Sandang Sari - Magelang Regency

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sandang Sari

Address :

Jalan Raya, Sumberketandan, Secang, Magelang Regency, Central Java 56195, Indonesia

Postal code : 56195
Categories :

Jalan Raya, Sumberketandan, Secang, Magelang Regency, Central Java 56195, Indonesia
cahyo wishnu on Google

Kampung halamanku
djokons nonosoedyhatno on Google

Perumahan umum ex karyawan Patal Secang.
Public housing for ex Patal Secang employees.
raden. hasan on Google

Tingkatkan terus untuk penarik pengunjung
Keep improving to attract visitors
khoiru safingi on Google

Klo pagi hari pemandangannya sangat
In the morning the view is very good ... wow
Rusmini Suharto on Google

Nyaman untuk olahraga jalan kaki...
Comfortable for walking...
Ifan Fadila on Google

Sandang sari tu pedesaan rumah warga biasa, ada perumahan mewah juga sih Sekitarnya masih hamparan sawah yang luas, jadi kerasa banget kalo lg jalan" sore kesini suka ke inget waktu kecil Jadi sedih kadang, kangen masa kecil yang belum ada pikiran apa", yang di pikirin yaa cuman makan sama main Kalo mau buat rumah di sekitar sini juga enak, sama pasar juga ngga begitu jauh sekitar 1-2km ke pasar induk secang, bengkel motoe/mobil juga banyak Lapangan sepakbola juga deket
Clothing, tu rural homes for ordinary residents, there are also luxury housing The surrounding area is still a vast expanse of rice fields, so it feels really like walking "in the afternoon I like to remember when I was little So sad sometimes, I miss my childhood without what I thought ", all I think about is eating and playing If you want to build a house around here it's also good, the market is also not that far, about 1-2 km to the main market of Secang, there are also many motorbike / car workshops The football field is also close
ani santoso on Google

Tanaman hias kakang prabu jual tanaman aglonema,philodendrom,monstera,caladiyum dll.
Kakang prabu ornamental plants selling aglonema, philodendrom, monstera, caladiyum, etc.
Kristianto Sarju on Google

Dulu antara 93-97, dua kali seminggu aku datang untuk memberikan les privat pada beberapa anak SD di sini. Dari sejak mereka di kelas 2 sampai kelas 6 dan lulus. Seingatku awalnya hanya ada 4 anak, kelas 2-3 SD. Lalu jadi 7 atau 8. Yang masih kuingat si gendut Irsya, Rio, dan Ari yang rumahnya tidak jauh dari rel kereta api. Irsya , ibunya guru di SMPN 1 Secang. Rio, ayahnya teman Oomku, sama-sama kerja di Samsat. Sekalipun ketika akhir tahun aku memberi les muridku tinggal 2 atau 3, tetapi hasilnya ujian mereka bagus, sehingga bisa masuk SMPN idaman mereka. Masih terkenang, mereka berlarian pulang, sambil Oom Sarju datang, lalu bersiap les. Masih teringat keramahan orang tua mereka, bahkan karena sedang sakit flu, aku sempat tertidur sehabis minum obat batuk, anak-anak menunggu aku terbangun sambil nonton TV, sementara orang tuanya tertawa saja..???
In the past between 93-97, twice a week I came to give private lessons to some elementary school children here. From since they were in grade 2 to grade 6 and graduated. I remember initially there were only 4 children, grade 2-3 elementary school. Then it was 7 or 8. What I still remember is the fat Irsya, Rio, and Ari whose house is not far from the train tracks. Irsya, her mother is a teacher at SMPN 1 Secang. Rio, my uncle's friend's father, both work at Samsat. Even though at the end of the year I gave tutoring my students only had 2 or 3 left, but their exam results were good, so they could enter their dream SMPN. Still remembering, they ran home, while Uncle Sarju came and got ready for lessons. I still remember the friendliness of their parents, even because I was sick with the flu, I fell asleep after taking cough medicine, the children waited for me to wake up while watching TV, while their parents just laughed..???

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