Satlantas Salatiga - Kota Salatiga

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Contact Satlantas Salatiga

Address :

Jalan Diponegoro No. 82, Sidorejo Lor, Sidorejo, Sidorejo Lor, Kec. Sidorejo, Kota Salatiga, Jawa Tengah 50714, Indonesia

Postal code : 50714
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–2PM
Tuesday 8AM–2PM
Wednesday 8AM–2PM
Thursday 8AM–2PM
Friday 8AM–2PM
Saturday 8AM–2PM
Sunday 8AM–2PM
Categories :

Jalan Diponegoro No. 82, Sidorejo Lor, Sidorejo, Sidorejo Lor, Kec. Sidorejo, Kota Salatiga, Jawa Tengah 50714, Indonesia
Sofihidayah ID on Google

Kantornya estetik bgt. Mirip kota tua. View depan nya juga keren. Gunung.. Jadi adem liatnya.. Seru sih kesini.. Kalau ngurus SIM atau apapun usahakan pakaian sopan ya, pakai masker, sepatu dan celana.. Klo ga gitu, dilarang masuk.
The office is aesthetically pleasing. Similar to the old town. The front view is also cool. Mount .. So cool to see .. It's really fun to come here .. If you take care of a SIM or whatever, try to dress modestly, wear a mask, shoes and pants .. If not like that, no entry is prohibited.
King Xerxes on Google

prosedur perpanjangan SIM C 2021 - siapkan SIM asli, dan fotokopi KTP & SIM 2 dalam 1 lembar tanpa dipotong supaya tidak tercecer, lanjut masuk kantor dibawa ke loket 1. - anda diberikan stofmap untuk dibawa ke klinik tes kesehatan lokasi dibelakang plantas bayar 60 ribu, disini dites tensi darah, tes penglihatan, ditanya tinggi badan berat badan, biaya naik sebelumnya 30 ribu. - dan kemudian anda pergi ke ke psikologi lokasi dari tes kesehatan lurus belok kanan, tes pertayaan jawaban ya / tidak, apakah anda mudah lelah, apakah anda mudah sakit kepala dll bayar 50 ribu - stofmap dbawa ke loket 1 nunggu dipanggil untuk membayar di loket BNI bayar 77 ribu - ke ruang tengah nunggu dipanggil untuk di foto, nomor anda akan dipanggil oleh suara robot , dipanggil berkelompok 5 orang. pakaian bebas, kemudian nunggu panggilan sim dibagikan. biaya bayar tes kesehatan rp 60 ribu biaya tes psikologi rp 50 ribu biaya administrasi SIM C rp 77 ribu total rp 187 ribu kalo bisa minta struk pembayaran biar kalian tau karena bagian admn kadang menaikkan biaya sesukanya. parkir bayar rp 1000 SIM diperpanjang berdasarkan tanggal tahun pembuatan, tidak lagi tanggal bulan lahir.
SIM C 2021 renewal procedure - prepare original SIM, and photocopy of ID card & SIM 2 in 1 sheet without being cut so as not to be scattered, continue to enter the office and be taken to counter 1. - You are given a stofmap to be taken to the health test clinic located behind the plantas paying 60 thousand, here blood pressure test, vision test, height and weight are asked, the previous fee went up 30 thousand. - and then you go to the psychology of the location of the medical test straight turn right, test the question answer yes / no, do you get tired easily, do you get headaches easily etc. pay 50 thousand - Stofmap brought to counter 1 waiting to be called to pay at BNI counter to pay 77 thousand - to the living room waiting to be called for a photo, your number will be called by a robot voice, called in groups of 5 people. free clothes, then wait for the sim call to be shared. the cost of paying for a medical test rp 60 thousand psychological test fee rp 50 thousand SIM C administration fee rp 77 thousand total rp 187 thousand If you can, ask for a payment receipt to let you know because the admin section sometimes raises fees at will. parking pay rp 1000 The SIM is extended based on the date of the year of manufacture, no longer the date of the month of birth.
FANDRA on Google

Malam pak maaf mau nanya, kapan ada oprasi knalpot bising sama patroli lagi? Soalnya saya warga dari Jln. Diponegoro no 23 Salatiga setiap jam 22.00-01.00 sering banget denger motor yang knalpotnya itu udah ga sesuai standar karena menurut saya knlapot seperti itu sudah ganggu waktu istirahat kami pak. Apalagi biasanya depan PLN sama depan Korem biasanya dibuat balap balapan sama motor bocil ataupun remaja yang merasa keren padahal ga sama sekali....mohon bisa ditindak lanjuti???
Evening sir, sorry to ask, when will there be a noisy exhaust operation and patrol again? Because I'm a resident of Jln. Diponegoro no 23 Salatiga every 22.00-01.00 I often hear a motorbike whose exhaust is not up to standard because I think that exhaust like that has disturbed our rest time, sir. Moreover, usually in front of PLN and in front of the Korem, they are usually made to race with small motorbikes or teenagers who feel cool even though it's not at all....please can be followed up???
Yuan Fajar Prasiswayani on Google

Pelayanan sangat mudah dan cepat. Saya membuktikan sendiri. Jadi tidak perlu ragu untuk mengurus SIM. Pelayanan penerbitan SIM setiap hari senin sampai sabtu dari pukul 08.00 - 11.00 WIB. Wajib memakai masker untuk mencegah penyebaran covid 19 di area sat lantas polres salatiga. Tidak ada calo yang berseliweran di area sat lantas polres salatiga. Jadi semua bisa diurus sendiri karena dipermudah. Tersedia juga sebuah aplikasi untuk mengurus SIM. Cek saja di google play store.
Service is very easy and fast. I proved myself. So no need to hesitate to take care of the SIM. SIM issuance service every Monday to Saturday from 08.00 - 11.00 WIB. It is mandatory to wear a mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the Salatiga Police Station area. There are no brokers milling about in the area of ​​Sat then Polres Salatiga. So everything can be taken care of yourself because it is made easier. There is also an application to manage the SIM. Just check on google play store.
Beta Sonata on Google

Tempat cukup bersih, pelayanan baik, harus dateng pagi biar ga dapet antrian akhir-akhir, untuk sesi pertama sampe 100 pengunjunh. Harga perpanjang SIM administrasi 75k, tes kesehatan 60k, tes psikologi 50k. However, I think this test is not really effective to check the real situation compare to the price I love the old dutch building ❤️ Oh iyaa, untuk jumlah kursi tunggu dibandingkan pemohon SIM tidak memadai
The place is quite clean, the service is good, you have to come early so you don't get a queue lately, for the first session up to 100 visitors. The price for an administrative SIM renewal is 75k, medical test is 60k, psychological test is 50k. However, I think this test is not really effective to check the real situation compare to the price I love the old dutch building ❤️ Oh yes, the number of waiting seats compared to SIM applicants is not sufficient
Lutfy A on Google

Kesini ngurus mutasi motor setelah proses dari samsat selesai. Pengumpulan berkas yang dari samsat kemudian disuruh bayar ke bank. S Setelah itu disuruh balik 2 bulan kemudian untuk pengambilan berkas selanjutnya. Tempatnya luas banget, unik karena bekas bangunan tua.
Come here to take care of the motorbike mutation after the Samsat process is complete. The collection of files from Samsat is then asked to pay to the bank. S After that, they were told to come back 2 months later to take the next file. The place is very spacious, unique because it was an old building.
Anthonie Tan on Google

Gama Airlanda on Google

Heritage place Unique place

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