SMAN Situraja - Kabupaten Sumedang

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Contact SMAN Situraja

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Situraja, Kec. Situraja, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat 45371, Indonesia

Postal code : 45371
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Situraja, Kec. Situraja, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat 45371, Indonesia
MuFF Gaming on Google

Refa Muhammad on Google

Aku cinta sekolah ku
I love my school
Dikdo E-bike & Madu Hitam Baduy on Google

Ada lomba baris n joged 11-12 jan 2020. Stand makanan n minuman jg ada
There is a row race and joged 11-12 January 2020. Food stands and drinks are also available
Ya Gapapa on Google

Sekolahnya luas, bahkan seringkali terjadi kesurupan masal di sekolah ini
The school is large, and there is often a mass trance in this school
Nurul Furqon on Google

Sekolah yang luas dan rapi, terus kembangkan
A spacious and neat school, keep developing
Risma Yanti on Google

SMA Negeri Situraja merupakan salah satu sekolah lanjutan tingkat atas yang berada di Kecamatan Situraja. Sekolah ini bisa dikatakan sudah cukup lama berdiri. Berdasarkan sejarahnya, SMA Negeri 1 Situraja berdiri pada tahun 1976 ketika di wilayah Sumedang hanya ada dua sekolah lanjutan menengah atas negeri yaitu SMA Negeri 1 Sumedang dan SMPP Negeri di Cimalaka. Pendirian SMA Negeri Situraja tidak lepas dari program pemerintah pusat pada waktu itu yang akan mendirikan dua unit sekolah baru di wilayah propinsi Jawa Barat yang akan ditempatkan di wilayah Kabupaten Garut, Sumedang, Indramayu atau Ciamis. Dengan program ini, masyarakat Situraja kemudian membentuk Panitia Usaha Pendirian SMA Negeri Situraja. Sementara Bupati Sumedang pada waktu itu yang dijabat oleh Drs. Sofyan Iskandar menghendaki agar unit SMA Negeri yang baru didirikan di kota Sumedang. Panitia yang dibentuk kemudian mengirimkan utusan menghadap Kepala Bagian Perencanaan Kanwil Depdikbud Propinsi Jawa Barat yang pada waktu itu dijabat oleh Drs. Edi Suwadi. Keinginan masyarakat Situraja ini disetujui dengan adanya beberapa syarat seperti adanya calon siswa kelas 1 untuk tiga kelas yang kemungkinan tidak akan menurun pada tahun ajaran berikutnya dan tersedianya lahan seluas satu hektar yang akan dibebaskan dengan biaya pemerintah yang kemudian bisa dengan mudah diperluas serta memenuhi syarat-syarat pendidikan. Untuk memenuhi persyaratan ini panitia segera melakukan penjajakan calon siswa dengan mendatangi SMP Negeri 1, SMP Negeri, dan Tsanawiyah Negeri Situraja yang ternyata peminatnya cukup banyak hingga melebihi tiga kelas. Kemudian dicari juga lahan yang memenuhi syarat pendirian. Dan pilihan jatuh pada lahan yang berlokasi di sebelah barat lapangan sepak bola Tanuwijaya dengan luas 10.100 m2 (1 Ha lebih). Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan di lapangan terbitlan Surat Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI tertanggal 1 April 1976 yang menetapkan dibukanya Unit Baru SMA Negeri Situraja. Pada akhir tahun ajaran 1976/1977, setelah adanya ujian akhir SMP dan kelulusan, dilakukan pendaftaran calon siswa kelas 1 untuk SMU Negeri Situraja. Calon siswa yang mendaftar melebihi tiga kelas, namun yang diterima hanya untuk tiga kelas. Karena bangunan sekolahnya belum dibangun, kegiatan belajar mengajar dilaksanakan petang hari dengan menumpang di gedung SMP Negeri 1 Situraja. Di akhir tahun 1977 dilaksanakan pembebasan lahan dan pembangunan gedung sekolah. Setelah selesai dan peralatan sekolah telah lengkap, dilakukan peresmian pemakaian gedung oleh Bupati Sumedang, Bapak Drs. Kustandi Abdurahman yang menggantikan Bapak Drs. Sopyan Iskandar. Sebagai sebuah sekolah lanjutan menengah atas, SMA Negeri Situraja menyelenggarakan pendidikan tiga tahun jenjang menengah atas. Penjurusan yang ada di sekolah ini yaitu jurusan IPA (Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam), IPS (Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial) dan Bahasa. Penyelenggaraan kegiatan belajar mengajarnya SMA Negeri Situraja dijiwai oleh nilai-nilai dan sikap secara profesional dalam mewujudkan Tujuan Pendidikan Nasional berdasarkan Pancasila dan UUD 1945 yaitu taat beragama, unggul dalam prestasi, peduli kebersihan dan kesehatan. SMA Negeri Situraja saat ini sudah memiliki fasilitas yang sangat memadai. Berbagai fasilitas dimiliki oleh SMA Negeri Situraja yaitu ruang teori/kelas 27 kelas, Laboratorium Kimia, Laboratorium Fisika, Laboratorium Biologi, Laboratorium Bahasa, Laboratorium Komputer, Ruang Perpustakaan, Ruang Multimedia, Ruang Pusat Sumber Belajar, Ruang Keterampilan, Ruang UKS, Koperasi, Ruang BP/BK, Ruang Kepala Sekolah, Ruang Wakil Kepala Sekolah, ruang Guru, Ruang TU, Ruang OSIS, Ruang Ekstrakulikuler, Ruang PMR, Kamar Mandi, Gudang, Ruang Ibadah, Ruang Olahraga, Dapur, Kantin/Warung Sekolah, Lapangan Olahraga/Upacara, dan Tempat Parkir. Berbagai prestasi baik prestasi akademik maupun non-akademik sudah diraih oleh SMA Negeri Situraja. Diantaranya adalah Juara I Olimpiade TIK 2010 dan Ekonomi 2012, Juara II Olimpiade Mate
