Rusunawa Rancacili Tower 8th Floor - Bandung City

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Rusunawa Rancacili Tower 8th Floor

Address :

Derwati, Rancasari, Bandung City, West Java 40292, Indonesia

Postal code : 40292
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–5PM
Tuesday 8AM–5PM
Wednesday 8AM–5PM
Thursday 8AM–5PM
Friday 8AM–5PM
Saturday 8AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Derwati, Rancasari, Bandung City, West Java 40292, Indonesia
Fajar Sbastian on Google

Tempat dulu kami bermain, mengisi cerahnya hari.
Where we used to play, it filled the sunny days.
Agus Rojali on Google

Tempatnya bagus bersih dan di jaga sama satpam 24 jam
The place is nice, clean and guarded by a security guard 24 hours
kawees 77 on Google

Udara & air yang berkecukupan. Nikmat mana lagi yang kau dustakan ?
Adequate air & water. Which other favors are you lying about?
imus Omez on Google

Gedung dan fasilitas umum kurang terawat. Coba penghijauan kurang, mudah2an kedepannya pemerintah lebih memperhatikan.
Buildings and public facilities are poorly maintained. Try less greening, hopefully in the future the government will pay more attention.
Malevolent Spirit on Google

cuma 4 stars karena lift dimatiin. kalau mau nyala harus bayar. itupun kalau ada yg mau pindahan dan bawa barang banyak. apa gak ada subsidi dari pemkot untuk listrik fasilitas disini?
only 4 stars because the lift was turned off. if you want it, you have to pay. that's if anyone wants to move and bring a lot of stuff. is there no subsidy from the city government for electricity facilities here?
Yunda Meisya Z on Google

Saya sempatkan foto-foto setelah dari puskesmas. Sebelumnya blm tahu ini daerah apa. Saya sedih sih liat bangunan yg setengah jadi seperti ini, padahal kalo dilanjut bisa menampung lebih banyak orng yg kesulitan mencari tempat tinggal #cmiiw
I took the pictures after going to the puskesmas. Previously, I didn't know what area this was. I am sad to see a half-finished building like this, even though if it continues it can accommodate more people who have difficulty finding a place to live #cmiiw
Endang Widaningrum on Google

Bersih Asri Ada taman Tersusun rapih Fasilitas lengkap
Clean beautiful There is a garden Neatly arranged Complete facilities
Ade Rahmat on Google


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