Satlantas Polres Brebes - Kabupaten Brebes

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Satlantas Polres Brebes

Address :

Unnamed Road, Kaumanbaru, Brebes, Kec. Brebes, Kabupaten Brebes, Jawa Tengah 52212, Indonesia

Postal code : 52212
Categories :

Unnamed Road, Kaumanbaru, Brebes, Kec. Brebes, Kabupaten Brebes, Jawa Tengah 52212, Indonesia
Yun anwar on Google

Terlalu banyak birokrasi dan sangat merepotkan pemohon sim, karena lokasi tes kesehatan terlalu jauh dari tempat tersebut
Too much bureaucracy and very inconvenient for sim applicants, because the location of the medical test is too far from the place
Lintas Cerita on Google

Over All bagus ko, yg pntg mau repot ga pake calo. Harganya masih lumayan untuk tes kesehatan dan psikologinya. Moga bisa turun lagi harganya.
Over all, it's really good, it's important that you don't want to bother with brokers. The price is still pretty good for the medical and psychological tests. I wish the price could come down again.
RejaSatria on Google

16 April 2022 saya ngurus perpanjangan SIM A, rincian biayanya: - Tes Kesehatan (Pakai Aplikasi Simpel Pol, jd jgn lupa bawa hp android atau iphone): Rp 60.000 - Tes Psikologi : Rp 75.000 - Biaya Perpanjangan SIM A : Rp 80.000 - Saat mau keluar ditawari asuransi Rp 50.000, tapi saya nolak dgn alasan uangnya ngepas.. jadi total biaya yg saya keluarkan Rp 215.000 (belum termasuk parkir dan fotocopy).
April 16, 2022 I took care of the renewal of SIM A, the details of the fee: - Health Test (Use the Simple Pol Application, so don't forget to bring your Android or iPhone cellphone): IDR 60,000 - Psychological Test : IDR 75.000 - SIM A renewal fee: IDR 80,000 - When I wanted to go out, I was offered insurance for Rp. 50,000, but I refused on the grounds that the money was tight. so the total cost I spent was IDR 215,000 (not including parking and photocopying).
EHA on Google

Pelayanan saat membuat / memperpanjang SIM sudah sangat baik, hanya saja tempat untuk pelaksanaan tes psikologi dan tes kesehatan tempatnya terpencar berjauhan sehingga kurang efektif dan efisien dari segi waktu.
The service when making / extending a SIM is very good, it's just that the place for conducting psychological tests and medical tests is scattered far apart so that it is less effective and efficient in terms of time.
minhatun saniyyah on Google

Pelayanan 9/10 Cepat dan Ramah ? Untuk teman-teman yang mau perpanjang SIM dan males antri serta sibuk bisa download aplikasi SINAR di play store. Karena saya SIM habis 3 Desember, jadi saya langsung ke lokasi. Persyaratan perpanjangan SIM C 1. Fotocopy KTP dan SIM C 2. Test kesehatan dan Psikolog ** Test Kesehatan ** Lokasi tidak didalam kantor. Tetapi dibelakang stasiun lurus saja dari arah satlantas pas tikungan itu lokasinya dan ada tukang parkir pas tikungannya .... Lebih baik sebelum datang ke lokasi supaya cepat kita sudah download aplikasi SIMPEL POL dan mengisi data dirumah. Untuk pembayaran dikenai 60rb. Karena saya langsung ke lokasi jadi saya mengerjakan juga langsung ditempatnya. Di lokasi saya memperlihatkan FC KTP dan mengerjakan Testnya 10 soal buta warna (angka dan binatang ) dan 5 soal pendengaran (menghitung suara kendaraan yang lewat, suara klakson dan suara mesin mati ) . ** Test psikolog ** Lokasi dibelakang mushola ada gang kecil untuk motor dan luruus aja, sampai ada pertigaan ambil arah kiri rumah ke 7/6 yang ada motor Vespa itu tempat untuk test psikolog disampingnya ada yang jualan gerobak gitu entah bakso/mie ayam kurang memperhatikan ? .... Didalam sebelum test dimnta perlihatkan FC SIM dan dikenai administrasi 50rb. Soal yang dikerjakan hanya 30 , dengan jawaban YA / TIDAK contoh soal : Saya sering merasa kelelahan dan kita bisa menceklis jawaban YA / TIDAK setelah melalui test kesehatan dan Psikolog kita kembali ke tempat pembuatan SIM di satlantas , membawa berkas FC KTP dan SIM . Untuk admnstrasi perpanjangan SIM C 75rb + 3rb (karena saya bayar dengan uang cash jadi ada admin banknya) Setelah itu mengisi data nama, alamat, TTL, golongan darah, nama ayah, ibu dan kelengkapan lainnya Kemudian diperiksa berkas dan tinggal menunggu foto lalu pencetakan. Semoga ulasan ini bermanfaat. Menurut saya kalau tidak sibuk dan ada waktu lebih baik langsung ke satlantas Brebes. Pelayanannya cepat sekali... Beneran deh, antri cuma pas mau foto aja. Jadi totalnya 60+50+78 = 188rb. Terima kasih ?
9/10 Fast and Friendly Service ? For friends who want to extend their SIM and are lazy to queue and be busy, you can download the SINAR application on the play store. Because my SIM expired on December 3rd, so I went straight to the location. SIM C renewal requirements 1. Photocopy of KTP and SIM C 2. Health and Psychologist Test ** Health Test ** The location is not in the office. But behind the station, just go straight from the traffic police direction at the bend and there is a parking attendant at the bend.... It's better before coming to the location so we can quickly download the SIMPEL POL application and fill in the data at home. For payment is charged 60 thousand. Because I went directly to the location so I also worked on the spot. At the location I showed the FC ID card and did the test 10 color blind questions (numbers and animals) and 5 hearing questions (counting the sound of passing vehicles, the sound of horns and the sound of a dead engine). ** Psychological test ** The location behind the prayer room is a small alley for motorbikes and just go straight, until there is a T-junction take the left of the 7/6 house where there is a Vespa motorbike, it's a place for psychological tests beside it, there are those selling carts like that, either meatballs/chicken noodles don't pay attention .... Before the test, you are asked to show your FC SIM and be charged an administration of 50 thousand. Only 30 questions are answered, with YES/NO answers sample questions: I often feel tired and we can check YES / NO answers After going through a health test and a psychologist, we returned to the place where the driver's license was made at the Traffic Traffic Unit, brought the FC ID and SIM files. For administration of SIM C extension 75k + 3k (because I paid with cash so there is an admin bank) After that, fill in the name, address, TTL, blood type, father's name, mother's name and other completeness Then check the file and just wait for the photo and then printing. Hope this review is helpful. In my opinion, if you are not busy and have time, it is better to go directly to the Brebes Traffic Traffic Unit. The service is very fast... Really, just waiting in line when you want to take photos. So the total is 60+50+78 = 188k. Thank you
Adi Linggapura on Google

Good good good
Meed Online on Google

anggie wijaya anggie on Google


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