Specialist Dental Clinic Dr. Lukas - Kota Jkt Utara

4.6/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Specialist Dental Clinic Dr. Lukas

Address :

Kelapa Gading Square Rukan French Wallk No. F1, Raya, Jl. Boulevard Bar. Raya, RT.18/RW.8, Klp. Gading Bar., Kec. Klp. Gading, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14240, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +87
Postal code : 14240
Website : http://www.klinikgigispesialisdrlukas.com/
Categories :

Kelapa Gading Square Rukan French Wallk No. F1, Raya, Jl. Boulevard Bar. Raya, RT.18/RW.8, Klp. Gading Bar., Kec. Klp. Gading, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14240, Indonesia
mama nisa on Google

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Pertama anak saya dgn dokter agnia tapi sudah tidak ada lalu dirawat dengan dokter agnes. overall bagus dan suka sekali. Dari yg gigi habis sampai dibuatkan gigi "palsu" jadi anak saya tidak malu krn ada gigi baru. Sudah bbrp kali ke dokter gigi anak. Disini paling cocok Lalu ayah, ibu dan saya sendiri periksa disini dan oke. Ayah saya di klinik lain gagal tambalannya. Disini berhasil. Down review from 5 to 2 Update : mba di depan yang namanya oki, mesti di training ulang. Ga sopan banget klo ngomong. Fix cari tempat lain sih atau ga cari dokternya praktek dimana. Saran ketemu dokter yg pas tanya praktek dimana aja. Ga perlu ke satu klinik
First my child with the doctor agnia but it was gone and was treated with doctor Agnes. good overall and like it. From those teeth that were used up to making "fake" teeth so my child was not ashamed because there were new teeth. It has been several times to the child's dentist. Here is the most suitable Then my father, mother and myself check here and okay. My father at another clinic failed the patch. Here it works. Down review from 5 to 2 Update: the mba in front whose name is ok, must be retrained. It's not really polite if you talk. Fix find another place or don't find a doctor where to practice. Suggestion is to see a doctor who is right asking for any practice. No need to go to a clinic
satria wisnu on Google

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saya sudah hampir 8 tahun berobat di klinik gigi dr.lukas, begitu juga keluarga, saudara maupun kolega , saya rekomendasikan ke klinik gigi dr.lukas. thank you buat dokter Davina yang sudah merawat gigi ibu saya dengan sabar. untuk pelayanan karyawan sangat membantu sekali khususnya perihal membantu ibu saya yang sudah susah berjalan dan mereka membantu dan memapah ibu saya ke ruangan tindakan. dokter dan karyawan sangat friendly sekali, terutama manager klinik , very good personality . HIGHLY RECOMMENDED...
I have been in the dental clinic of Dr. Lukas for almost 8 years, as well as my family, relatives and colleagues, I recommend to Dr. Lukas dental clinic. thank you for doctor Davina who has cared for my mother's teeth patiently. for employee service it was very helpful especially regarding helping my mother who was having difficulty walking and they helped and helped my mother into the action room. doctors and employees are very friendly, especially the clinic manager, very good personality. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ...
IRWAN jr on Google

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nice place , nice employees and nice dentist. over all ok dan recommmended ,Receptionis sangat membantu menjelaskan dengan detail bagaimana proses sebuah implant sebelum ketemu dengan dokternya. dan memberi saya ketenangan bahwa proses implant tidak seperti orang-orang fikir dan menakutkan. dan dokter nya dr.Lukas sangat humble dan friendly sehingga pada saat melakukan tindakan membantu diri saya untuk berani. saya datang ke klinik ini hasil rekomndasi teman saya yang sudah melakukan implant berkali-kali di klinik ini oleh dr.lukas. dan saya membutikan nya semua terbukti benar. sekarang saya bisa makan enak lagi dan tidak ompong. kesimpulan saya, anda mau implant gigi?datang ke dr.lukas dan Highly Recommended untuk semua nya. tq
nice place, nice employees and nice dentist. over all ok and recommmended, Receptionis was very helpful in explaining in detail how to process an implant before meeting her doctor. and gave me the peace that the implant process was not like thinking and frightening people. and the doctor Dr. Lukas is very humble and friendly so when taking action to help myself to be brave. I came to this clinic as a result of the recommendation of my friend who had implanted many times in this clinic by Dr. Lukas. and I needed it all to prove true. now I can eat delicious again and not toothless. my conclusion, you want dental implants? come to dr. lukas and highly recommended for all of them. tq
Stevens Tanuwidjaja on Google

