RSUD Kebayoran Baru - Kota Jakarta Selatan

3.8/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact RSUD Kebayoran Baru

Address :

Jl. Abdul Majid Raya No.28, RW.5, Cipete Utara, Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12150, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +779
Postal code : 12150
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Ryan Caniago on Google

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terlalu lama di loket pendaftaran jadi tidak efisien, pasien lama maupun pasien baru. seharusnya bisa lebih meringkas waktu harus evaluasi sistem.
too long at the registration counter so inefficient, old patients and new patients. should be able to more summarize the time to evaluate the system.
Yunita Nuraini Filaili on Google

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Berangkat dari rumah ke RSUD Kebayoran Baru anterin mama saya untuk kuret sampe RSUD jam 07:30, trs kelantai 2 pendaftarannya lumayan sih trs pas nunggu poli anaknya lama bgt, pdahl udh mulai rame tpi karyawan yg bertugas di depan poli anak bukannya langsung melayani pasien yg udh lama nunggu malah makan, setelah dipriksa dokternya blng suruh nunggu 2minggu lg bru bisa kuret, pulang langsung dikasih obat doang dri jam 07:30 sampe jam 11:30 cuman ke gitu doang pdahal kata orng puskesmas sama rs yg lain mama sya udh bisa langsung kuret. 1 lagi saya lagi nunggu duduk di depan ruang poli sama mama saya, dan saya disuruh berdiri dngn alesan bangkunya buat orng lain padahl di tmpt lain ada bangku kosong, saya dsni kaya merasa diusir massa cuman duduk aja gak boleh sampe disuruh berdiri 3x, tolong buat pelayannya cepat jngn bertele2
Departing from the house to the Kebayoran Baru Hospital, I took my mother for curettage to the hospital at 07:30, then on the 2nd floor the registration was pretty good, but when I waited for her child's poly, it was already getting busy, but the employees on duty in front of the children's clinic did not directly serve the patients. I've been waiting for a long time to eat, after being checked by the doctor, they didn't tell me to wait another 2 weeks and then I could cure it. I just went home and just gave medicine from 07:30 to 11:30, just like that, even though the people from the puskesmas and other hospitals said I could do it right away curette. One more time, I was waiting to sit in front of the poly room with my mom, and I was told to stand up with the excuse that the seat was for someone else even though there was an empty seat in another place, I felt like I was being evicted by the masses, I just sat down and couldn't be asked to stand up 3 times, please make it the waiter is fast, don't beat around the bush
Gb Kt on Google

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Kta Puskes Dokter ank buka jam 8. sampe sini jam 9 tapi jam 10 blm dtng. klo abis lahiran 3 hr mending jangan kesini kasian anaknya sama ibunya Kusut pokonya
The child's doctor's health center opens at 8. Arrived here at 9 but hasn't arrived at 10 yet. After giving birth for 3 days, it's better not to come here, pity the child and his mother are tangled up
riza anggraini on Google

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Mencoba vaksin booster di RSUD Keb Baru. Dari sejak daftar online, komunikasi via wa sampai datang langsung di hari H vaksinnya... pengalamannya OK banget. Staf-staf di rsud ini dari Satpam di gardu pos (untuk minta arahan parkir mobil), Satpam yang bertugas mendata/memanggil calon penerima vaksin, petugas kesehatan yang memeriksa tensi, para dokter & tenaga medis lainnya termasuk pencetak sertifikat... semuanya sangat baik, ramah dan β€œfriendly”. Luar biasa! Keep up the excellent work, guys ???
Tried the booster vaccine at the Keb Baru Hospital. Since registering online, communicating via WA to coming directly on the D day of the vaccine... the experience was really OK. The staff at this hospital are from the security guard at the post office (to ask for directions for parking the car), the security guard in charge of recording/calling the vaccine recipients, health workers checking blood pressure, doctors & other medical personnel including certificate printers... all very good , friendly and "friendly". Extraordinary! Keep up the excellent work, guys ???
wernat newell simamora on Google

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09 Feb 2022 jam 20:30 ke RS ini, lewat IGD. Nubggu untuk antigennya 1 jam. Setelah hasil negatif, ga bisa di layanin alasan bad cuman ada 1 khusus pasien non covid. Gedung 5 tingkat bad nya cuman 1? Rubuhun gedungnya ganti kos kosan aja.
09 Feb 2022 at 20:30 to this hospital, via IGD. Wait for the antigen 1 hour. After a negative result, it can't be served for bad reasons, there is only 1 special non-covid patient. The bad 5-story building is only 1? Rubuhun the building to replace the boarding house.
Fauzie Oji on Google

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Shokel Mumu on Google

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Roos Iskandar on Google

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Good service....the doctors and all the nakes. And...nice choice of patiens' menu. Happy....

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