State Elementary School Singasari 03 - Bogor Regency

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact State Elementary School Singasari 03

Address :

Singasari, Jonggol, Bogor Regency, West Java 16830, Indonesia

Postal code : 16830
Categories :

Singasari, Jonggol, Bogor Regency, West Java 16830, Indonesia
Anita Sutanty on Google

Jalannya sudah beton, bagus.
The road is concrete, good.
Blo Canel on Google

Begitu indah pemandangan persawahan d ciukuy
So beautiful views of rice fields in Ciukuy
Basuki Rahmat on Google

Tempat yg cukup nyaman untuk belajar anak2, Jauh dari kesibukan jalan raya, semakin lama semakin rapi.
A comfortable place to study for children, Far from the bustle of the highway, the more neat the longer.
andri dwi andayana on Google

Alhamdulillah...... sekolah nya makin bagus dan ruang kelas nya banyak. sekolah nya pagi terus jadi lebih bersemangat..
WL...... The school is getting better and there are lots of classrooms. the school in the morning keeps getting more excited..
ida walia kasim on Google

Sekolah ini adalah skolah yg membesarkan saya.. dulu saya sekolah disini dan sekarang saya mnjadi salah satu guru di sini. Saya sangat senang menjadi bagian dari sdn singasari 03.. I love this place... semangat trus!!!!!??????
This school is a school that raised me ... I used to study here and now I am one of the teachers here. I am very happy to be a part of SDN Singasari 03 .. I love this place ... spirit then !!!!! ??????
Alishia Qanita Hakiki on Google

Saya sekolah disini. Masih kelas 6. Belum lulus. Sekolahnya semakin lama semakin Bagus. Inilah keseruan kami sebagai anak kelas 6A yg salah seragam ??? karena salah info soal seragam. Saya seneng banget liatin foto yg muka jelek ?? soalnya pada lucu². Ngakak! I❤U My Class! You are the best! Klo pada mau tau kelas 6A dimana, kelasnya itu tuh di atas yg paling ujung. Terus, di pintunya ada tulisan kaligrafi "Assalamu'alaikum". Dan di dalam kelasnya ada poster penyelamatan hewan, bulan² Hijriyah, kaligrafi Asmaul Husna, & mungkin entar bakal dipajang lg gambar rumah adat dari seluruh Indonesia! Dan ada pot bunga di meja gurunya.....
I go to school here. Still in grade 6. Not yet graduated. The school is getting better and better. This is our excitement as children in grade 6A who have the wrong uniform ??? because we have the wrong info about the uniform. I am really happy to see pictures that have ugly faces ?? because they are funny. LOL! I❤U My Class! You are the best! If you want to know where Class 6A is, the class is above the very end. Then, on the door there is the calligraphy "Assalamu'alaikum". And in his class there are posters of animal rescue, Hijriyah months, Asmaul Husna's calligraphy, and maybe later they will be displayed with pictures of traditional houses from all over Indonesia! And there is a flower pot on the teacher's table ...
Azalea Azzahra on Google

Dulu saya pas dari Kelas 1 sampai ke Kelas 5 masih sekolah disitu, Saya cukup senang sekolah di sini cuman Tolong Murid-murid yang lain harus Lebih Teliti lagi karna ada beberapa Siswa/Siswi yang selalu Berkata Kasar maupun Toxic, Saya agak Tersiksa sama Teman-teman lama saya karna Sering sekali berkata Kasar, Membully, Memamerkan, Berbohong.. Jadi saya dipindahkan ke Citra Berkat agar tidak Mempelajari kata-kata dari Teman saya, Di Ciukuy saya emang sangat Senang tapi Karna ada Kebalikan dari Murid yang sangat sering Membully Sahabat lama Saya, Saya sangat tidak betah sekolah disitu.. Jadi seharusnya Di perhatikan lagi untuk Kata-kata dari Murid-muridnya.. Saya yang masih ingat dengat Guru lama saya Yaitu Pak Ucuk/Ucup, Guru Terbaik yang sering mengajari kami di Kelas 3 atau 4 seharusnya masih bekerja sebagai Guru disana, Karna dia layak Mendapatkan yang terbaik, Berkat Guru lama saya, Saya jadi bisa Mempelajari materi dengan Mudah dan Dia tidak pernah memperbolehkan Murid-muridnya berkata Kasar.. Salam dari Azalea M.A (Ara)
I used to go from Grade 1 to Grade 5, I was still studying there, I was quite happy to study here, just Help Other students have to be more careful because there are some students who always say rude or toxic words, I am a bit tormented by friends My old friend because I often say rude, bully, show off, lie.. So I was transferred to Citra Berkat so I don't learn words from my friends, In Ciukuy I was really happy but because there was the opposite of students who bullied my old friends very often, I really didn't like going to school there.. So I should pay attention again to The words of his students.. I still remember my old teacher, Mr. Ucuk/Ucup, the best teacher who often taught us in grades 3 or 4 should still be working as a teacher there, because he deserves the best, thanks to my old teacher, I was able to learn the material easily. It's easy and he never allows his students to say rude.. Greetings from Azalea M.A (Ara)
Alisanjaya As on Google

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