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Saya setuju dgn review pasien lain disini. Hari ini sy ketemu dokter ortho untuk konsultasi setelah selesai dokter menginstruksikan suster untuk membawa hasil rontgen ke resepsionis di lantai bawah. Suster turun membawa foto rontgen yang sudah di masukkan ke dalam map, belum sampai turun ke bawah lalu tangannya dari ketinggian menyodorkan hasil rontgen ke staff resepsionis lalu dilempar foto rontgennya dan jatuh ke lantai. Foto rontgen saya diperlakukan seperti melempar kain lap. Saya heran kenapa kualitas pekerja seperti itu bisa direkrut di klinik spesialis. Apakah pekerja tidak memiliki pengalaman dalam bekerja di klinik spesialis ataukah mungkin ia mengikuti prosedur kerja klinik? Tentu hal ini perlu diklarififikasi oleh mereka. Jika ada perkembangan, maka saya akan melakukan edit review ini sesuai dengan perbaikan tersebut dr pihak mereka. UPDATE: Tanggal 9 July manajer telah bertemu saya dan mengungkapkan bahwa mereka tidak berkenan terhadap kelakuan suster yang melempar foto X-Ray. Mereka akan menindak lanjuti hal tersebut. Saya menghargai respon dari Bapak Manajer. Terima kasih. English: I kind of agree with other reviewer here. After meeting an orthodontist today, they instructed a nurse to brought my x-ray photos to the receptionist desk. She walked down the stairs, before reaching the desk, she handed over the photos from a considerable height and threw them, perhaps with the assumption those medical stuff would be caught by the person down there. I'm not surprised with the high probability of laziness but how can such person treat the patient's x-ray photos like a rubbish? Do they work there (voluntarily) for the sake of gaining experience or are they just following the company policy with easy-going attitude? Maybe their previous experience was working in a restaurant, but that's another matter I guess. I will make an edit for this review if there is progress for the mentioned incident. UPDATE: I have met the manager of the clinic and was told they are not tolerating such rude practice and will act accordingly. Thanks for the goodwill and response.
I agree with the review of other patients here. Today I met the ortho doctor for a consultation after finishing the doctor instructing the nurse to bring the x-ray results to the receptionist downstairs. Sister came down with an x-ray that had been put into a folder, not yet dropped down, then her hand from the height thrust out the x-rays at the reception staff, then threw her X-ray photos and fell to the floor. My x-ray was treated like throwing a rag. I wonder why such quality workers can be recruited in specialist clinics. Does the worker have no experience working in a specialist clinic or does he perhaps follow clinical work procedures? Of course this needs to be clarified by them. If there are developments, then I will edit this review in accordance with these improvements from their side. UPDATE: On July 9, the manager met with me and revealed that they were not pleased with the behavior of the sisters who threw X-ray photos. They will follow up on this matter. I appreciate the response from Mr. Manager. thanks. English: I kind of agree with other reviewers here. After meeting an orthodontist today, they instructed a nurse to bring my x-ray photos to the receptionist desk. She walked down the stairs, before reaching the desk, she was handed over the photos from a considerable height and threw them, perhaps with the assumption that those medical stuff would be caught by the person down there. I'm not surprised with the high probability of laziness but how can such a person treat the patient's x-ray photos like a rubbish? Do they work there (voluntarily) for the sake of gaining experience or are they just following the company policy with easy-going attitude? Maybe their previous experience was working in a restaurant, but that's another matter I guess. I will make an edit for this review if there is progress for the mentioned incident. UPDATE: I have met the manager of the clinic and was told they are not tolerating such rude practices and will act accordingly. Thanks for the goodwill and response.
iva pus on Google

