RSIA Santo Yusuf - Kota Jkt Utara

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Contact RSIA Santo Yusuf

Address :

Jalan Ganggeng Raya No.9, RT.11/RW.1, Sungai Bambu, Tanjung Priok, RT.11/RW.1, Sungai Bambu, Kec. Tj. Priok, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14140, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +988
Postal code : 14140
Categories :

Jalan Ganggeng Raya No.9, RT.11/RW.1, Sungai Bambu, Tanjung Priok, RT.11/RW.1, Sungai Bambu, Kec. Tj. Priok, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14140, Indonesia
ayuu Para on Google

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RS yang profesional dan mengutamakan pelayanan. Bisa rawat jalan dan rawat inap. Sudah menerima pasien BPJS. Juga bisa untuk melahirkan baik spontan maupun C-Section. Terdapat dokter spesialis anak, spesialis penyakit dalam, dan SPOG. Kalau mau berobat biasa, bisa ke Klinik Pratama yang ada dibelakangnya.
Hospital that is professional and prioritizes service. Can be outpatient and inpatient. Already received BPJS patients. Also able to give birth either spontaneously or C-Section. There are pediatricians, internal medicine specialists, and SPOG. If you want regular treatment, you can go to the Primary Clinic that is behind it.
Ucil Angela on Google

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Rs santo Yosep favoritku.. dokter giginya bagus di sini, dekat dr rumah. Pelayanannya sudah mengalami perkembangan luar biasa. Semangat nakes2 di sini, semangat melayani
Zaky channel16 on Google

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BAD SERVICE untuk Perawatnya dari awal saya masuk melalui IGD oke lah IGD pelayanan ny bagus Untuk dr imelda SpA GOOD bangetttt tetapi saya di kecewakan di pelayanan rawat inap nya dari perawat yg kurang memberikan informasi yg di inginkan pasien sampai tidak service excellentnya. bahkan untuk pemberian obat demam saja yg rutin per 5 jam harus banget saya bel untuk menanyakan kok blm di berikan obat PCT nya, setelah saya minta baru di berikan. Tugas seorang perawat itu memperhatikan pasien nya bukan seperti robot kerja yg hanya datang dan mengerjakan tugas itu itu saja. saya juga sangat kecewa ketika saya bertanya untuk hasil lab harian karna anak saya di periksakan Lab rutin setiap hari perawatnya pun tidak tau hasilny apa dan perawat itu bilng akan di liat di komputer untuk hasil lab tetapi tidak balik lagi ke ruangan anak saya di rawat untuk memberikan informasi yg di butuhkan. Terkesan bodo amatan dengan pasien dan saya sangat KECEWA untuk RUANG RAWAT INAP nya.
BAD SERVICE for the Nurse From the start I entered through the ER, okay, the ER, the service was good For Dr. Imelda SpA it's really GOOD but I was disappointed in the inpatient service from nurses who do not provide the information that patients want to the service excellence. even for giving fever medicine which is routine every 5 hours, I really have to buzz to ask why the PCT medicine has not been given, after I asked it was given. A nurse's job is to pay attention to her patients, not like a work robot that just comes and does that task. I was also very disappointed when I asked for the daily lab results because my child was checked routinely in the lab every day, the nurse didn't even know what the results were and the nurse said she would look at the computer for lab results but didn't come back to the room my child was treated to give information needed. I was impressed with the stupid observation with the patient and I was very DISAPPOINTED for the inpatient room.
Monika Kartika on Google

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Wkt sy hamil sy di periksa dr Nelson baik ramah . pas lahir pke BPJS hrs minggu udh pecah ktuban blm tanggal HPLnya untung nya dr Nelson bs di hubungi... Terima kasih Dr Nelson .. Cmn agak kecewa sm perawat nya org abs sc msh pusing mau pulang susah bgt mau pinjem kursi roda aja.. Ank sy klo berobat sm Dr Andrew tepat wktu klo ga ada Dr Imelda... Klo berobat pelayanan nya bgus....
When I was pregnant, I was checked by Dr. Nelson, he was kind and friendly. when I was born with BPJS, it had to be a week the membranes broke, the HPL is not yet on. Fortunately, Dr. Nelson can be contacted... Thank you, Dr. Nelson. My son, if Dr. Andrew goes to treatment at the right time, if Dr. Imelda is not there... If you seek treatment, the service is good....
Ade Rudini on Google

