Satlantas Polres Purworejo - Kabupaten Purworejo

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Contact Satlantas Polres Purworejo

Address :

Plaosan, Purworejo, Kec. Purworejo, Kabupaten Purworejo, Jawa Tengah 54113, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +7
Postal code : 54113
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Plaosan, Purworejo, Kec. Purworejo, Kabupaten Purworejo, Jawa Tengah 54113, Indonesia
iben on Google

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perpanjangan SIM C Fc KTP SIM C 3lbr + map mrh >>> 3000 Surat kesehatan >>> 35000 (jalan dulu 500m ke Utara perempatan) registrasi >>> resi byr Bank Byr Bank >>> 75000 Byr Asuransi >>> 30000 (boleh tidak) Foto.. trus jadi ...
SIM extension C Fc KTP SIM C 3lbr + map mrh >>> 3000 Health letter >>> 35000 (walk 500m north to the crossroad) registration >>> receipt byr Bank Byr Bank >>> 75000 Byr Insurance >>> 30000 (may not) Photo ... then be ...
Yuandita Setiawan on Google

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Parkir mobil tidak memadai, nyaris tidak ada sehingga harus parkir di tepi jalan raya. Tempat tes kesehatan cukup jauh, sekitar 200 m dari kantor satlantas. Ruang tunggu tidak memadai, antri yang cukup banyak tidak diimbangi dengan kursi yang cukup, sehingga banyak yang berdiri. Penerangannya juga kurang, jadi agak gelap. Dan kurangnya ventilasi sehingga ruangan cukup gelap, sangat disarankan tidak mengajak anak kecil karena ruang tunggu tidak nyaman. Biaya perpanjangan SIM A total Rp 120.000,- dengan rincian sbb. : - Tes Kesehatan Rp 35.000 - Sumbangan PMI Rp 5.000,- - Biaya perpanjangan Rp. 80.000,- Itupun untuk mendapatkan SIM sementara yang berupa kertas warna Orange, untuk SIM aslinya diinfokan bahwa pengambilan dapat dilakukan 3 bulan kemudian yaitu sekitar bulan Desember.
The car park is inadequate, almost non-existent, so you have to park on the edge of the highway. The place for the medical examination is quite far, about 200 m from the traffic police office. The waiting room is inadequate, the queues are quite a lot, not matched by enough seats, so that many are standing. The lighting is also lacking, so it's a bit dark. And the lack of ventilation so that the room is quite dark, it is highly recommended not to invite small children because the waiting room is uncomfortable. The cost of renewing SIM A is a total of IDR 120,000 with the following details. : - Health test Rp. 35,000 - PMI donation of IDR 5,000 - Extension fee of Rp. 80,000, - Even then, to get a temporary driving license in the form of orange paper, the original driver's license was informed that the collection could be done 3 months later, around December.
Resty adiyani on Google

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The worst servicess! Papan informasi such as alur pebuatan sim, biaya, dan lainya pasted di dalam sehingga TIDAK BERGUNA karena tidak terbaca oleh masyarakat, Tes kesehatanya is so EXPENSIVE than tes di Puskesmas or Hospital terlebih terletak di luar satlantas. The fist frontliner ARE NOT friendly, sangat sangat ngeselin, dan tempatnya kinda dangerous for orang tua. The STAFFS sering meninggalkan loket, it is so annoying cz we have to wait. Alur loket not bad. Waktu tunggu not so bad. Why should we fill the form again untuk perpanjangan sim kalau biodata pada sim tidak di update, just WASTE TIME AND PAPER. They MUST provide map sama pulpen bcs kebanyakan orang tidak membawanya and please benchmark to imigrasi yang pelayananya better than this and also train the staffs to be MORE FRIENDLY. The restrooms are so dirty. The light is too dim. The places are not clean.
The worst servicess! Information boards such as the flow of sim creation, fees, etc. are pasted inside so that it is USEFUL because they are not readable by the public, the health test is so EXPENSIVE than the test at the Puskesmas or Hospital especially located outside the traffic light. The fist frontliner ARE NOT friendly, very annoying, and the place is kinda dangerous for old people. The STAFFS often leaves the counter, it is so annoying cz we have to wait. The counter flow is not bad. The waiting time is not so bad. Why should we fill the form again for sim extension if the biodata on the sim is not updated, just WASTE TIME AND PAPER. They MUST provide a map with a bcs pen most people don't bring it and please benchmark for immigration whose service is better than this and also train the staffs to be MORE FRIENDLY. The restrooms are so dirty. The light is too dim. The places are not clean.
farida hilma rosida on Google