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Dokter agnes baik bgt.Pdhal saya trauma sm dok gigi. Tp dok agnes bgs bgt. Jgn ragu... Pokoknya recommended bgt dokter gigi anaknya dok agnes. Tp tolong front office nya di training lg sopan santun. Apalagi pas byk antrian di depan. Dia duduk santai . Pdhal Disampingnya ada kursi kosong... kita disuruh berdiri. Pdhal naik bs. Tp ga boleh. Tp ga dikasih kursi. Saya sudah janjian dan on time. Tp menunggu lama dan ga dikasih tempat duduk. ? Trus tamu disuruh pakai pelindung kaki. Tp karyawan yg bolak balik enggak ya? Sy liat sepatunya jg pd kotor. Trus ga smua tamu pake pelindung kaki. Trus knp? Kayak diskriminatif ga sih.
Doctor Agnes is really good. Even though I was traumatized by the dentist. But doc Agnes is really great. Don't hesitate... Anyway, it's highly recommended for her child's dentist, Doc Agnes. But please train the front office in more manners. Especially when there are many queues in front. He sat relaxed . Even though beside him there is an empty chair... we were told to stand. Pdhal go up bs. But can't. But not given a chair. I made an appointment and was on time. But waited a long time and was not given a seat. Then guests are told to wear foot protection. But employees who go back and forth or not? I saw that the shoes were dirty too. Then not all guests wear foot protection. Then why? It's not like it's discriminatory.
Fikahthaean on Google

