1.3/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Jl. Magelang - Yogyakarta, Mlati Beningan, Sendangadi, Kec. Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :
City : Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Jl. Magelang - Yogyakarta, Mlati Beningan, Sendangadi, Kec. Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Zahra Fauziyah Putri A on Google

Mau cari info no telp eh ternyata pd komplain jelek juga wkwk, beberapa kali pake Sxpress baru kali ini 5 hari nyangkut di sleman, katanya alamat salah/susah dicari, sampe ditelp pihak cs shopee menanyakan alamat, yang bener aja dong alamat salah bagemana, saya aja jd anggota platinum masa ga niat beli dishopee ????? lu kalo ga niat buka ekspedisi tutup sekalian aja dah, bikin nambah dosa orang2 aje wkwkw, harusnya -1 bintangnya hahaha
Want to find info on the phone number, it turns out that the complaint is bad too, wow, several times using Sxpress, only this time it's been stuck in Sleman for 5 days, it says the address is wrong/hard to find, until the shopee cs phoned asking for the address, that's right, what's the wrong address, I Just become a platinum member, when you don't intend to buy at shopee If you don't intend to open an expedition, just close it, it just adds to the sins of people, wow, it should be -1 star hahaha
Wd yanti on Google

Barang udah 3 hari masih di gudang mulu, tolong hubungin customor dong kalau belum bisa ngantar, jadi bisa ngambil sendiri, barang yg mau dipakai gak bisa dipakai karena kinerja ekspedisi yg BURUK
The item has been in the warehouse for 3 days, please contact the customer if you can't deliver it, so you can pick it up yourself, the item you want to use can't be used because of poor expedition performance
My Samsung on Google

Pantesan bintang 1 semua, untuk gak ada bintang 0, pengirimannya super duper buruk, udah pick up dari penjualnya LAMA, begitu sampe kota tujuan kok gak di kirim² ke alamat pembeli. Saran saya mending dikasihkan ke jasa pengiriman yang lain aja deh yang lebih handal.
All 1 star deserves, for no 0 stars, the delivery is super duper bad, the pick up from the seller is OLD, when you arrive at the destination city why is it not sent to the buyer's address. My advice is to give it to another shipping service that is more reliable.
Dina Arista on Google

Paket udah dari tgl 12 sampe sekarang ga nyampe-nyampe dan gabisa di hubungi, mending klo ganiat buka jasa kirim gausa buka deh, lo mempersulit hidup org!! Klo bisa ngasi bintang -100 gue bkl kasi karna se jelek dan se gj itu jasa kirim lo!!
The package has not arrived since the 12th until now and can't be contacted, it's better if you open a delivery service, don't open it, you're making people's lives difficult!! If I can give -100 stars I will give it because it's that bad and that's how it sends you!!
amelia tridistya on Google

Tolong dong dibenahi sistemnya, paket saya sudah 4 hari ga jalan. Pihak shopee harusnya memperhatikan kepuasan pelanggan, jika belum siap dengan layanan ekspedi ekspres mohon di nonaktifkan saja. Atau jika overload mohon berikan akses untuk dapat mengambil paket langsung ke gudang. Terimakasih
Please fix the system, my package hasn't worked for 4 days. The shopee should pay attention to customer satisfaction, if you are not ready with the express delivery service, please deactivate it. Or if it's overloaded, please provide access to be able to pick up the package directly to the warehouse. Thank you
Ummu Mushlihat on Google

Paket saya harusnya datang sebelum tanggal 30 maret 2022 sudah tertera tanggal , tapi sampe sekarang tidak ada datang dan tidak ada konfirmasi apapun. Tolonggg Jika ada kendala tolong di konfirmasi melalu pesan / melalui onlinshop konsumen. Demi kelancaran shopee express sendiri saya mohon perbaiki sistem yang ada. Karena sudah terkenal sangat lama dalam pengiriman. Dan tidak ada konfirmasi apapun.terimakasih !
My package was supposed to arrive before March 30, 2022, the date already stated, but until now nothing has arrived and there is no confirmation whatsoever. please If there are problems, please confirm via message / through the consumer online shop. For the sake of the smooth running of Shopee Express itself, I beg you to improve the existing system. Because it has been known for a very long time in shipping. And there is no confirmation whatsoever. Thank you!
Oktaviana Dewi Maharani on Google

Gak lagi lagi lah pake Shopee ekspres ini, rencana pesen barang buat kado ultah, udah di estimasi nyampe nya kemarin, eh katanya kurir salah rute dan di kirim hari berikutnya . Astaagaaa, tanya temen2 ternyata udah pernah ngalamin hal sama juga , kalo belum siap jadi jasa kirim jangan gini dong . Kzl deh ???
I no longer use this Express Shopee, I plan to order items for birthday gifts, it's been estimated that it will arrive yesterday, uh, the courier said the route was wrong and it was sent the next day. Gosh, ask my friends, it turns out that they've experienced the same thing, if you're not ready to be a delivery service, don't do this. Kzl deh
Budi Sudarsono on Google


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