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Gila ini rs pelayananya gimana. Tengah malam mau ke igd malah di suruh nunggu di tenda. Buat apa ada igd. Di periksa keluhan batuk pilek demam sesak. Suruh di swab kita ikutin giliran sudah di swab malah bilang pendamping pasien harus di swab juga. Ya kita menolak. Ada penawaran jika tidak di swab di periksa hanya di tenda tidak bisa di igd. akhirnya di periksa di tenda. Pas di periksa di tenda yg di periksa bb sama suhu ajah. Sedangkan ada keluhan sesak tapi tidak di periksa spo2. Untungnya saya menolak swab. Permintaan keluarga untuk di radiologi alasanya radiologinya tutup adanya besok pagi. Makin ga jelas ajah playanan. Masa ada pasien masuk rawat inap pun harus di radiologi nunggu pagi juga, gimana kalau ada spesialis minta ro cito. Waduh buruk burul buruk nihil playanan. Igd udah kaya brobat di poli suruh nunggu. Bisnis di atas penderitaan orang wkwkwkw
It's crazy how the service is. In the middle of the night, going to the emergency room, I was told to wait in the tent. What do you do with igd. Checked for complaints of cough, cold, fever, shortness of breath. Tell us in the swab to follow our turn already in the swab instead saying the patient companion must be swab too. Yes we refuse. There is an offer if it is not swab checked, it is only checked in the tent, it can't be in the emergency room. finally checked in the tent. When checked in the tent, the bb is the same as the temperature. While there are complaints of shortness of breath but not checked by spo2. Luckily I refused the swab. The family's request for radiology is because the radiology is closed tomorrow morning. It's increasingly unclear how to play. When a patient is admitted to an inpatient, radiology must also wait for the morning, what if a specialist asks for a ro cito. Wow, it's bad, it's bad, there's no play. Igd is like a bro at the poly, told to wait. Business on the suffering of people wkwkwkw
Catherine Aprimanti Secundina on Google

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Untuk pengalaman melahirkan & imunisasi anak, saya tidak ada masalah dengan dokter & bidannya. Tapi saya kecewa dengan pelayanan di bagian INFORMASI nya!! Bulan Desember 2021 lalu, saya imunisasi terakhir dengan Dr. Imelda Pingkan ketika bayi saya berusia 6 bulan. Selanjutnya Dr. Pingkan menyarankan untuk imunisasi lanjutan di 9 bulan pada tanggal 14 Maret 2022 mengikuti jadwal subsidi vaksin. Seminggu sebelum tanggal tsb, seperti biasa saya telp utk mendaftar dan FO mengatakan tanggal vaksin MR subsidi diganti ke tanggal 21 Maret 2022. Hari ini (16 Maret 2022) saya telp kembali untuk mendaftarkan bayi saya, FO berkata tanggal vaksin MR subsidi bulan Maret 2022 sudah dilaksanakan tanggal 14 Maret 2022 yang lalu. Ini bagaimana dengan koordinasi antara FO dan pelaksananya?? Tolong diperbaiki terkait hal tersebut untuk perbaikan alur koordinasi di dalam RSIA St. Yusuf. Jujur, saya sudah nyaman dengan Dokter Pingkan & RSIA St. Yusuf ini dekat dengan domisili saya. Terimakasih.
For the experience of giving birth & child immunization, I have no problem with the doctor & midwife. But I am disappointed with the service in the INFORMATION section!! Last December 2021, I had my last immunization with Dr. Imelda Pingkan when my baby was 6 months old. Next Dr. Pingkan suggested for further immunization at 9 months on March 14, 2022 following the vaccine subsidy schedule. A week before that date, as usual I called to register and the FO said the date for the subsidized MR vaccine was changed to March 21, 2022. Today (16 March 2022) I called again to register my baby, the FO said the date for the subsidized MR vaccine for March 2022 is already held on March 14, 2022 ago. How about the coordination between the FO and the implementer?? Please fix this to improve the coordination flow in RSIA St. Joseph. Honestly, I'm comfortable with Doctor Pingkan & RSIA St. Yusuf is close to my domicile. Thank you.
I Wayan Andrew Handisurya on Google

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GO_ Travel (Dona) on Google

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maternity hospital and children's care in the North Jakarta area. the place is clean, the service of the clerk & nurse is friendly.

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