SMP Negeri 2 Pakem - Sleman Regency

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact SMP Negeri 2 Pakem

Address :

Sawungan, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55582, Indonesia

Postal code : 55582
Website :
Categories :

Sawungan, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55582, Indonesia
Nur k hamid (Nurkhamid) on Google

Pernah ppm bersama kolega dan mahasiswa di sini...
Ever ppm with colleagues and students here ...

Salah satu sekolah yang bagus untuk anak-anak serta lingkungannya yang nyaman
One of the good schools for children and a comfortable environment
Narnar Widjanarko on Google

Saya kira sekolah ini telah banyak perubahan, mulai dari guru hingga sarana prasarana yang lebih baik. Tempatnya nyaman di daerah kaliurang yang dingin
I think this school has changed a lot, from teachers to better infrastructure. The place is comfortable in the cold Kaliurang area
Slamet Sudarto on Google

Aku pingin anaku sekolah di smp negeri ini tapi masih menerima murid baru gak ya
I want my child to go to a junior high school in this country but are they still accepting new students?
Ipunk modesta on Google

Selamat atas SMPN 2 Pakem resmi menjadi sekolah berbasis wisata dan ramah anak. Hanya saja ada satu ibu guru di sini yang perilakunya tidak pantas dijadikan panutan bagi anak didiknya. Semoga hanya satu saja guru yang seperti itu. Sehingga SMPN 2 Pakem masih bisa mewujudkan pendidikan yang berkwalitas bagi anak didiknya.
Congratulations on SMPN 2 Pakem officially becoming a tourism-based and child-friendly school. It's just that there is one teacher here whose behavior does not deserve to be a role model for her students. Hopefully only one teacher is like that. So that SMPN 2 Pakem can still realize quality education for their students.
Yati Supriyati on Google

kakakku pertama sekolah di sini ,,, kakaku ke dua sekolah di sini ,,aku sekolah di sini ,, ini anaku yg pertama sekolah di sini ,,,, what??? ???
my sister went to school here ... my sister went to two schools here ... I went to school here ... this is my son who went to school here ... what ??? ???
Avi Febriand on Google

Bagus.. sekolah berbasis wisata yang inspiratif
Good .. inspirational travel-based school
Sudamar Nur Ma'rufi on Google

Pertama kali saya masuk sini, melihat kondisi sekolah sangat bagus, kondisi sekolah terawat, bersih dan asri, terletak dijalan Kaliurang, dusun Sawungan kelurahan Hargobinangun Kecamatan Pakem. Pertama kali masuk ke sekolah ini pas kegiatan Pelantikan Mabigus se Kecamatan Pakem.
The first time I entered here, I saw that the condition of the school was very good, the condition of the school was well maintained, clean and beautiful, located on Kaliurang Street, Sawungan Hamlet, Hargobinangun Village, Pakem District. The first time I entered this school was during the Inauguration of Mabigus in Pakem District.

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