Shopee Express Hub Cimanggis - Kota Depok

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Contact Shopee Express Hub Cimanggis

Address :

Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor No.KM. 30, Mekarsari, Kec. Cimanggis, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16451, Indonesia

Postal code : 16451
Categories :

Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor No.KM. 30, Mekarsari, Kec. Cimanggis, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16451, Indonesia
Lia Kristanti on Google

Layanannya parah, barang bs nyangkut berhari hari tidak terkirim
saya. on Google

wow ternyata gak saya doang ya mengalami hal buruk lewat ekspedisi ini, tolong ya saya udah PESAN paket hampir seminggu namun tidak BERGERAK sama sekali statusnya. jadi kurir mohon yang AMANAH, itu paket punya orang lain, anda semua TIDAK memiliki hak untuk menyentuh paket konsumen. yah, itu kalau kalian paham ya haha. tolong DIPERBAIKI lagi service-nya, e-commerace punya nama besar karena ekspedisi kalian yang seperti ini bikin nama e-comm jadi jelek aja. memalukan.
Zaidan Irsyad on Google

ini gaada kontak yg bisa dihubungin kah? gimana ceritanya ya paket saya udh dibawa kurir kemarin sore tp skrg balik lg ke gudang-_-
is there no contact that can be contacted? what's the story, my package was brought by the courier yesterday afternoon but now it's back to the warehouse -_-
Saputra Dwi Bowo on Google

Bener bener nih sortir cimanggis, udh mah paket gak gerak 2hari eh sekalinya gerak masa pengiriman cuma dari margonda depok kecipayung depok paket gue malah dibawa muter kecakung. Bener bener ngaco keknya org org ekspedisi bagian cimanggis, kalo gak lewat cimanggis perasaan lancar jaya aja selama ini gue pake shopee.
lauditta alfia on Google

im sorry i must say this service is really bad. di shopee statusnya udah diterima sama tetangga tp udah ditanyain ke semua tetangga soal paketnya & gaada yang nerima. tolong dong kurirnya lebih komunikatif lagi. nomor telfon udah dicantumin, sebisa mungkin kasih informasi mengenai paketnya kalo udah sampe. ya intinya saya kapok bgt pake ekspedisi ini.
im sorry i must say this service is really bad. in shopee the status has been received by the neighbors, but all the neighbors have asked about the package & no one has received it. Please, the courier is more communicative. The phone number has been included, as much as possible give information about the package when it arrives. yes basically I'm tired of using this expedition.
Mugiwara Channel on Google

Parah bgt yaah ekspedisi shopee hemat, malu maluin shopee aja. Pesanan saya dua hari statusnya “percobaan pengiriman gagal”, sudah melebih estimasi. saya hub pihak shopee, besonya status “kurir menuju lokasi anda”. Sampe sekarang ga nongol2 ini produk. Kalau jadi kurir yg bener kenapa. atau kalau ngurus gudang yg bener napa. itu kan barang orang. greget banget!!!
It's really bad, the shopee expedition is thrifty, shame on shopee. My order in two days the status "attempted delivery failed", already exceeded the estimate. I contacted shopee, the next status "courier to your location". Until now, this product has not appeared. If you are a true courier, why? or if you take care of the right warehouse, why not. it's people stuff. really awesome!!!
Nurrul Latifah on Google

payah nih jenis pengiriman barang pake jasa Shopee Express! barang udh berhari-hari ga sampe, alasannya "waktu pengiriman tdk cukup" tapi dihari berikutnya juga belum sampai, malah kembali lagi ke tempat ekspedisi
It's a shame this type of delivery of goods using Shopee Express services! the goods haven't arrived for days, the reason is "the delivery time is not enough" but the next day it still hasn't arrived, instead it returns to the place of the expedition
Siti Nurhayati on Google

PELAYANAM YG SANGAT BURUK !!!! NAMA kurir FEBRI ROCHADI Ini gue gatau ya salah kurir atau orang dalem ekpedisinya, BARANG GAK LENGKAP ! Tp pas di cek ke toko, si toko udah lengkap masukkin barangnya, silverqueen gue yg gede njir di ambil, sama sosis 5 biji, gileeeee Kaga mampu lu beli ya smpr di ambil punya pelanggan, kecewa bgt sih Awalnya gue nyalahin toko, tp pas cek barang apaa aja yg di masukkin si toko udah bener masukkin barang, ada listnya juga, pas buka packing, toplesnya udh bekas bukaan dan coklatnya kaga ada anjir, kecewaaaaaa bgt mending gausah pake ekspedisi ini kalo mau beli barang di toko mana pun !!!!.
VERY BAD SERVICE!!!! Courier NAME FEBRI ROCHADI I don't know if it's the courier's fault or the person in the expedition, ITEM IS NOT COMPLETE! But when I checked into the store, the shop was already complete and put the goods in, my big silver queen was taken away, and 5 sausages, gileeeee You can't afford to buy it when you take it, you have a customer, I'm really disappointed At first I blamed the shop, but when I checked what items were put in, the shop had the items in correctly, there was a list as well, when I opened the packaging, the jars were already opened and the chocolate didn't have any left, I'm really disappointed, it's better to not use this expedition if you want to buy goods in any shop!!!!.
Rashya Alfarizqi on Google

Irvan 2410 on Google


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