SIM Outlet Karawang - Kabupaten Karawang

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact SIM Outlet Karawang

Address :

Techno Mart Lantai 2 Blok E No. 57, Jl. Arteri Galuh Mas, Sukaharja, Kec. Telukjambe Tim., Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat 41361, Indonesia

Postal code : 41361
Opening hours :
Monday 9AM–2PM
Tuesday 9AM–2PM
Wednesday 9AM–2PM
Thursday 9AM–2PM
Friday 9AM–2PM
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Techno Mart Lantai 2 Blok E No. 57, Jl. Arteri Galuh Mas, Sukaharja, Kec. Telukjambe Tim., Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat 41361, Indonesia
MA Alhanif on Google

Perpanjang sim dari luar kota sudah bisa, antri dari jam 8 pagi. Sistem antri berdasarkan duduk kursi. Mulai beroperasi jam 9.30. ada pembuatan surat keterangan sehat dan asuransi. Antrian lama sekali.
You can extend the sim from out of town, queue from 8 in the morning. The queuing system is based on seated seats. Starts operating at 9.30. there is a certificate of health and insurance. Long queue.
david kristian on Google

Sekarang perpanjang sim A/C beda kota atau provinsi sudah bisa, perpanjang dan bikin baru bisa disini (beda harga). Untuk biaya perpanjang : 1. Kesehatan 40rb 2. Asuransi 50rb 3. Sim 80rb (tambah laminating +10rb) Antrian mengikuti tempat duduk, duduk lebih depan di layani lebih awal.(duduk diluar) Petugas SIM outlet datangnya siang 9:30 baru mulai proses. Untuk bayar pajak STNK antri atau duduk dari dalam mall (outlet bersebelahan dgn Sim). Dan petugas samsat outlet datang lebih pagi.
Now you can extend the A/C sim in different cities or provinces, you can extend it and make a new one here (different prices). For renewal fee: 1. Health 40k 2. Insurance 50rb 3. Sim 80rb (plus laminating +10k) The queue follows the seat, sits in front and is served earlier. (sitting outside) The SIM outlet clerk arrived at 9:30 am just starting the process. To pay STNK tax, queue or sit from inside the mall (outlet next to Sim). And the samsat outlet officer came early.
andry pulpy on Google

Cepat, pelayanan bagus, bersih dari calo.. sangat gampang. Alur pertama ke cek kesehatan, lanjut ke sim outlet
Fast, good service, clean from touts ... very easy. The first line is to check health, continue to sim outlet
Ajeng Putri on Google

Untuk perpanjang SIM aktivitas pendaftaran dimulai jam 09:30 tapi udah pada dateng dari jam 08:00 Naik ke parkiran atas lantai 3 yang ada kulinernya terus parkir kendaraan disitu kemudian langsung duduk di depan neon box tulisan outlet sim, duduk di barisan depan di isi dulu nanti di panggil dari barisan duduk paling depan. Cek kesehatan bayar 40rb, pendaftaran (asuransi 50rb) setelah timbang tensi dan pendaftaran semua berkas masukin ke dalam outlet sim tunggu di panggil tulis biodata kemudian kumpulin lagi setelah itu tunggu di panggil untuk foto sim.
To extend the SIM registration activity starts at 09:30 but has arrived from 08:00 Go up to the parking lot on the 3rd floor where there is culinary food, then park the vehicle there then immediately sit in front of the neon box that says sim outlet, sit in the front row, fill it up first, then you will be called from the front row. Health check pays 40 thousand, registration (insurance 50 thousand) after weighing tension and registration, enter all files into the sim outlet, wait for the call, write biodata, then collect again after that wait to be called for a sim photo.
Farid on Google

