SDC JOGJA [ ShopeeFood Driver Center ] - Kabupaten Sleman

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact SDC JOGJA [ ShopeeFood Driver Center ]

Address :

Jl. Ring Road Utara Jl. Jenengan Raya No.123, Jenengan, Maguwoharjo, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Postal code : 55281
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–4:30PM
Tuesday 8AM–4:30PM
Wednesday 8AM–4:30PM
Thursday 8AM–4:30PM
Friday 8AM–4:30PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Ring Road Utara Jl. Jenengan Raya No.123, Jenengan, Maguwoharjo, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Tentang Perjalanan on Google

Mbok tolong itu resto siluman GHOST CHIKS di tindak lanjuti, ganggu org kerja.. Cm suruh jalankan order tp ga nganter apa apa
Ma'am, please, this stealth restaurant, GHOST CHIKS, is being followed up, disturbing people at work.
Destanti Anggie P on Google

undangan jam 11-12, jam 3 blm di panggil wkwk, gini amat prosedur nya, pdhl shope udah perusahaan besar, TOLONG DI PERBAIKI. LAGI, saya dapat undangan tgl 14 di alihkan tgl 21 masih juga suruh antri panjang, parah bgt sihh, kalo sekira nya tidak memadai buat segitu banyak undangan, di minimalisir DONG!!! CAPEK ANTRI!
invitation at 11-12, at 3 I haven't been called, wow, this is the procedure, even though Shope is a big company, PLEASE REPAIR. AGAIN, I got an invitation on the 14th and it was transferred to the 21st and I still ordered a long queue, it's really bad, if it's not enough for that many invitations, minimize it DONG!!! TIRED OF ANTRI!
dommp wasles on Google

hallo Shope . Tolong Olderan jangan paling dekat dengan titik kami yang Ori/jujur/gak makan uang haram tidak pernah dapet olderan . tolong di buat dari titik 500m lah biar fake Gps hilang.
hello shopee . Olderan please, don't be closest to our point. Ori/honest/don't eat haram money, never get older . please make it from the 500m point so that the fake gps disappears.
Titin Umaysaroh on Google

Kurangnya etika cs di lantai 3 bagian pengambilan atribut. Mbak2 rambut agak pirang judes nya minta ampun, udah gitu gak di jelasin lagi gak ada ramah2 nya sama sekali bahkan untuk ngucapin maksih setelah pelayanan selesai aja kgak, gak kayak cs yg sebelahnya yg mbak2 pake kerudung. Saran : tolong diberikan pelatihan grooming hingga attitude cs secara berkala
Lack of cs ethics on the 3rd floor of the attribute taking section. The bitch blonde hair is asking for forgiveness, it's not explained anymore, there's no friendliness at all, even to say thank you after the service is over, no, it's not like the cs next to you who are wearing headscarves. Suggestion: please give grooming training to cs attitude on a regular basis
danang gunawan on Google

Wow brow ubah sistem orderan jadi random brow....lupakan titik terdekat Tuyul2 kok di pelihara...ini bukan soal kerja cerdas tapi pembodohan digital...jgn lakukan pembiaran tapi pencegahan tindak kecurangan... Jgn ambil rejeki orang2 yg niat kerja wow...hanya kau mainkan orderan dgn aplikasi tuyulmu... ini pelanggaran ITE pertuyulan tindak tegas crime digital Hati2 jejak digital
Wow bro, change the order system to random bro....forget the closest point How come it's maintained... it's not about smart work but digital duping... don't ignore it but prevent fraud... Don't take the fortune of people who intend to work wow... you just play orders with your tuyul application... This is a violation of ITE regarding digital crime decisive action Be careful digital footprints
Afif Himawan on Google

buat mbaknya di lantai 4, sudah antri 3 jam buat daftar shope driver tapi pas mau acc data ditolak karena ktp bagian nik agak ngblur, lain kali mbok ya dicoba dulu nghargain saya udah duduk 3 jam nunggu panggilan suruh pulang gitu aja padahal temen saya ktpnya lebih parah bisa di acc. padahal sebelum masuk sudah dicek satpam dan dipersilahkan gaada masalah di ktp.
for Ms. on the 4th floor, I've queued for 3 hours to register for a shope driver but when I want to access the data it is rejected because the ID card on the nik section is a bit blurry, next time, please try it first, appreciate that I've been sitting for 3 hours waiting for a call to tell me to go home, even though my friend has more ID bad can be acc. even though before entering the security guard has checked and there are no problems with the ID card.
shakayla Hifza on Google

Orderan sepi padahal driver banyak, hanya rekrut tapi tidak mensejahterakan mitranya. Miris lihat dijalan-jalan jogja, apakah para petinggi shopee tau akan hal ini, saya rasa tidak. Ingin menyaingi gojek/grab tetapi mitra driver tidak ada kepastian orderan seperti duo ijo.
Orders are quiet even though there are many drivers, only recruiting but not prospering partners. It's sad to see the streets of Jogja, do shopee officials know about this, I don't think so. Want to compete with gojek/grab but driver partners don't have any certainty of orders like duo ijo.
Jhontiga3 3 on Google

Baru mendaftar.. saingan banyak pemakai GPS fake yang konon dilarang. Gak cuma skali dua kali konflik sesama driver. Seharusnya ada tim yg menyamar jadi pembeli buat turun ke lapangan atau langsung jadi ctm buat mantau titik driver.. Gak balik modal..terancam kena PM Krn tidak ada order.
Just registered.. there are many fake GPS users who are said to be banned. Not just once or twice a conflict between drivers. There should be a team disguised as a buyer to go to the field or directly become a ctm to monitor driver points.. No return on investment.. in danger of getting PM because there is no order.

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