RS Graha Permata Ibu

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact RS Graha Permata Ibu

Address :

Kukusan, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Categories :
City : Jawa Barat

Kukusan, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Slamet Wibowo on Google

Sebulan sekali masih kontrol di tempat ini...selama pamdemi proses pelayanan di percepat....saya berharap setelah pandemi pun pelayanan selalu sprti ini....semoga kita pasien,perawat,dokter dan semuanya tetap terapkan prokes dan kita semua bisa melewati ujian ini bersama sama. Aamiiin...
Once a month we still control in this place ... as long as the service process is accelerated ... I hope that after the pandemic the service will always be like this ... I hope we patients, nurses, doctors and everyone will continue to apply the process and we can all get through this exam together. Aamiiin ...
Om Abdul (Abede) on Google

Bersih, pelayanan ok
Clean, ok service
aryadi andika on Google

Dokter anaknya keren
Cool pediatrician
joko purnomo on Google

1. dokternya SELALU ngaret gak bisa ontime meleset dari jadwal tiap kali mau cek up / kontrol.. jd kelamaan menunggu.. banyak waktu terbuang.. jd nambah lg penyakit saya.. tensi naik lg.. gegara MENUNGGU.. 2. toilet umum pria tampak tidak nyaman.. kran cuci tangan rusak sdh berbulan² tidak diperbaiki.. masa pandemi spt ini kok bisa ya bagian terkait tdk peka.. kran urinoir mati.. trus mau dicuci pake apa ini si joni.. buang air besar di closed duduk.. giliran selesai mau cebok kran tdk ada.. mau g mau cebok hrs dibawah yg mana kl nongkrong dibawah sekat dindingnya tinggi banget antara lantai & dengan tutup ruang ya.. ya klihatan kemana² biji saya sama orang lain yg ngantri.. pokoke gak nyaman lah.. coba ini diperhatikan sama management jgn pd apatis..
1. the doctor is ALWAYS stubborn, can't ontime miss the schedule every time I want to check up / control.. so it's too long to wait.. a lot of time is wasted.. so it adds to my illness.. tension rises again.. waiting for waiting.. 2. Men's public toilets look uncomfortable.. the hand washing faucet is broken. It hasn't been repaired for months.. During this pandemic, how come the related part is not sensitive.. the urinal faucet is off.. then what do you want to wash it with, Joni.. defecate in a closed sitting.. it's the turn to finish, there's no faucet. queue.. it's just not comfortable.. try to pay attention to this by management, don't be apathetic..
Rico Dwi Putra on Google

Service nya memuaskan
The service is satisfying
Mamah kembar on Google

Per 3bln sekali selalu kesini buat bikin rujukan
Every 3 months I always come here to make a referral
Yatin Suleha on Google

Terapi getaran listrik untuk melemaskan otot yang kaku.
Electric vibration therapy to relax stiff muscles.
adryan ryan on Google

Pelayanan ramah, parkir cukup luas, informasi pelayanan cukup jelas
Friendly service, spacious parking lot, service information is quite clear

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