Puskeswan Godean - Kabupaten Sleman

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Puskeswan Godean

Address :

Jalan Brongkol, Area Sawah, Sidomulyo, Kec. Godean, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55264, Indonesia

Postal code : 55264
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–2PM
Tuesday 8AM–2PM
Wednesday 8AM–2PM
Thursday 8AM–2PM
Friday 8AM–2PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jalan Brongkol, Area Sawah, Sidomulyo, Kec. Godean, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55264, Indonesia
Aji Prasetiya on Google

Alhamdulillah Untung ada puskeswan Untuk lokasinya gampang dicari karena dekat dengan jalan aspal. Tempatnya pun bersih. Dokternya ramah Pokoknya rekomended kalau mau priksa Namun disini cuman yang ringan2 saja, kalau berat mau gamau wajib ke klinik... Mantep pokoke
Alhamdulillah Fortunately, there are health centers The location is easy to find because it is close to an asphalt road. The place is clean too. The doctor is friendly Anyway, recommended if you want to check But here it's only light, if it's heavy you want to go to the clinic ... Really pokoke
Nyonyah Meneer on Google

Mantul, dokternya ramah2.. tempate juga sejuk.. adem bgt, betah deh kaloo berlama2 duduk di sini... Dan gratiss pula..
Mantul, the doctor is friendly.. the place is also cool.. it's really cool, it's comfortable to sit here for a long time... And it's free too..
aulia kholifi dwi harjanti on Google

First impression penjelasan dari dokternya jelas, profesional,tetap tenang menghadapi hewan
First impression the explanation from the doctor is clear, professional, stay calm when dealing with animals
Salma Ummikhasa on Google

Dokternya ramah, pelayanan baik. Untuk pemeriksaan hewan kecil seperti kucing dilayani pukul 08:00-10:00 WIB. Untuk pemeriksaan hewan besar dilayani pukul 10:00-12:00 WIB.
The doctor is friendly, the service is good. For inspections of small animals such as cats, they are served at 08:00-10:00 WIB. For large animal inspections, it is served at 10:00-12:00 WIB.
Hesti Astuti on Google

Pelayanan & obat gratis, dokternya ramah, penjelasannya detail! Bantu jawab tentang vaksin, disini tersedia vaksin rabies gratis dari pemerintah 1 th 1x, tp bulannya tidak tentu! Sedangkan vaksin panleu dll, tidak termasuk subsidi & tidak tersedia di puskeswan! Tentunya biaya mandiri di klinik
Free service & medicine, friendly doctor, detailed explanation! Help answer about vaccines, here is a free rabies vaccine available from the government once a year, but the month is not certain! Meanwhile, Panleu vaccines, etc., do not include subsidies & are not available at puskeswans! Of course, independent fees at the clinic
Gilang Nur F on Google

Pelayanannya bagus, dokternya juga ramah. Pengalaman saya untuk berobat kucing tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis. Untuk vaksin memang bisa tapi saya belum pernah vaksin kucing di puskeswan, biaya vaksin belum tahu. Berikut saya lampirkan juga jam buka selama pandemi. Banyak orang yang belum mengetahui fasilitas kesehatan hewan seperti ini, ayo beritahu kawan dan tetangga kamu.
The service is good, the doctor is also friendly. My experience for cat treatment is free of charge or free. For vaccines, it is possible but I have never vaccinated cats at the puskeswan, I don't know the cost of the vaccine yet. Here I also attach the opening hours during the pandemic. Many people don't know about animal health facilities like this, let's tell your friends and neighbors.
Lena Lailasari on Google

Selasa, 19 April 2022 jam 10.50 saya sampai di Puskeswan Godean. Sebenarnya bisa mruput tapi ada drama kejar2an ama kucing yg mau diperiksa..kayaknya dia feeling jd hrs kejar2an dulu. 8km naik motor, sampe sana ada ibu2 petugas bilang bahwa mohon maaf pelayanan hewan kecil hanya dari jam 8.00-12.00 Saya memohon2, bu sy 8km..jauh bu. Mohon bisa diperiksa. Saya ditanya, rumah mana. Saya di Gamping. Ibunya jawab..ooh, kalo Gamping periksanya di Puskeswan Gamping..di pasar hewan. Tolong lah bu..saya udah jauh2 kesini. Maap mbak, sudah ga nrima, jamnya sudah lewat. Ya Allah..puasa2 gini..panas2..jauh2..subhanalloh.... Iyyakana'budu wa iyyakanasta'in
Nae Nazila on Google

Semingguan yang lalu bawa Oreo ke sini karna ditabrak orang, penanganannya cepat dan bagus, dokternya ramah banget profesional juga, Oreo dikasih obat (suntik) alhamdulillah dua hari kemudian sembuh udah mau main, biayanya juga gratis. Terimakasih banyak dokter ???
A week ago, I brought Oreo here because it was hit by someone, the treatment was fast and good, the doctor was very friendly and professional too, Oreo was given medicine (injection) thank God, two days later he recovered, he wanted to play, the fee is also free. Thank you so much doctor ???

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