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Aku mau Kasih Bintang 5 nih buat Pelayanan di Klinik gigi Spesialis dr Lukas, Awalnya aku baca review karna aku lagi cari dentist yang bagus untuk anakku di daerah Kelapa gading.. sempet Ragu lihat review klinik nya tapi Dokter Gigi anak yang jadwalnya di weekend ada di Klinik ini.. Setelah saya datang dan merasakan sendiri kok berbanding terbalik ya dengan review Point 1, Frontliner nya sangat Membantu pada saat pertama masuk kita di jelaskan untuk di steril dahulu, kemudian mereka menjalankan protokol kesehatan dengan baik, Men-SWAB Pasien Jika Usia diatas 12 Tahun dan Men-SWAB Pendamping untuk Anak Usia 12 Tahun. Mereka mempersilahkan penunggu sesuai protokol mereka Pendamping hanya 1 Orang, Jika lebih bisa menunggu di Mall atau di Mobil menurut ku ini Point yg baik ya utk menghormati Pasien lainnya yg datang dan menerapkan Protokol Jaga Jarak karna aku lihat situasi memang weekend itu Ramai di Klinik Sini. Point 2, Protocol untuk Khususnya Dokter Gigi Anak dipakaikan sarung kaki untuk menjaga steril nya tempat duduk pasien ya mungkin mengingat Alas kaki itu banyak Bakteri agar tidak menginjak atau mengotori tempat duduk pasien yang di duduki demi menjaga Kebersihan Tempat duduk Pasien dan lebih steril ya.. ini bagus menurut saya. Point 3, Awal saya masuk situasi di Klinik cukup Ramai kursi Tunggu sudah penuh di duduki dan saya di perbolehkan untuk menunggu di mobil setelah kursi tersedia kami di hubungi untuk bisa datang ke klinik.. moment bagus juga sih aku jadi bisa kasih anakku makan siang dulu sebelum ke dentist. Point 4, Sempet bertanya kursi yg di samping Kanan pintu masuk utk apa dong kalau bukan utk duduk ternyata itu kursi utk Pasien yg akan di Swab sebelum Masuk Ruangan loh, menurut ku ini gak masalah setelah kita tahu kegunaan tempat duduknya. Good service utk Frontlinernya? Point 5, Untuk kebersihan Ruangannya Oke banget ya Klinik Dr Lukas, Perawat dan Dokternya serta ruangannya melakukan sterilisasi dahulu sebelum pasien selanjutnya masuk Ruangan, kalau jempol ku ada 5 aku kasih semua hehe sayangnya cuma 4, Perlindungan tempat duduk pasien di wrapping dan kemudian di ganti setiap berganti pasien ini bagus ya jadi buat aku gak Ragu dan Takut ke Dokter Gigi.. Point 6, Dokter Gigi Anak nya Drg Agnes Linggriani Sp.KGA Baik sekali, mengerti anak anak dan paham sekali manajemen perilaku anak sehingga anak merasa senang dan ketika tindakan sembari dikasih tonton Film jadi Happy deh Anakku.. Staffnya sangat membantu dan Menjaga dan Menerapkan Protokol di masa Pandemic ini.. Good job Klinik Gigi Spesialis dr Lukas, Aku gak Ragu ataupun Kapok, maunya kesini lagi aja deh kalau cari Dentist?
I want to give 5 stars for services at Dr. Luke's Specialist Dental Clinic, At first I read the review because I was looking for a good dentist for my son in the Kelapa Gading area.. I was hesitant to see the clinic review but the Pediatric Dentist scheduled for the weekend is at This clinic.. After I came and felt it myself, how come it's inversely proportional to the review Point 1, the frontliner is very helpful when we first enter we are explained to be sterile first, then they carry out health protocols well, SWAB patients if they are over 12 years old and Men-SWAB assistants for children aged 12 years. They allow the waitstaff according to their protocol. Only 1 person accompanying, if you can wait at the mall or in the car, I think this is a good point to respect other patients who come and apply the Social distancing protocol because I see the situation on the weekend is very busy at the clinic here. Point 2, Protocol for Especially Pediatric Dentists wearing gloves to keep the patient's seat sterile, maybe considering that the footwear contains a lot of bacteria so that it doesn't step on or contaminate the patient's seat in order to maintain the cleanliness of the patient's seat and it's more sterile. this is good in my opinion. Point 3, When I first entered the clinic, the situation was quite crowded. The waiting chairs were full and I was allowed to wait in the car. After the seats were available, we were contacted to come to the clinic. It was a good moment so I could give my son lunch first before going to the dentist. Point 4, I just asked what the chair on the right of the entrance is for, if not for sitting, it turns out that it is a chair for the patient who will be swab before entering the room, in my opinion, this is not a problem after we know the use of the seat. Good service for the frontliner? Point 5, For the cleanliness of the room, it's really okay, Dr. Luke's Clinic, the Nurse and Doctor and the room are sterilized before the next patient enters the room, if I have 5 thumbs I give all of them hehe unfortunately only 4, Protection for the patient's seat is wrapped and then replaced every time I change patients, it's good, so for me I don't hesitate and be afraid to go to the dentist.. Point 6, Pediatric Dentist Drg Agnes Linggriani Sp.KGA Very good, understands children and understands very well the management of children's behavior so that children feel happy and when they take action while watching a movie, they are happy, my son.. The staff is very helpful and maintains and implements protocols in this pandemic time.. Good job Dr. Luke's Specialist Dental Clinic, I have no doubts or apprehensions, I just want to come here again if I'm looking for a Dentist ?
Pippii Pippii on Google

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honest and kind-hearted doctors serving top quality dental treatments with passion and love ❀
Jp Utomo on Google

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I got my tooth fixed yesterday. The doctor did it excellently without pain in no time. I also brought my nervous kid to drg Agnes SpKGA (pedodontist) who managed to calm my kid so she's not afraid anymore. Good job docs.

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