Seafood 68 - Bekasi

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Seafood 68

Address :

Jl. Mustika Jaya, Mustika Jaya, Kec. Tambun Sel., Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510, Indonesia

Postal code : 17510
Opening hours :
Monday 5–11:57PM
Tuesday 5–11:57PM
Wednesday 5–11:57PM
Thursday 5–11:57PM
Friday 5–11:57PM
Saturday 5–11:57PM
Sunday 5–11:57PM
Categories :

Jl. Mustika Jaya, Mustika Jaya, Kec. Tambun Sel., Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510, Indonesia
Mohamad Bintang on Google

Sedia makanan seafood di rest area 68
Prepared seafood in the rest area 68
hendhisca cipta on Google

Kurang enak.
Not good.
Sang Naga76 on Google

Tempat makan lengkap apa aja ada, tapi harganya lumayan mengeruk kantong
Any complete eating places there, but the price is quite dredging the bag
Zadhira Rachma on Google

Tempatnya santai nyaman es susu karamel malaka dan es kopi susu gula aren my favorit❤
The place is relaxed, comfortable, iced caramel milk, malacca, and iced coffee, my favorite palm sugar milk
Keanu Techno on Google

Menunya komplit , rasanya juga enak. Harganya terjangkau ( standar karyawan lah) . Cuma tempatnya saja yang perlu diperbaiki. Kalo lagi rame jadi kurang nyaman , soalnya tempat duduk nya mepet kanan kiri.
The menu is complete, it tastes good too. The price is affordable (standard employees). Just the place that needs to be repaired. If again the game becomes uncomfortable, because the seat is tight right and left.
Sahabat Inspirasi on Google

Teman-teman, liputan wisata kuliner kali ini, saya ajak teman-teman mengunjungi Warung Tenda Seafood 68 yang legendaris di daerah Pasar Modern Grandwisata. Sore hari setelah jogging, saya ingin mencoba menu kerang goreng saus tiram di warung tenda ini. Dan rasanya memang tidak mengecewakan. Racikan bumbunya pas dan aromanya wangi, membuat dahaga kuliner saya ingin segera menyantapnya. Nah, bagi teman-teman yang belum begitu mengenal Seafood 68, berikut ini adalah ulasannya. ..... Menikmati makanan seafood di wilayah Jakarta dan sekitarnya memang perlu sedikit hati-hati. Banyak yang menawarkan masakan seafood, tetapi kurang pas cara memasaknya, sampai dengan penggunaan bahan baku yang tidak segar. Ada juga restoran bintang lima yang menyajikan masakan seafood segar dan enak, namun harganya diatas budget yang kita miliki. Seafood memang perlu penanganan khusus dibanding dengan bahan baku masakan lain. Hal ini disebabkan karena pengolahan seafood harus dilakukan segera, dalam keadaan segar. Jika ada keterlambatan pengolahan, masakan menjadi tidak enak karena sudah terjadi proses pembusukan pada bahan baku seafood tersebut. Seafood 68 ini, dikenal dan banyak direkomendasikan oleh pecinta kuliner, diantaranya karena alasan sebagai berikut: 1) Penggunaan bahan baku ikan dan panganan seafood lainnya yang segar 2) Penggunaan bumbu dan rempah yang cukup, tak terlalu banyak sehingga rasa asli seafood tak tertutupi 3) Harga yang cukup bersahabat 4) Pilihan menu makanan yang cukup bervariasi 5) Pilihan rasa yang beragam, ada saos tiram, saos padang, goreng mentega, goreng tepung, asam manis dan asam bakar 6) Proses pengolahannya cenderung cepat, perut lapar bisa segera terisi. Proses pengolahan bahan baku seafood tidak membutuhkan waktu lama, kompor dan bara bakaran terus dalam keadaan nyala selama kedai dibuka. Bahan baku diletakkan tak jauh dari dapur, dan sebagian dalam keadaan beku, untuk menjaga kesegaran makanan. Penggunaan bumbu dan rempahnya, seperti perpaduan antara kecap dan kunyit membuat rasa masakan lebih keluar, menyertai rasa asli kesegaran seafood. Udang saus padang dan cumi saus tiram merupakan salah satu best seller di kebanyakan kedai Seafood 68. Setidaknya Seafood 68 sudah memiliki beberapa cabang, yaitu: 1) Seafood 68 Santa, Jakarta Selatan 2) Seafood 68 Jl. Jatinegara Timur, Jakarta Timur 3) Seafood 68 Jl. Kalimalang Raya (Samping Bakmi Golek), Jakarta Timur 4) Seafood 68 Kompleks Lippo Cikarang 5) Seafood 68 Taman Galaxy, Bekasi 6) Seafood 68 Villa Galaxy, Bekasi 7) Seafood 68 Pondok Gede, depan Pizza Hut Pondok Gede, Bekasi 8) Seafood 68 Pasar Modern Grand Wisata, Tambun, Bekasi. Penasaran menikmati seafood professional ala kaki lima, silahkan datang ke kedai seafood 68 diatas. Selamat makan!
Friends, on this culinary tour, I invite my friends to visit the legendary Warung Tenda Seafood 68 in the Grandwisata Modern Market area. In the afternoon after jogging, I wanted to try the fried oyster sauce menu at this tent stall. And it didn't disappoint. The concoction of spices is just right and the aroma is fragrant, making my culinary thirst want to eat it immediately. Well, for friends who are not very familiar with Seafood 68, here is the review. ..... Enjoying seafood in Jakarta and its surroundings does need to be a little careful. Many offer seafood dishes, but the cooking method is not quite right, up to the use of raw materials that are not fresh. There is also a five-star restaurant that serves fresh and delicious seafood, but the price is above our budget. Seafood does need special handling compared to raw materials for other dishes. This is because the processing of seafood must be done immediately, in a fresh state. If there is a delay in processing, the food will not taste good because the seafood raw material has already decomposed. Seafood 68 is known and widely recommended by culinary lovers, including for the following reasons: 1) Use of fresh fish and other seafood raw materials 2) Sufficient use of spices and herbs, not too much so that the original taste of seafood is not covered up 3) The price is quite friendly 4) The choice of food menu is quite varied 5) Choice of various flavors, there are oyster sauce, Padang sauce, butter fried, flour fried, sweet sour and grilled sour 6) The processing tends to be fast, hungry stomachs can be filled immediately. The process of processing seafood raw materials does not take long, the stove and burning coals continue to be on while the shop is open. The raw materials are placed not far from the kitchen, and some are frozen, to maintain the freshness of the food. The use of spices and herbs, such as the combination of soy sauce and turmeric, makes the taste of the dish more pronounced, accompanying the original taste of fresh seafood. Prawns in Padang sauce and squid in oyster sauce are one of the best sellers at most Seafood 68 shops. At least Seafood 68 already has several branches, namely: 1) Seafood 68 Santa, South Jakarta 2) Seafood 68 Jl. East Jatinegara, East Jakarta 3) Seafood 68 Jl. Kalimalang Raya (Beside Bakmi Golek), East Jakarta 4) Seafood 68 Lippo Cikarang Complex 5) Seafood 68 Taman Galaxy, Bekasi 6) Seafood 68 Villa Galaxy, Bekasi 7) Seafood 68 Pondok Gede, in front of Pizza Hut Pondok Gede, Bekasi 8) Seafood 68 Grand Wisata Modern Market, Tambun, Bekasi. Curious to enjoy street-style professional seafood, please come to the seafood shop 68 above. Enjoy your meal!
Sheren Adisya on Google

good taste.
Raya Zidan on Google


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