Puskeswan Kasihan - Kabupaten Bantul

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Puskeswan Kasihan

Address :

Jl. Mrisi Dalam 2, Gn. Cilik, Tirtonirmolo, Kec. Kasihan, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55184, Indonesia

Postal code : 55184
Opening hours :
Monday 7:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 7:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 7:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 7:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 7:30–11AM
Saturday 7:30AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Mrisi Dalam 2, Gn. Cilik, Tirtonirmolo, Kec. Kasihan, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55184, Indonesia
nia aprelia on Google

Apakah bisa vaksin untuk kucing? Biaya berapa nggih? Matursuwun
Can there be a vaccine for cats? How much does it cost? Thank you
IRMAJA on Google

Petugasnya ramah, tempatnya bersih, akses menuju puskeswan nya mudah, sebelumnya gk tau klo ada layanan puskeswan didaerahku, taunya dari saudara.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The clerk is friendly, the place is clean, access to Puskesmas is easy, before that, I didn't know that there was a Puskesmas service in my area, you know from relatives .⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Sahabat Gunung on Google

Tempatnya bersih Dokternya ramah Pelayanan memuaskan Pengarahanya ada Tapi kurang di jelaskan kelanjutan perawatanya gimana
The place is clean The doctor is friendly Satisfactory service The direction is there But it is not clear how the continuation of the treatment is
Candra Agustin on Google

Alhamdulillah pelayanan sangat memuaskan Bu dokter nya baik baik dan sangat ramah,, biaya sangat terjangkau
Alhamdulillah, the service was very satisfying, the doctor was kind and very friendly, the cost was very affordable
Paramitha A Safitri on Google

Penanganannya cepat tanggap, Dokternya ramah sekali.. Harga terjangkau.. Anak kucing saya sembuh setelah 2-3 hari . Semoga kedepannya Puskeswan Kasihan ini semakin maju, Sukses selalu . Terimakasih, Drh. Ani ..
The handling is fast, the doctor is very friendly.. The price is affordable.. My kitten recovered after 2-3 days. Hopefully in the future this Poor Health Center will be more advanced, success always. Thank you, Dr. Ani..
Zulfa Laili on Google

Dokter nya ramah dan sabar, bayar dengan biaya terjangkau 3 suntikan hanya 25 ribu
The doctor is friendly and patient, pays an affordable fee for 3 injections for only 25 thousand
Abdurrohim 'Alim on Google

Petugas ramah, pelayanan ok? Melayani steril kucing (Wajib WA ke petugas untuk reservasi) - Jantan 300rb - Betina 500rb
Friendly staff, ok service? Serving sterile cats (Mandatory WA to the officer for reservation) - Male 300rb - Female 500rb
Latifa Diah on Google

Tahun 2020/2021 : Beberapa kali ke sini karena dekat dengan rumah. Beberapa kucing saya yang keliatan lemes/ gejala sakit ringan suka saya bawa ke sini. Dikasih suntik vitamin, 18ribu, konsultasi gratis. Petugasnya baik dan ramah-ramah. Untuk hasil diagnosa dan peralatan masih terbatas, umum banget. Beberapa kucing saya sehat kembali setelah dapat penanganan disini, tapi juga pernah juga kucing saya meninggal selepas periksa disini. Jadi untuk hewan peliharaan sebaiknya cari klinik hewan saja. Siang gitu kadang sudah tutup. Terkadang petugasnya sedang tidak di tempat karena sedang keliling. Jadi kalau mau datang, sebaiknya tanya dulu via wa/telepon. Edit : Tahun 2022, pelayanan lebih baik dan lebih rapi, dokternya lebih informatif. Bisa vaksin dan steril kucing.
Year 2020/2021: Been here a few times because it's close to home. Some of my cats that look limp/symptoms of mild illness I like to bring here. Given a vitamin injection, 18 thousand, free consultation. The staff is good and friendly. For diagnostic results and equipment is still limited, very general. Some of my cats are healthy again after receiving treatment here, but also once my cat died after checking here. So for pets, you should just look for a veterinary clinic. At noon it is sometimes closed. Sometimes the officers are not in place because they are around. So if you want to come, you should ask first via wa/phone. Edits: In 2022, the service is better and neater, the doctors are more informative. Can vaccinate and sterilize cats.

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