Situs Tugu Gede (Cengkuk) - Sukabumi Regency

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Situs Tugu Gede (Cengkuk)

Address :

Margalaksana, Cikakak, Sukabumi Regency, West Java 43365, Indonesia

Postal code : 43365
Categories :

Margalaksana, Cikakak, Sukabumi Regency, West Java 43365, Indonesia
Neni Mariany on Google

Kagum dengan alam dan situasinya yg sarat dg sejarah & budaya yg kental, meski jauh tapi nggak bikin kapok untuk datang kembali... Penasaran, coba deh...!!!
Amazed by nature and the situation which is full of thick history & culture, even though it's far but doesn't make it give up to come back ... Curious, try it ... !!!
Rahmat Setiadi on Google

Megalithic site in southern city of Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia.
Megalithic site in southern city of Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia.
Ali Ha Sani on Google

Di situs ini banyak terdapat batuan batuan besar yang bentuknya sangat rapi, berdasarkan keterangan dari warga sekitar bahwa situs ini sudah ada sejak zaman dulu kala saat mereka mendiami wilayah tersebut. Situs ini tidak begitu luas mungkin kira-kira 1 hektar persegi tapi dilihat dari susunan batu batuannya bisa dipastikan bahwa dahulu lokasi situs ini adalah pusat peradaban pada zaman batu, karena ada beberapa batu yang di jadikan alat untuk menunjang kehidupan. Sangat menyenangkan bisa berkunjung ke sini. Masyarakat sekitar juga sangat ramah dan alamnya juga Asri semoga suatu saat bisa berkunjung ke sini lagi.
On this site there are many large rocks which are very neat in shape, based on information from local residents that this site has existed since ancient times when they inhabited the area. This site is not very broad, maybe about 1 square hectare, but judging from the arrangement of the rocks, it can be ascertained that the location of this site was the center of civilization in the stone age, because there are several stones that are used as tools to support life. It's great to be able to visit here. The surrounding community is also very friendly and the nature is also Asri, hopefully one day they can visit here again.
Turangga Duplikat kunci terdekat on Google

Situs sejarah peradaban
Civilization historical site
Made Agus on Google

Akses jalan menuju situs, perlu perhatian dari pemerintah. Jaman megalitikum sudah mengenal bathtube dari batu, peta lokasi situs datas batu depan jalan masuk candi lengkap dgn gambararah mata angin.
Access road to the site, needs attention from the government. The megalithic era was familiar with stone bathtubs, a map of the location of the stone data site in front of the temple entrance complete with a picture of the cardinal directions.
Sukandar Barokah on Google

Saya juru pelihara situs tugu gede kerja di bpcb banten
I'm a custodian of the Tugu Besar site, working at BPCB Banten
Cimaja Square on Google

The historic place is evidence of a civilization
Handy Bushman on Google

historical heritage from stone age era

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