RS Citra Medika Depok

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Contact RS Citra Medika Depok

Address :

Kalimulya, Kec. Cilodong, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Categories :
City : Jawa Barat

Kalimulya, Kec. Cilodong, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Ivo Rafael Pasaribu on Google

Jimmy_wr Irena_S_7810 on Google

Terasa miris mengalami seperti ini. Istriku di buat praktek. Udah sakit kok dapet perlakuan seperti ini.
It feels sad to experience like this. My wife is in practice. Already sick, how come I got this kind of treatment.
Raihan Febriansyah on Google

RS CITRA MEDIKA MELAKUKAN UPAYA PENIPUAN PADA PASIEN Saya menyampaikan statement ini dengan pengalaman langsung yang saya alami, beserta bukti tertulis maupun audio yang saya dapatkan. Alangkah terkejut sy saat mendapat rincian tagihan dari kasir sebesar sekitar 4.7jt, untuk perawatan 24jam, dan kualitas penanganan serendah itu. Sy baca rinciannya. WOOOW. RS ini berusaha melakukan penipuan pada pasien. Banyak tagihan siluman, yang tidak pernah diberikan ke kami sebagai pasien, ditagihkan. Beberapa contoh: 1. Kami ditagih pembayaran Hazmat 2pcs sebesar 500rb dan Face Shield 2pcs sebesar 100rb. Padahal selama penanganan, kami tidak pernah ditangani menggunakan hazmat, baik dokter igd, perawat, dokter umum yg visit. Faceshield pun hanya 1, dan itu tidak diganti per satu pasien sebenarnya. Karena kami melihat faceshield itu dibersihkan dengan disinfektan di sela2 menangani istri sy. Silahkan cek CCTV IGD pada malam penanganan istri saya *jika ada CCTV 2. Cairan infus kami hanya menggunakan 2, tapi ditagih 5 botol 3. Apron, Gemmix Steril, dsb. Yang tidak pernah digunakan saat menangani istri saya, tapi ditagihkan. Petugas kasir dan perawat panik saat saya komplain keras. Akhirnya dari 4.7jt, setelah revisi menjadi sekitar 3.850.000. Revisi ini memakan waktu hampir 2 jam. Kasir hanya bilang mereka input sesuai inputan perawat dan farmasi. Sy minta dipertemukan dg manajemen, namun belum ada jawaban sampai teks ini sy tulis. Berkali-kali dijanjikan oleh saudari Yuli Koordinator Kasir, maupun Customer Service Kesimpulan : 1. Penanganan pasien sangat buruk, lama, bertele2, bahkan sampai kami memutuskan pindah, tidak ada kepastian diagnosa. Dokter SPPD yang dijanjikan visit pun akhirnya tidak visit. 2. Ada percobaan penipuan dengan menagihkan banyak hal yang tidak kami gunakan 3. Ada pelanggaran SOP. Karena kasir awalnya menjelaskan, APD seperti hazmat, faceshield, mengapa ditagihkan. Karena sudah sepaket, SOPnya tenaga medis menggunakannya. Berarti, ada pelanggaran prosedur fatal ketika Dokter dan perawat, baik IGD maupun di kamar rawat, tidak menggunakannya. Bayangkan jika pasien yang ditangani adalah pasien Covid19. Alangkah fatal dan membahayakan. 4. Manajemen informasi yang buruk, karena misalnya utk tarif kamar rawat saja, antara pendaftaran dan kasir yang bersebelahan persis ruangannya, ternyata tidak sama informasinya. 5. RS Citra Medika terkesan menghindar.. Berkali-kali dihubungi melalui telepon selalu tidak ada di tempat, dinas luar, tidak masuk, dan sekian alasan lainnya. Whatsapp pun tidak ditanggapi. Bahkan ulasan sebelumnya yang singkat, langsung dihapus oleh pihak RS Citra Medika. Kalau memang tidak salah, mengapa harus dihapus...
RS CITRA MEDIKA DOING FRAUD EFFORTS ON PATIENTS I deliver this statement with firsthand experience, along with written and audio evidence that I have received. How surprised I was when I got the details of the bill from the cashier of around 4.7 million, for 24-hour treatment, and the quality of handling was that low. I read the details. WOOOW. This hospital tries to cheat on patients. Many stealth bills, which are never presented to us as patients, are invoiced. Some examples: 1. We were charged 500 thousand Hazmat 2pcs and 100 thousand Face Shield 2pcs. Even though during treatment, we have never been treated using hazmat, both igd doctors, nurses, general practitioners who visited. There is only 1 faceshield, and it is not replaced by one actual patient. Because we saw that the faceshield was cleaned with disinfectant in between working with my wife. Please check the IGD CCTV on the night of my wife's handling * if there is CCTV 2. Our infusion fluids only use 2, but are billed for 5 bottles 3. Apron, Gemmix Sterile, etc. Never used when handling my wife, but collectable. The cashiers and nurses panicked when I complained loudly. Finally from 4.7 million, after the revision to around 3,850,000. This revision took almost 2 hours. The cashier only said that they input according to the input from the nurse and pharmacy. I asked to meet with management, but there has been no answer until I wrote this text. Many times promised by sister Yuli, the Cashier Coordinator, and Customer Service Conclusion: 1. The handling of the patient is very bad, takes a long time, takes time, even when we decide to move, there is no certainty of diagnosis. The SPPD doctor who was promised a visit finally did not visit. 2. There have been fraudulent attempts by charging for things we don't use 3. There is a violation of the SOP. Because the cashier initially explained, PPE is like hazmat, faceshield, why is it charged. Because it is already packaged, the medical staff uses it. This means that there is a violation of the fatal procedure when doctors and nurses, both the emergency room and the ward, do not use it. Imagine if the patient being treated was a Covid19 patient. How fatal and dangerous. 4. Poor information management, because, for example, the rates for inpatient rooms only, between registration and the cashier who are right next door to the room, apparently the information is not the same. 5. Citra Medika Hospital seems to be avoiding .. Many times contacted by telephone, always absent, outside service, absent, and many other reasons. Whatsapp was not responded to. Even the previous brief review, was immediately deleted by Citra Medika Hospital. If it's not wrong, why should it be deleted ...

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