Situraja Public High School is one of the high school in Situraja District. This school can be said to have stood for quite a long time. Historically, Situraja 1 Public High School was established in 1976 when in the Sumedang area there were only two public high schools, namely the 1 Public High School Sumedang and the SMPP Negeri in Cimalaka. The establishment of the Situraja State High School was inseparable from the central government's program at that time which would establish two new school units in the West Java province that would be located in the Garut, Sumedang, Indramayu or Ciamis Regencies. With this program, the Situradja community then formed a Business Committee for the Establishment of the Situraja State High School. While the Regent of Sumedang at that time was held by Drs. Sofyan Iskandar wants the newly established State High School unit in the city of Sumedang. The committee formed then sent an envoy to the Head of Planning Section of the West Java Provincial Office of the Ministry of Education and Culture who at that time was held by Drs. Edi Suwadi. The wishes of the Situraja people were agreed upon by several conditions such as the existence of prospective class 1 students for three classes which would likely not decline in the following school year and the availability of one hectare of land which would be released at government expense which could then be easily expanded and fulfill the conditions education. To fulfill this requirement, the committee immediately explored prospective students by visiting State Junior High School 1, State Middle School, and Civil Servant Tsunami which turned out to be of sufficient interest to exceed three classes. Then land is also sought that meets the conditions of establishment. And the choice falls on the land located west of the Tanuwijaya soccer field with an area of ​​10,100 m2 (1 Ha more). After the inspection in the field was published, the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia dated April 1, 1976 which stipulated the opening of the New Unit of the Situraja State High School. At the end of the academic year 1976/77, after the end of the junior high school examination and graduation, the registration of prospective first grade students for the Situraja State High School. Prospective students who enroll more than three classes, but only three classes are accepted. Because the school building had not yet been built, teaching and learning activities were held in the evening by riding in the Situraja 1 Public Middle School building. At the end of 1977 land acquisition and construction of a school building were implemented. After completion and complete school equipment, the inauguration of the building was carried out by the Regent of Sumedang, Drs. Kustandi Abdurahman who replaced Drs. Sopyan Iskandar. As a high school, the Situraja State High School holds a three-year high school education. The majors in this school are science (Natural Sciences), Social Sciences (Social Sciences) and Language majors. The implementation of the teaching and learning activities of the Situraja State High School was inspired by the values ​​and attitudes professionally in realizing the National Education Goals based on the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, namely being religious, excelling in achievement, caring for cleanliness and health. Situraja State High School now has very adequate facilities. Various facilities are owned by the Situraja State High School, namely the theory room / class 27 class, Chemistry Laboratory, Physics Laboratory, Biology Laboratory, Language Laboratory, Computer Laboratory, Library Room, Multimedia Room, Learning Resource Center Room, Skill Room, UKS Room, Cooperative, Space BP / BK, Principal Room, Deputy Principal Room, Teacher's Room, TU Room, Student Council Room, Extracurricular Room, PMR Room, Bathroom, Warehouse, Worship Room, Sports Room, Kitchen, Canteen / School Stall, Sports / Ceremony Field and Parking. Various achievements both academic and non-academic achievements have been achieved by the Situraja State High School. Among them were the 1st Winner of the 2010 ICT Olympics and the 2012 Economy, Olympic Mate II Champion
Andi Obenx on Google

Sweet Memory
Arip Suhendra on Google

Memorable, unforgetable, all thing that I got from the Zero to be different.

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