SMPN 2 Gombong - Kebumen Regency

4.6/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact SMPN 2 Gombong

Address :

Jl. Kartini No.2, Kawo, Gombong, Kebumen Regency, Central Java 54411, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +877
Postal code : 54411
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 7AM–4:45PM
Tuesday 7AM–4:45PM
Wednesday 7AM–4:45PM
Thursday 7AM–4:45PM
Friday 7AM–4:45PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Kartini No.2, Kawo, Gombong, Kebumen Regency, Central Java 54411, Indonesia
S. Tedy Andrassukma on Google

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SMP terbaik di kecamatan Gombong, sayang bangunan depan masih punya yayasan masehi, jadi terkendala untuk mengembangkan gedung sekolah, halaman sekolah tidak cukup luas menurut saya, scr kualitas murid cukup baik, tp terkadang lingkungan sekolah kurang baik, saya sendiri bukan alumnus sini, cerita ini menurut teman dan kakak saya yg bersekolah disini
The best junior high school in Gombong sub-district, unfortunately the front building still has a masehi foundation, so it is constrained to develop the school building, the school yard is not wide enough in my opinion, the quality of students is quite good, but sometimes the school environment is not good, I myself am not an alumnus here, this story according to my friends and sister who go to school here
Dewi Lestari on Google

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Sekolah favoritku..banyak ilmu dan pengalaman yg kudapat.Senam..drumband..seni yg asyik dan mudah dimengerti..selalu mencetak prestasi di Kecamatan Gombong bahkan Kabupaten Kebumen.Terima kasih Pak Guru dan Bu Guru..Salam angkatan 1999.?
My favorite school.. I got a lot of knowledge and experience. art..skills..teachers who are fun and easy to understand.. always score achievements in Gombong District and even Kebumen District. Thank you Mr. Guru and Mrs. Teacher..Greetings class of 1999.?
Amelia Lucyana on Google

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Currently studying here as an eight grader. Guru-guru disini begitu memperhatikan peserta didiknya, dan itu membuat saya yang merupakan salah satu peserta didik di sini bertambah semangat dalam belajar, bukan hanya perhatian, guru-guru di sini juga ramah, dan menyenangkan. Tentang kondisi bangunan sekolah, kebanyakan ruangan-ruangan kelas di bangunan bagian timur tidak memakai keramik, dan juga masih bisa kita temukan jendela-jendela dan pintu-pintu khas zaman dahulu yang tinggi di kelas-kelas di bangunan bagian barat.
Currently studying here as an eight grader. The teachers here pay so much attention to their students, and that makes me, who is one of the students here, more enthusiastic about learning, not only paying attention, the teachers here are also friendly, and fun. Regarding the condition of the school building, most of the classrooms in the east building do not use ceramics, and we can still find windows and doors typical of ancient times that are tall in the classrooms in the west building.
Devit are on Google

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Beriman, bertaqwa, berprestasi, berkompeten, berkarakter, berwawasan lingkunganΒ  danΒ  global IndikatorΒ  Visi Sekolah Memiliki keimanan dan ketaqwaan yang kuat terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa Memiliki keunggulan dalam prestasi akademik maupun non-akademik Memiliki kompetensi untuk survival di era jamannya Memiliki motivasi tinggi,Β  jiwa nasionalis, intergritas, percaya diri , semangat berprestasi, berdikari dan mampu bekerja sama Memilki kepribadian, etika, tata krama, budi pekerti yang sesuai nilai luhur bangsa Indonesia dan berahlak mulia Memiliki wawasan lingkungan, lokal, nasional maupun international Misi : Melaksanakan kegiatan dan pengamalan dibidang keagamaan Melaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan akademik dan non akademik yang bermutu Melaksanakan kegiatan memotivasi siswa agar semangat berprestasi Melaksanakan kegiatan untuk membekali kompetensi Melaksanakan kegiatan yeng mengembangkan jiwa nasionalis, religius, integritas, mandiri dan gotong royong Melaksanakan kegiatan pembiasaan hidup sehat, santun, disiplin dan teratur sesuai dengan nilai-nilai luhur bangsa Indonesia Melaksanakan akses informasi, komunikasi, implementasi baik tingkat lokal, nasional maupun internasional Melaksanakan kegiatan untuk mencapai Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP) dan/atau Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) Tujuan: Terwujudnya kehidupan sekolah yang religius dengan toleransi TerbekalinyaΒ  lulusan yang santun, berbudi pekerti luhur, berbudaya, dan berahlak mulia Memiliki tim dalam mengikuti lomba-lomba Memiliki tim bimbingan dan konseling yang handal Menjadikan siswa memiliki kacakapan hidup/life skill dalam berwirausaha Terwujudnya masyarakat sekolah yang berwawasan lingkungan, berbudaya positif lokal, pancasilais, berjiwa patriot, cinta tanah air Indonesia dan berorientasi international Terpenuhinya stadar isi TerpenuhinyaΒ  standar kopmtensi lulusan Terpenuhinya standar proses Terpenuhinya standar penilaian Terpenuhinya standar sarana prasarana Terpenuhinya standar tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan Tepenuhinya standar pengelolaan Terpenuhinya standar pembiayaan Terpenuhinya standar pelayanan minimal
Faithful, devoted, accomplished, competent, characterized, environmentally friendly and global Indicators of School Vision Have strong faith and devotion to God Almighty Have excellence in academic and non-academic achievements Have the competence to survive in the era of his era Have high motivation, nationalist spirit, integrity, self-confidence, spirit of achievement, independent and able to work together Have a personality, ethics, manners, manners that are in accordance with the noble values ​​of the Indonesian nation and have noble character Have environmental insight, local, national and international Mission: Carry out activities and practices in the field of religion Carry out quality academic and non-academic activities Carry out activities to motivate students so that they are enthusiastic about achieving Carry out activities to equip competencies Carry out activities that develop a nationalist, religious, integrity, independent and mutual cooperation spirit Carry out healthy, polite, disciplined and orderly habituation activities in accordance with the noble values ​​of the Indonesian nation Implement access to information, communication, implementation at local, national and international levels Carry out activities to achieve National Education Standards (SNP) and/or Minimum Service Standards (SPM) Purpose: The realization of a religious school life with tolerance Equipping graduates who are polite, have noble character, are cultured, and have noble character Have a team in participating in competitions Have a reliable guidance and counseling team Making students have life skills in entrepreneurship The realization of a school community that is environmentally friendly, has a positive local culture, Pancasila, has a patriotic spirit, loves the Indonesian homeland and is internationally oriented Fulfillment of content standards Fulfillment of graduate competency standards Fulfillment of process standards Fulfillment of assessment standards Fulfillment of infrastructure standards Fulfillment of the standards of educators and education personnel Management standards are met Fulfillment of financing standards Fulfillment of minimum service standards
supatman kp on Google

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DokArt 86 on Google

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Djaka keren on Google

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Devo Christian on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

The best junior high school in the world. Loved it!!!!

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