SDN Tajur Halang 05 - Kabupaten Bogor

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact SDN Tajur Halang 05

Address :

Bungur, RT.2/RW.5, Tajur Halang, Kec. Cijeruk, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16740, Indonesia

Postal code : 16740
Categories :

Bungur, RT.2/RW.5, Tajur Halang, Kec. Cijeruk, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16740, Indonesia
Alizah Nv54 on Google

Emang skolahan a sederha tp aku sekolah di situ
It was a bit of a waste when I went to school
Indra Utama on Google

Tempat dluu...kmi belajar and bermain bersama...slam sjahtera...
First place ... we learn and play together ... prosperous slam ...
Abby Ikhsan on Google

ini adalah tmpt awal saya menuntut ilmu ,dmn sy telah mendapatkan ilmu pengetahuan serta mengenal hurup2 dan bisa berhitung ..
This is my initial tmpt studying, DMN sy have gained knowledge and know hurup2 and could count ..
Siti Aisyah on Google

Sekolah sederhana tp punya banyak cerita...ini sdn tajurhalang 05 saya angkatan 2015
Simple school has tons of stories ... this is my 5th successor to 2015
Dens Vapor on Google

tempat dulu kami belajar &bermain mngisi cerah nya hari.... slam jasa para guru...
where we first studied & played bright days ... slam the services of the teachers ...
dika andika on Google

Tempat kelahiran ku di depan SD & aku blajar di SD ini ,sekolahan yg penuh kenangan,,,terima kasih parah guru" ku ,,engkau telah mengajari semuanya jasa" mu tak akan pernah terlupakan,,akan abadi di dalam hidup ku ,,,
My place of birth in front of elementary school & I learned in this elementary school, a school full of memories ... thank you, my severe teacher "you have taught all your services" you will never be forgotten ... will be eternal in my life ...
Satrio Adly Nuno Setiawan on Google

Sekolah nya lumayan karena apa sekolah nya di kampung makanya agak kecil ya tetapi di belakang nya pemandangan nya sangat bagus menghadap ke tebing yang ada pertaniannya itu sangat dekat di rumah ku?
The school is okay because the school is in the village, so it's a bit small, but behind it the view is very good overlooking the cliff where the farm is very close to my house?
Entis Sutisna on Google


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