SMP Negeri 5 Purworejo - Purworejo Regency

4.5/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact SMP Negeri 5 Purworejo

Address :

Kutoarjo, Purworejo Regency, Central Java 54251, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +7
Postal code : 54251
Opening hours :
Monday 6:10AM–3:30PM
Tuesday 6:10AM–3:30PM
Wednesday 6:10AM–3:30PM
Thursday 6:10AM–3:30PM
Friday 6:10AM–3:30PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Kutoarjo, Purworejo Regency, Central Java 54251, Indonesia
nur kholis on Google

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Smp standar nasional..bnyak ilmu yang ku dpat di sekolah ini
National standard junior high school .. I got a lot of knowledge at this school
agus budiyanto on Google

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SMP favorit di Kutoarjo, telah banyak mencetak berbagai prestasi. 2 anakku pernah sekolah disini.
Favorite junior high school in Kutoarjo, has scored many achievements. Two of my children went to school here.
Alesha Inara on Google

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Dulu bernama SMP 2 Kutoarjo, merupakan salah satu SMP favorit di kabupaten Purworejo, favorit ke-2 di Kutoarjo dan ke-3 di seluruh Purworejo.. Kebetulan Kepala sekolah yg sekarang adalah orang dari desaku dan masih ada hubungan family denganku. Keluargaku turun temurun banyak yg bersekolah disini, sampai sekarang masih ada generasi penerus yg sekolah di SMP N 5 yaitu keponakanku... Jika anak anda anak yg cerdas, tidak salah jika disekolahkan di SMP 5 Purworejo... Kalau nggak percaya buktikan saja sendiri...
Formerly called SMP 2 Kutoarjo, was one of the favorite junior high schools in Purworejo district, second favorite in Kutoarjo and third in Purworejo .. Coincidentally the current headmaster was a person from my village and still had family relations with me. My family has been hereditary a lot of schools here, until now there are still future generations who study at SMP N 5, namely my niece ... If your child is a smart kid, it is not wrong if you are schooled at SMP 5 Purworejo ... If you don't believe it, just prove it yourself ...
Sport Line on Google

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Sy dulu sekolah disini nilainya juga bagus dan sekarang saya nganggur
I used to study here, my grades were also good and now I'm unemployed
Nugroho Capcin on Google

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Sekolah unggulan kutoarjo
Kutoarjo's flagship school
Ilham Maulana Ash Shiddieq on Google

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Sekolah ini terletak di sebelah timur Alun-alun Kutoarjo. Sekolah ini dikenal dengan beberapa inisiatif yang pertama kali diambil di sekolah menengah yang ada di Kutoarjo. Salah satu langkah terobosan dilakukan oleh Kepala SMPN 5 Purworejo, Ibu Anifah, M.Pd. Berbarengan dengan penyampaian buku raport kepada orang tua siswa sekaligus penutup rangkaian classmeeting, digelar Market Day sejak bulan Juni 2019. Market Day dimulai pukul 07.00 hingga 11.00 WIB, berlangsung di aula SMPN 5 Purworejo. Kegiatan berjalan sukses dan meriah. Kegiatan yang bertujuan melatih kreativitas peserta didik di bidang kewirausahaan tersebut, diikuti siswa kelas 7 dan 8, di mana masing-masing kelas membuat stand dengan berbagai produk atau hasil karya yang ditawarkan ke pengunjung. Bahkan sebelum selesai kegiatan, dagangan para siswa sudah habis. Orang tua siswa antusias mengunjungi stan-stan Market Day yang ada. Kepala Sekolah Anifah bersama Wakil-wakil Kepala Sekolah juga memantau langsung kegiatan tersebut. Hal ini menjadi yang pertama di Kutoarjo dan merupakan suatu terobosan unik untuk meningkatkan semangat kewirausahaan siswa.
This school is located east of Kutoarjo Square. This school is known for a number of initiatives that were first taken at a secondary school in Kutoarjo. One of the breakthrough steps was carried out by the Principal of SMPN 5 Purworejo, Ms. Anifah, M.Pd. Coinciding with the submission of report cards to students' parents as well as closing classmeeting series, Market Day was held since June 2019. Market Day starts at 07.00 to 11.00 WIB, taking place in the hall of SMPN 5 Purworejo. The activity was successful and lively. The activity aimed at training the creativity of students in the entrepreneurship field, was followed by students in grades 7 and 8, where each class made a stand with various products or works offered to visitors. Even before the activity was completed, the students' merchandise was up. Parents of students enthusiastically visited the existing Market Day booths. Anifah School Principal along with School Principal Representatives also monitored the activity directly. This is the first time in Kutoarjo and is a unique breakthrough to enhance the entrepreneurial spirit of students.
Slamet Triyono on Google

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Alumni 2005
Khansa Aulia Syifa on Google

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