Untuk Perpanjang SIM antri awal diluar, untuk bayar pajak tahunan STNK langsung kedalam Tahap perpanjang SIM 1. Antri diluar, ambil tempat duduk paling depan karena dimulai dari depan 2. Cek kesehatan, SIM C bayar 40rb 3. Asuransi, SIM C bayar 50rb 4. Ke Loket bertuliskan SIM Outlet, simpan berkas, kemudian akan diberi form yg harus diisi oleh kita, setelah diisi, kembalikan lagi ke SIM Outlet, jgn lupa ambil no antrian, kartu asuransi dan KTP Anda 5. Antri untuk Foto dan pengambilan sidik jari 6. Menunggu dipanggil namanya di SIM Outlet bahwa SIM sudah jadi, SIM C bayar 75rb, jika mau tambah anti gores tambah 10rb Selesai..
To extend the SIM, the initial queue outside, to pay the STNK annual tax directly inside SIM renewal stage 1. Queue outside, take the front seat because it starts from the front 2. Health check, SIM C pays 40 thousand 3. Insurance, SIM C pays 50 thousand 4. Go to the counter that says SIM Outlet, save the file, then you will be given a form that must be filled out by us, after filling it, return it to the SIM Outlet, don't forget to take your queue number, insurance card and ID card 5. Queue for Photo and fingerprint taking 6. Waiting for his name to be called at the SIM Outlet that the SIM is ready, SIM C pays 75 thousand, if you want to add scratch resistance add 10 thousand Finished..
Kim Hasan on Google

Kasih bintang 4 aja, kalo 5 itu tandanya sempurna banget tempat ini, walaupun masih banyak kekurangan, tapi untuk perpanjangan SIM saya hari Senin 07 Maret 2022 dari pukul 08:00 sampai pukul 11:00 baru selesai, 3 jam prosesnya, kebanyakan dihabiskan oleh mengantri dan menunggu. Singkatnya sbb: 1. Saya menunggu diluar gerai duduk di bangku sampai menunggu tes tensi darah, 2. Selesai tes tensi darah, berikan hasil tensi ke petugas gerai perpanjangan SIM dan saya diberi formulir yang harus diisi, 3. Selesai mengisi formulir, formulir tsb diberikan kembali ke petugas gerai dan menunggu panggilan foto dan sidik jari sesuai nomor antrian yang diberikan saat diberi formulir kosong, 4. Setelah dipanggil untuk pemotretan dan sidik jari, saya menunggu hasil cetakan SIM, dan begitu dipanggil saya dimintai uang pembayaran perpanjangan SIM sebesar 125 ribu. Dan semua proses selesai. Proses sesederhana itu memakan waktu 3 jam karena pelayanan hanya dilakukan oleh satu orang pada masing masing pelayanan. Ya saya bisa maklum, dan patut diapresiasi juga. Ulasan ini saya buat seperti ini biar jangan cuma bisa mencela, kita harus paham seperti apa situasi disana. Oh iya, saya dari luar Karawang yang notabene sudah dari 2017 dipindahkan kerjanya ke Karawang, gerai ini sangat membantu untuk para perantau luar Karawang. Hatur nuhun sadayana, salam sadulur sunda walau simkuring sanes wargi Karawang.
Just give 4 stars, if 5 is a perfect sign this place is perfect, although there are still many shortcomings, but for the extension of my SIM on Monday 07 March 2022 from 08:00 to 11:00 just finished, 3 hours process, mostly spent by queuing and wait. In short as follows: 1. I waited outside the booth sitting on a bench to wait for a blood pressure test, 2. After the blood pressure test, give the results of the blood pressure to the driver at the SIM renewal booth and I was given a form to fill out, 3. After filling out the form, the form is given back to the booth clerk and waits for a photo and fingerprint call according to the queue number given when the blank form is given, 4. After being called for a photo shoot and fingerprinting, I waited for the printout of my SIM, and when I was called I was asked to pay for a SIM renewal of 125 thousand. And all processes are complete. Such a simple process takes 3 hours because the service is only carried out by one person in each service. Yes, I understand, and it deserves appreciation too. I made this review like this so that we don't just criticize, we have to understand what the situation is like there. Oh yeah, I'm from outside Karawang who in fact has moved to Karawang since 2017, this outlet is very helpful for immigrants outside Karawang. Thank you nuhun sadayana, greetings sadulur sunda even though simkuring sanes wargi karawang.
Hadiyanto on Google

Woke lah....
Arip Priatna on Google


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