Rumah Makan Soto Betawi Bu Lalan - Kota Tangerang Selatan

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Rumah Makan Soto Betawi Bu Lalan

Address :

Jl. Kunir No.83, Pd. Cabe Udik, Kec. Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15418, Indonesia

Postal code : 15418
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–5PM
Tuesday 8AM–5PM
Wednesday 8AM–5PM
Thursday 8AM–5PM
Friday 8AM–5PM
Saturday 8AM–5PM
Sunday 8AM–5PM
Categories :

Jl. Kunir No.83, Pd. Cabe Udik, Kec. Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15418, Indonesia
4Bar TV on Google

Info aja ya guys...rm.bu lalan lokasinya bukan yg ini, tapi yg dijalan kunir gak jauh dr titik ini...???
Just for info, guys... rm. bu the location is not this one, but the one on the turmeric street is not far from this point...???
Ireng Budianto on Google

Tertarik mampir awalnya karena melihat tempat dan lokasinya. Tempatnya lapang dan sederhana namun teduh dan nyaman. Soto Betawinya terasa mantap, dengan kuah yang kental dan bumbu yang meresap ke dagingnya. Entah kenapa di sini saya jadi terbawa ke nostalgia tahun 80-an. Untuk harga memang agak lebih mahal dibanding warung soto kebanyakan. Tapi rasanya itu sebanding dengan kepuasan yang saya dapatkan.
Interested in stopping by initially because of seeing the place and location. The place is roomy and simple but shady and comfortable. Soto Betawinya feels great, with a thick sauce and seasoning that seeps into the meat. For some reason here I was carried away to the nostalgia of the 80s. For the price it is somewhat more expensive than most Soto stalls. But it feels like it's worth the satisfaction I get.
aji santoso on Google

Nyobain soto daging, ikan goreng dan pecak ikan. Rasa soto cukup lumayan tapi ikan gorengnya hambar kurang bumbu, kuah pecaknya terlalu pedas Harganya agak mahal.
Try the meat soup, fried fish and fish pecak. The taste of the soto is quite good, but the fried fish is tasteless, lacks seasoning, the pecak sauce is too spicy. The price is a bit expensive.
Rien Widya on Google

Kesini krn liat review Nex trnyata ga sesuai ekspektasi sih (menurut selera saya loh ini).. kami pesan soto daging, sop iga dan ayam goreng..dr ketiga menu itu..cuma ayam goreng serundeng dan sambal ayamnya aj sih yg menurut sy oke..lainnya lumayan aj lah yah.. tp jempol untuk pelayanan nya..sangat ramah.
Came here because I saw the Nex Carlos review..but it didn't live up to my expectations (according to my taste, though).. we ordered beef soup, rib soup and fried chicken..from the three menus..only fried chicken and chili sauce. what I think is okay.. everything else is okay.. but thumbs up for the service.. very friendly.
Deny Sigit on Google

Late post review. Warung soto ini berlokasi dekat UT di daerah pondok cabe, mudah dijangkau oleh motor atau mobil. Lokasinya adem, parkiran luas masih banyak pohon2an disekitar warung. Soto betawinya enak banget, pas ga terlalu asin, dagingnya pun ga pelit, santannya pun pas ga nyangkut dileher. Tambahin ama acar, beuh pas bgt, apalagi kalau sambil ngremus cabenya, mantap. Harga kompetitif lah, enak buat sarapan pagi abis olahraga di South City. Makan jalan terus, prokes tetap dijalankan.
Late post review. This soto stall is located near UT in the Pondok Chili area, easy to reach by motorbike or car. The location is cool, the parking area is wide, there are still many trees around the shop. The Soto Betawi is really good, just right when it's not too salty, the meat isn't stingy either, the coconut milk doesn't stick to the neck either. Add the pickles, it's just right, especially when you grind the chili, it's great. The price is competitive, it's good for breakfast after exercising in South City. Eating goes on, the process continues.
Ima Hardiman on Google

Saya datang pas sholat jumat jadi sepiii.. Makan soto betawi 25K+ nasi 1/2 porsi 3K+ teh tawar hangat gratis. Soto betawi kuahnya berwarna kemerahan rasanya medok gurih, isiannya banyak, potongan daging besar, juga kentang dan tomat.. Lalu pesan pecak ikan nila 25K, kuahnya yg merah rasanya pedas ada pahitnya, tidak dikasih lalap jadi kurang afdol. Minuman yg unik disini es serut mangga dan pala 17K. Ngobrol sama Bu Lalan (59 thn) yg meracik sendiri semua pesanan, ia mulai jualan sejak 2004 adapun rumah makan ini milik orangtuanya, dia sendiri tinggal di Pondok Aren.
I came at Friday prayer so it was lonely.. Eat Soto Betawi 25K+ rice 1/2 serving 3K+ free warm plain tea. Soto betawi has a reddish color, the taste is medok savory, it has a lot of filling, big pieces of meat, also potatoes and tomatoes.. Then order the 25K tilapia pecak, the red sauce is spicy and has a bitter taste, it doesn't add lalap so it's not good enough. The unique drink here is mango and nutmeg shaved ice 17K. Chatting with Mrs. Lalan (59 years old) who makes all the orders herself, she has started selling since 2004 while this restaurant belongs to her parents, she lives in Pondok Aren herself.
Tiar Pandapotan Purba on Google

Try the soto... Bestlah
Bernadetha P de Queljoe on Google

The place is the one attracts us to eat here. The food is tasty and well portioned. The price is higher than the usual 'warung' like ice tea costs 5000. Anyway, it's still a good 'warung' to visit.

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