School SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta City

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Contact School SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta

Address :

Jl. Nitikan Baru No.48, Sorosutan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55162, Indonesia

Phone : 📞 +778
Postal code : 55162
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Opening hours :
Monday 6:30AM–5PM
Tuesday 6:30AM–5PM
Wednesday 6:30AM–5PM
Thursday 6:30AM–5PM
Friday 6:30AM–5PM
Saturday 6:30AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Nitikan Baru No.48, Sorosutan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55162, Indonesia
Ilham Farid Maulana on Google

SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta berdiri pada tanggal 1 Agustus 1958 bertempat di Sekolah Menengah Ekonomi Pertama (SMEP) Muhammadiyah 1 Jalan Pathuk Yogyakarta, yang dipelopori oleh Bapak Muchsin. Pimpinan sekolah pertama sebagai pengelola adalah Bapak Dawami Achmad, ST. dan Bapak Drs. Moehadi Sofyan (1958). Saat itu bernama SMEA Muhammadiyah, baru saja berjalan kemudian pidah ke Ndalem Poespo (sebelah barat pojok beteng) yang kini dikenal Jalan Mayjen Sutoyo, dan saat itu masih sulit mendapatkan siswa meskipun sudah berlabel Muhammadiyah. Pada tanggal 1 Agustus 1960 SMEA Muhammadiyah pindah bertempat di Ndalem Poeger sebelah timur Rumah Sakit Pugeran di Jalan Mayjen Sutoyo, Kepala Sekolah resmi Bapak Dawami Achmad, ST. dan Wakilnya Bapak Drs. Moehadi Sofyan. Sekolah masuk sore, bersama dengan SMEP Muhammadiyah yang masuk pagi.Kemudian tahun 1961/1962 SMEA Muhammadiyah menyewa bersama SMEP Muh. 1 di Ndalem Puspo, akan tetapi tetap masih masuk siang hari dan masih kesulitan mendapatkan siswa yang cukup. Padahal pada saat itu baru ada 2 SMEA, yaitu SMEA Negeri 1 masuk pagi, dan SMEA Negeri 2 masuk sore. Kemudian menyusul SMEA Swasta Santo Thomas dan SMEA PIRI yang semua berada di kota. Melanjutkan babak baru dengan hijrah kembali menempati Ndalem Suryo sekaligus masuk pagi dengan harapan ada kecerahan bisa mendapatkan siswa baru yang memadai, namun tantangan baru muncul dengan lahirnya SMEA Muhammadiyah 2 di Kauman, yang memiliki tempat representative serta merupakan peninggalan alm. KHA. Dahlan pendiri Muhammadiyah di Kauman Yogyakarta yang dimotori oleh Bapak Haifani Hilal, B.Sc, dan Mujiharjo, B.Sc. Pada tahun 1970 SMEA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta mengalami pergantian Kepala Sekolah baru dari Bapak Dawami Achmad, ST. kepada Drs. Jajuli yang hanya menjabat beberapa bulan, karena diangkat menjadi dosen di FKIP Negeri Surabaya. Jabatan Kepala Sekolah dirangkap oleh Drs. Moehadi Sofyan sekaligus kepala SMA Muhammadiyah 3 dan pimpinan surat kabar Mercu Suar. Tahun 1972 / 1973 benar-benar ujian berat bagi SMEA Muhammadiyah 1 yang nyaris berakhir. Selain siswanya yang tidak memadai tempat untuk KBM juga digunakan tempat SMA ISLAM yang saat itu Ketua Yayasannya Alm. Prop. Dr. Ahmad Badawi. Karena jabatan rangkap yang dilakukan Bapak Moehadi Sofyan ( SMA Muhammadiyah 3 dan SMEA Muhammadiyah 1 ), maka jabatan Kepala Sekolah dijabat oleh Bapak Noeryono, BA. yang kemudian beliau diangkat menjadi guru PNS di SMP Negri Bijiharjo Wonosari Gunungkidul. Selanjutnya akibat dari diberlakukannya Kepala Sekolah minimal Golongan III/c, maka praktis Drs. Moehadi Sofyan yang harus mandegani sebagai pengelola, yang masih menjabat Wakil Kepala Sekolah SMEA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta. Namun Alhamdulillah pada tahun 1986 beliau Bapak RH.Wachmad Hardjo Puspito mewakafkan tanahnya di kampong Nitikan. Menyusul bantuan dari Majelis Dikdasmen Kodya Yogyakarta terealisasi pondasi Gedung SMEA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta yang sekarang di jalan Nitikan baru. Pada tahun 1995 Majelis Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah PWM Prop. D.I.Y memberikan uluran tangan berujud satu unit gedung bertingkat, Sementara hijrah SMEA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta berlangsung lagi, dan jabatan Kepala Sekolah pun begitu juga dari Bapak. Noeryono, BA kepada Suhardi, pensiunan Kepala SMP Bejiharjo. SMEA Muhammadiyah 1 pindah lagi ke SD Muhammadiyah Danunegaran, kemudian terakhir tahun 1995 hijrah ke Nitikan Baru dengan satu unit gedung bertingkat. Dan dengan Kepala Sekolah berturut-turut Bapak Noeryono, Bapak Suhardi dan Bapak Mujihardjono, B. Sc. Dengan adanya perubahan kurikulum dan undang-undang pendidikan yang mengharuskan perubahan nama sekolah menengah kejuruan dengan SMK, maka tanggal 7 Juli 1997 SMEA Muhammadiyah 1 ditetapkan Majelis Dikdasmen PWM Prop. D.I.Y menjadi SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta. Pada tanggal 7 Juli 1997 diadakan serah terima jabatan kepala sekolah, sebagai pejabat pelaksana harian Kepala Sekolah SMK Muh 1 Yogya Ibu Siti Asiyah, BA dan YMT Drs. Sumaryanto Marzuki.
Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta Vocational School was established on August 1, 1958 at the Muhammadiyah 1 Middle School of Jalan Pathuk Yogyakarta, which was pioneered by Mr. Muchsin. The first school leader as manager was Mr Dawami Achmad, ST. and Mr. Drs. Moehadi Sofyan (1958). At that time it was called Muhammadiyah Senior High School, just walked then said to Ndalem Poespo (west of the corner of Beteng) which is now known as Jalan Maj. Gen Sutoyo, and at that time it was still difficult to get students even though it was labeled Muhammadiyah. On August 1, 1960 the Muhammadiyah High School moved to the Ndalem Poeger east of the Pugeran Hospital on Jalan Maj. Sutoyo, the official Principal of Bapak Dawami Achmad, ST. and his Deputy Drs. Moehadi Sofyan. The school entered in the afternoon, together with the SMEP Muhammadiyah who entered the morning. Then in 1961/1962 the Muhammadiyah Senior High School hired with SMEP Muh. 1 in Ndalem Puspo, but still entering during the day and still having difficulty getting enough students. Even though at that time there were only 2 Senior High Schools, namely Public High School 1 in the morning, and Public High School 2 in the afternoon. Then followed the Santo Thomas Private High School and the PRIVATE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL, all of which were in the city. Continuing the new chapter by moving back to occupy Ndalem Suryo as well as entering the morning with the hope that brightness can get new students that are adequate, new challenges arise with the birth of Muhammadiyah 2 Senior High School in Kauman, which has a representative place and is a heritage. CRC. Dahlan, the founder of Muhammadiyah in Kauman Yogyakarta, was led by Mr Haifani Hilal, B.Sc, and Mujiharjo, B.Sc. In 1970 Muhammadiyah 1 Senior High School Yogyakarta experienced a new headmaster change from Mr Dawami Achmad, ST. to Drs. Jajuli who only served a few months, because he was appointed as a lecturer at FKIP Surabaya. The position of the Principal is concurrently held by Drs. Moehadi Sofyan and head of Muhammadiyah 3 High School and the head of the Mercu Suar newspaper. 1972/1973 was really a tough test for Muhammadiyah 1 Senior High School which was almost over. In addition to students who were inadequate places for teaching and learning were also used at the Islamic High School where the Chairman of the Foundation was at that time. Prop. Dr. Ahmad Badawi. Because of the multiple positions carried out by Mr. Moehadi Sofyan (Muhammadiyah High School 3 and Muhammadiyah 1 Senior High School), the position of Principal was held by Mr. Noeryono, BA. who later he was appointed as a PNS teacher at SMP Negeri Bijiharjo Wonosari Gunungkidul. Furthermore, due to the enactment of a Principal of at least Group III / c, it is practically Drs. Moehadi Sofyan, who had to act as a manager, was still Deputy Principal of Muhammadiyah 1 Public High School in Yogyakarta. But Alhamdulillah in 1986 he was Mr. RH.Wachmad Hardjo Puspito inaugurating his land in the village of Nitikan. Following the assistance of the Dikdasmen Council of the Yogyakarta City, the foundation of the Muhammadiyah 1 SMEA Building in Yogyakarta was realized which is now on the road to the new Nitikan. In 1995 the PWM Prop. Primary and Secondary Education Council D.I.Y gave a helping hand in the form of a multi-storey building, while the migration of Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School took place again, and the position of the Principal was also so from Mr. Noeryono, BA to Suhardi, retired Middle School Head Bejiharjo. Muhammadiyah 1 Senior High School moved again to Muhammadiyah Danunegaran Elementary School, then in 1995 moved to Nitikan Baru with a multi-storey building. And with Principals in succession Mr. Noeryono, Mr Suhardi and Mr Mujihardjono, B. Sc. With the change in the curriculum and education law which required a change in the name of the vocational high school with vocational school, on July 7, 1997 Muhammadiyah 1 Senior High School was established by the Dikdasmen PWM Prop. D.I. becomes the Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta Vocational School. On July 7, 1997 the position of the headmaster was held as the daily executive officer of the Muh 1 Yogya Vocational School Principal, Siti Asiyah, BA and YMT Drs. Sumaryanto Marzuki.
Bastian Viery on Google

SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta berdiri pada tanggal 1 Agustus 1958 bertempat di Sekolah Menengah Ekonomi Pertama (SMEP) Muhammadiyah 1 Jalan Pathuk Yogyakarta, yang dipelopori oleh Bapak Muchsin. Pimpinan sekolah pertama sebagai pengelola adalah Bapak Dawami Achmad, ST. dan Bapak Drs. Moehadi Sofyan (1958). Saat itu bernama SMEA Muhammadiyah, baru saja berjalan kemudian pidah ke Ndalem Poespo (sebelah barat pojok beteng) yang kini dikenal Jalan Mayjen Sutoyo, dan saat itu masih sulit mendapatkan siswa meskipun sudah berlabel Muhammadiyah. VISI Menjadi sekolah unggul berwawasan global, berorientasi pada perkembangan IPTEK berlandaskan IMTAQ MISI Menghasilkan tamatan yang beriman dan bertaqwa serta berakhlak mulia. Menghasilkan tamatan yang professional dalam menghadapi tantangan global. Menghasilkan tamatan yang berjiwa wirausaha, kreatif, inovatif sehingga mampu menciptakan lapangan kerja. Menghasilkan tamatan yang berkompeten sehingga dapat terserap di Dunia Usaha / Dunia Industri. Menghasilkan tamatan yang berwawasan dan peduli terhadap lingkungan. KEBIJAKAN MUTU “BERIMAN” BRAIN : Mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir. EXCELLENT : Sangat bagus, hebat, luar biasa. RELIGIOUS : Bernuansa Islami. INOVATIVE : Selalu melakukan pembaruan dan perbaikan. MULTIPLE INTELEGENCIES : Mengembangkan berbagai aspek kecerdasan. ASPIRATION : Bersifat menerima pendapat. NETWORKING : Mengembangkan hubungan dan kerja sama.
Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta Vocational School was established on August 1, 1958 at the Muhammadiyah 1 Middle School of Jalan Pathuk Yogyakarta, which was pioneered by Mr. Muchsin. The first school leader as manager was Mr Dawami Achmad, ST. and Mr. Drs. Moehadi Sofyan (1958). At that time it was called Muhammadiyah Senior High School, just walked then said to Ndalem Poespo (west of the corner of Beteng) which is now known as Jalan Maj. Gen Sutoyo, and at that time it was still difficult to get students even though it was labeled Muhammadiyah. VISION Being a superior school with global insight, oriented to the development of science and technology based on IMTAQ MISSION Produce graduates who are faithful and devoted and have noble character. Produce professional graduates in facing global challenges. Produce graduates who are entrepreneurial, creative, innovative so they can create jobs. Produce competent graduates so that they can be absorbed in the Business World / Industrial World. Produce graduates who are insightful and care about the environment. "QUALITY" QUALITY POLICY BRAIN: Develop thinking skills. EXCELLENT: Very good, great, amazing. RELIGIOUS: Islamic nuance. INNOVATIVE: Always make updates and improvements. MULTIPLE INTELEGENCIES: Develop various aspects of intelligence. ASPIRATION: Accepting opinions. NETWORKING: Develop relationships and cooperation.
mufti anjay on Google

SMK MUHAMMADIYAH 1 YOGYAKARTA memang tidak ada kalah tandingnya dgn SMK lain, karena sekolah tersebut merupakan sekolah yang metode belajarnya TEFA (Teaching factory).
SMK MUHAMMADIYAH 1 YOGYAKARTA is no less competitive than other SMKs, because the school is a school with a TEFA (Teaching factory) learning method.
Bechik Jokja on Google

Tempat terbaik meninba ilmu sebagai bekal masa depan gemilang. Menciptakan lulusan yang mumpuni
The best place to gain knowledge as a provision for a bright future. Creating qualified graduates
Andhika Cahya Kusuma on Google

Hery Malmsteen Cah 90an YK on Google

Fringki Firmansah on Google

Ibnu Nurfajar on Google

B rain E xellence R eligius I nnovative M ultiple Intelegence A spiration N etworking B E R I M A N ?

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