my favorite, twas modest, but the librarian is the best, it was ms. Susi back then. The lapangans are huge compared to Jakartan standard. There was no shop in school back then, but you can get everything you need from the shop right across the school. I learned so many things when I study here, it's like a love-hate relationship, but it is what it is. I never had any real close friends here, but it's still amazing. I wish I can go back in time, I still remember my first time standing in the school yard during monday flag raising ceremony, my first time eating at the canteen, my first time writing with chalk, learn javanese alphabet, learn how to speak javanese, being bullied by the so called "jagoans" (they're nothing tho, I've been worse than them). I love every good and bad things happened to me here. Oh good old memories. Last, I wish the school will be better in the future, and hope my adiks can excel in life. Thank you bapak ibu guru. Makasih SMP N 2 Sempor. Here some good old blurry photos taken on 2011-2013 (back then bringing phone to school is against the rules, I have to risk my self just to take this pictures) it was all taken inside the school premises.

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