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Mampir kesini mengurus surat jalan. Pelayanan sangat ramah dan cepat karena kebetulan nggak antre. Sebelum berangkat untuk mengurus surat jalan, siapkan dulu hal-hal berikut untuk dibawa: BPKB, STNK asli, KTP asli, surat keterangan uji fisik kendaraan, dan uang untuk biaya administrasi 35rb. Ruangannya dekat dengan bagian informasi, sebelum lorong pengurusan SIM.
Stop by here taking care of the travel documents. The service is very friendly and fast because it happens not to queue. Before leaving to arrange a travel permit, first prepare the following things to bring: BPKB, original STNK, original KTP, vehicle physical test certificate, and money for administrative costs of 35 thousand. The room is close to the information section, before the SIM management passageway.
Tri Yuliyanti on Google

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Satlantas ini berada di area kota Purworejo, sisi Selatan Alun-alun kota Purworejo. Pengurusan STNK, BPKB, SIM, dan sebagainya bisa dilakukan disini. Area parkir di dekat pintu masuk sebelah kanan. Komfirmasi keperluan di bagian pos jaganya, dan nanti diberikan pengemal (sejenis kalung peserta) untuk penanda. Area pelayanan ada di sebelah Selatan, tanyakan saja pada petugas sekitar sana. Pelayanan oke. Terima kasih.
This traffic control unit is located in the Purworejo city area, on the south side of the Purworejo town square. Arrangements for STNK, BPKB, SIM, and so on can be done here. Parking area near the entrance to the right. Confirm the need at the guard post, and then give a pengemal (a type of necklace for the participant) for a marker. The service area is in the south, just ask the clerk around there. Okay service. Thank you.
Sudamar Nur Ma'rufi on Google

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Pengalaman di sini, waktu mengurus pencabutan kendaraan akan pindah wilayah. Letak di pojok alun-alun Purworejo. Untuk pengurusan sampai waktu hampir 2 bulan dari Desember sampai Febuari pertengahan tidak cepat. Masukan untuk tempat semoga bisa di buatkan terpadu seperti di wilayah kabupaten lain sehingga memudahkan tidak bolak balik kesana kemari, tapi dalam satu gedung.
Experience here, when taking care of the revocation of the vehicle will move the region. Located in the corner of the Purworejo square. The processing time for almost 2 months from December to mid-February is not fast. Hopefully, the input for the place can be made integrated like in other districts so that it is easier not to go back and forth, but in one building.
Apriyan Stiflerz on Google

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Pelayanan sangat mengecewakan staff sipil yg mengurus administrasi loket 2 sangat tidak ramah dalam pelayanan dan cenderung sekongkol dengan tes kesehatan Dr.Tia saya sudah mengurus tes kesehatan dan psikologi secara online tapi malah diarahin tes kesehatan lagi di Dr.Tia dan udah ketebak dong suruh BAYAR LAGI Rp.60k padahal saya sudah tes kesehatan di Erikkes dan berani" nya dia bilang POLDA JAWA TENGAH blm bisa pake hasil tes Erikkes,, padahal saya tes kesehatan di Biddokkes POLRI langsung berarti secara tidak langsung dia bilang Biddokkes POLRI tidak resmi padahal keterangan nya dari Biddokkes POLRI hasil Erikkes masih bisa digunakan sampai 14 hari kedepan...dasar mata duitan???
The service was very disappointing. The civil staff who took care of the administration of counter 2 were very unfriendly in their service and tended to conspire with Dr. Tia's medical test. I've already taken care of medical and psychological tests online but instead were directed to take another medical test at Dr. Tia and guessed it, please PAY AGAIN Rp.60k even though I did a medical test at Erikkes and was brave, he said the CENTRAL JAVA POLDA couldn't use the Erikkes test results, even though I took a medical test at the POLRI Biddokkes directly, meaning indirectly he said the POLRI Biddokkes was not official even though the information was from the Health Biddokkes. POLRI results from Erikkes can still be used for the next 14 days... on a mercenary basis
Abdul Rohman on Google

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Bagi anda yang mau mengurus pembuatan SIM baru maupun perpanjangan SIM lama bisa datang kesini. Untuk pembuatan SIM baru wajib mengikuti psikotes dan Medical Chek Up. Biaya psikotes 75k dan MCU 60k. Selanjutnya ada administrasi bagi yang lulus ujian teori maupun praktek. Untuk SIM A 150k...
For those of you who want to take care of making a new SIM or renewing an old SIM, you can come here. To make a new SIM, you must take a psychological test and medical check-up. Psychological test costs 75k and MCU 60k. Furthermore, there is administration for those who pass the theoretical and practical exams. For SIM A 150k...

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