Shopee Express Tangerang - Kota Tangerang

1.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Shopee Express Tangerang

Address :

RT.003/RW.002, Panunggangan Utara, Kec. Pinang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15143, Indonesia

Postal code : 15143
Categories :

RT.003/RW.002, Panunggangan Utara, Kec. Pinang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15143, Indonesia
FAJAR M ZAIN on Google

Hari ini saya ada cek proses pengiriman barang ke alamat saya (tertera) di aplikasi shopee keterangannya sudah di terima ybs, posisi saya sedang bekerja, saya tanya keluarga mereka juga merasa tidak menerima paket tersebut,, kurir hanya foto saja di lokasi, padahal ada nomer w.a/hp saya tertera harusnya konfirmasi dulu.. tapi ini tidak.. Mungkin foto hanya formalitas, dan barang losss... Gimana tuh kalo gitu??
Today I checked the process of sending goods to my address (listed) on the shopee application, the information has been received by the person concerned, my position is at work, I asked their family, they also felt they did not receive the package, the courier only took photos at the location, even though there was a number my wa/hp says I should have confirmed it first.. but this isn't.. Maybe the photo is just a formality, and the item is a loss... What if that's the case??
Madalena Zhang on Google

kebangetan memang HUB Tangerang. paket melebiihi batas estimasi hampir 4hari, emang gk bisa gitu tlp penerima klw pake terkendala apa di sana... cape hbubungin call center juga bilangnya sedang kami pantau.
kebangetan is HUB Tangerang. the package exceeds the estimated limit of almost 4 days, it really doesn't work, call the recipient if you are using it, what are the problems there... tired, call the call center and they say we are monitoring it.
Danu Wijaya on Google

Sudah lewat 1 hari pengiriman, live chat di jawab dengan "tidak ada kendala". tapi kok, telat!!?? berarti ada kendala dong..!?? apakah alamat kantor saya kurang jelas??! diterimapun pasti melalui security yang stand by weekday/weekend 7x24jam. tracking lokasi looping 2 hari, 14 april 2022 Serpong DC, 16 April 2022 Tangerang Hub. tanggal 17 April 2022 posisi di Tangerang Hub - Serpong DC maksudnya gimana yah.. apakah barang yang sudah d terima Tangerang Hub akan dikembalikan lagi ke Serpong DC!??
After 1 day of delivery, the live chat was answered with "no problems". but why, late!!?? does that mean there is a problem..!?? is my office address not clear?? it must be received through security who is on standby weekdays/weekends 7x24 hours. tracking location looping 2 days, April 14 2022 Serpong DC, April 16 2022 Tangerang Hub. April 17, 2022 the position at Tangerang Hub - Serpong DC, what do you mean... will the goods that have been received by Tangerang Hub be returned to Serpong DC!??
Karina Taurusia on Google

Pake shopee auto kepilihnya shopee express. Keterangannya gagal kirim karena penerima ga bisa dihubungi. Blg aja males nganter anjer karena udah sore. Nelepon aja kagak. Eeeqqq
Use shopee auto, choose shopee express. The description failed to send because the recipient could not be contacted. Please don't be lazy to take the bus because it's late. Do not call. Eeeqqq
hacibi kuruta on Google

Tolong kurirnya yang nakal gausah dipake !! Kirim paket, pembayaran pake shopeepay kok orang tua ditagih lagi !! Tolong di urus nih, kebiasaan nanti kalau yang nerima orang tua yang ga tau. Kurirnya an MOCHAMAD RIFAI. Area pamulang
Please don't use the naughty courier!! Send a package, payment using shopeepay how come parents are billed again!! Please take care of this, it's a habit later if you accept parents who don't know. The courier is MOCHAMAD RIFAI. Pamulang area
siti mahmuda on Google

lelet bngt kurir nya gk jelas percobaan pengiriman gagal mulu pdhal udh 2 hari masa iya gagal mulu.beda ama jnt tpi syg gk bisa di ganti dari shope nya
very slow, the courier is not clear, the delivery attempt failed, even though it's been 2 days, it failed forever. It's different from jnt but unfortunately it can't be replaced from the shope
Aray Ariyansah on Google

Kga jelas nii shopee exress , barang blum di terima di keterang sudah di terima kan tai , yang Nerima juga kaga kenal , itu kan di alamat udah ketauan ruko ttup/libur kenpa masih di ttip sama tetangga , gua juga kaga kenal sama tetangganya ...cobalah bilangin sama kurirnya kerja yang bener ,itu kan ada no tlfon jelas .
It's not clear this is a shopee express, the item hasn't been received, it's explained that it's been received, sir, what Nerima doesn't know either, it's at the address that the shop is closed/holidays why is it still being sent to the neighbors, I don't know the neighbors either... try to tell the courier the correct work, there is a clear telephone number.
kiki reza on Google

Tolong kurir yg namanya yaseer syah putra kalau pusing nyari alamat bisa tlpon ke no yg tertera, jangan asal ngirim brang ke rumah orang!!! Parah banget di status barang sudah sampai tujuan tapi saya gak tau itu rumah siapa
Please, a courier whose name is Yaseer Syah Putra, if you are confused about looking for an address, you can call the number listed, don't just send stuff to someone's house!!! It's really bad that the item has arrived at its destination but I don't know whose house it is

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