Situ Kamojing - Kabupaten Karawang

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Situ Kamojing

Address :

Desa Kamojing, RT.008/RW.003, Kamojing, Kec. Cikampek, Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat 41373, Indonesia

Postal code : 41373
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Desa Kamojing, RT.008/RW.003, Kamojing, Kec. Cikampek, Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat 41373, Indonesia
Chrisna bae on Google

Tempat wisata air di sekitaran cikampek,bisa rekreasi memancing
Water tourism spots around Cikampek can be recreational fishing
Yudi Ano on Google

Jalannya sempit apalagi pas lewat diatas bendungannya harus gantian... itu juga bisanya mobil-mobil kecil aja yang bisa lewat tidak bisa pake mobil besar seperti bis atau truck
The road is narrow, especially when you pass above the dam, you have to change... It's also usually small cars that can pass, not big cars like buses or trucks
Ade Warsah on Google

Indah banget apalagi kalo pagi sama sore. Situ ini kalo misal musim hujan ya jadi danau . Tapi kalo musim kemarau jadi sawah. Itu lah uniknya Susana nya juga masih asri dan banyak pohon. Apalagi kalo abis dari situ terus ke kebun kembang pasti serusekali kali ke sini lah. Ke desa kami Kamojing
It's really beautiful especially in the morning and evening. This situation, for example the rainy season, will become a lake. But if the dry season becomes rice fields. That is unique The susana is still beautiful and has lots of trees. Moreover, if you go from there to the flower garden, you will definitely come here occasionally. To our village Kamojing
abdul wahid on Google

Rekreasi yg sangat ramah dikantong alias gratis..view area persawahan nya masih asri
Recreation that is very pocket-friendly aka free.. the view of the rice fields is still beautiful
Muhamadyahya Solihin on Google

Sebenarnya situ kamojing ini sangat indah ketika ada airnya. Kalau sore adem, sejuk liat pemandangan alam nya juga. Dulu waktu belum dipagar, tempat ini sering buat nongkrong para remaja, baik sore ataupun malam hari.., tapi setelah dipagar, jadi jarang ada yg nongkrong di sini. Tapi ketika kemarau tiba, situ ini berubah menjadi sawah, sangat disayangkan. Dan kalau musim penghujan tiba, situ ini bisa penuh sehingga dibukalah pintu airnya, dan itu lah yang menyebabkan terjadinya banjir di daerah yang dilalui airnya, seperti perumahan BMI 1 dan 2. Mohon dinas pengairan terkait supaya fungsi situ jangan sampai salah dan jangan sampai ada pihak yang dirugikan karena situ ini. Mohon maaf sebelumnya dan terimakasih...
Actually there this kamojing is very beautiful when there is water. If the afternoon is cool, it's cool to see the natural scenery too. Back then, when it wasn't fenced, this place was often used for teenagers to hang out, either in the afternoon or at night .., but after being fenced off, so it was rare for people to hang out here. But when the dry season arrives, it turns into rice fields, which is very unfortunate. And when the rainy season arrives, it can be full so that the floodgates are opened, and that is what causes flooding in the areas where the water passes, such as housing BMI 1 and 2. Please the relevant irrigation service so that the function is not wrong and there are no parties who are disadvantaged because of this situation. Sorry in advance and thank you ...
Muhammad Iqbal on Google

Lokasi sangat bagus, alangkah baik nya sampahnya perlu dibersihkan
The location is very good, it would be nice if the garbage needed to be cleaned
Damar Cahya on Google

Tempat hiburan yang cukup asik di Situ Kamojing. Saat pagi dan sore pemandangan situ dan sekelilingnya cukup indah. Saat kemarau airnya terlihat agak bening namun agak surut dan dipuncak kemarau air situ Kamojing jadi kering dan ditanami padi oleh warga setempat.
A pretty cool entertainment place at Situ Kamojing. In the morning and evening the scenery there and around it is quite beautiful. During the dry season, the water looks a bit clear, but it recedes a bit and at the peak of the dry season, the Kamojing water becomes dry and local residents plant rice.
Dalgabud Gabud on Google


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