Social Service of Bandung District - Kabupaten Bandung

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Social Service of Bandung District

Address :

Jl. Raya KM. 17, 40911, Pamekaran, Kec. Soreang, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat 40912, Indonesia

Postal code : 40912
Categories :

Jl. Raya KM. 17, 40911, Pamekaran, Kec. Soreang, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat 40912, Indonesia
Andri Gunawan on Google

Informasi nya kurang jelas, lempar sana lempar sini....
The information is not clear, throw it here and there ....
Abay Kodoy on Google

Pelayanan kurang ramah, petugas tidak ada pada jam kerja
Service is not friendly enough, the clerk is not available during business hours
Asep Gordyn on Google

saya mau melaporkan terkait pkh diwilyah saya apa bisa dibantu
I want to report related to Pkh in my area, what can be helped
Ryan Alviana on Google

Lempar sana lempar sini, info gak jelas. Padahal niat membantu masyarakat yg membutuhkan.
Throw here and there, the info is not clear. Even though the intention is to help people in need.
Project Earth on Google

Area yang cukup luas. Jangan sekali sekali anda datang dengan berjalan kaki jika belum mengetahui letak gedung yang akan di kunjungi. Karena itu akan membuat anda kelelahan sebelum sampai.
Quite a large area. Don't ever come on foot if you don't know the location of the building to be visited. Because it will make you tired before arriving.
Agus Budiana on Google

Alhamdulillaah Semoga kinerja dalam melayanai masyarakat semakin berkembang
Alhamdulillaah Hopefully the performance in serving the community will continue to grow
Usep Trisnayadi on Google

Pelayanan buruk sekali. Tidak dapat memutuskan suatu kebijakan wlwpun bukti dan data telah real. Hanya melayani dan memutuskan apabila melalui jalur birokrasi dari bawah, memang bagus dan seperti itu alurnya. Namun apakah kalau ada suatu pengajuan dari rakyat tidak mampu dan mendesak , apakah hrs menunggu dan melalui birokrasi yg panjang??? Mohon lebih humanis lah, kalau cuma menerima data dari kader2 dan memasukan ke data DTKS , bagaimana klw laporan dari kader itu salah? Bantuan apapun dari pemerintah nnti akan tidak tepat sasaran. Klw pengurusan dari tingkat bawah dan melaui kader pasti ujung-ujungnya duit yg bicara. Benar sekali ungkapan almarhum Gusdur " bubarkan aja dinas sosial"
Very bad service. Unable to decide on a policy even though the evidence and data are real. Only serving and deciding if you go through the bureaucracy from the bottom, it's good and that's the way it goes. However, if there is a request from the poor and urgent, does it have to wait and go through a long bureaucracy??? Please be more humane, if you only receive data from cadres and enter it into DTKS data, what if the reports from cadres are wrong? Any assistance from the government will not be right on target. If the management is from the bottom level and through the cadres, it's definitely money that talks in the end. It is true that the late Gusdur's expression "just dissolve the social service"
sasuke robi on Google

It doesn't work, just said go there and nothing....

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