Sop Kaki Kambing Wan ABY - South Tangerang City

4/5 based on 1 reviews

Contact Sop Kaki Kambing Wan ABY

Address :

Jl. Wana Kencana No.2, Rawa Buntu, Serpong Sub-District, South Tangerang City, Banten 15310, Indonesia

Postal code : 15310
Categories :

Jl. Wana Kencana No.2, Rawa Buntu, Serpong Sub-District, South Tangerang City, Banten 15310, Indonesia
Tommy W on Google

Sop kambing cukup enak, sayang potongannya tidak terlalu besar. Kuahnya sedap ???
Goat soup is quite good, unfortunately the pieces are not too big. The sauce is delicious ???

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