4/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Nepen, Gunungpring, Kec. Muntilan, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah 56415, Indonesia

Postal code : 56415
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–12PM
Tuesday 8AM–12PM
Wednesday 8AM–12PM
Thursday 8AM–12PM
Friday 8AM–12PM
Saturday 8AM–12PM
Sunday 8AM–12PM
Categories :

Nepen, Gunungpring, Kec. Muntilan, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah 56415, Indonesia
WanS RamadhaN on Google

Bagusss orang tua saya sering cek di Sini pokonya mah recommendat
It's good, my parents often check here, I really recommend it
Mirsa Ratina on Google

Sangat2 menerapkan prokes.pelayanan pendaftaran cepat.dan quota pasien dibatasi.jadi pasien merasa aman dan nyaman.
Very much implementing prokes, fast registration services, and limited patient quota, so that patients feel safe and comfortable.
Danee Des on Google

Layanan andalan periksa gigi dapat ditemukan di sini. Melayani klinik kesehatan umum. Yang tidak biasa berisik, akan terganggu oleh candaan para karyawan, terdengar hingga ruang periksa
A top dental check-up service can be found here. Serving public health clinics. Unusually noisy, will be disturbed by jokes from employees, can be heard up to the examination room
Must ist on Google

Pelayanan disini bagus, dan petugas melayani dgn sepenuh hati dan memberikan solusi.
The service here is good, and the officers serve wholeheartedly and provide solutions.
Mas Bram on Google

Klinik gigi mulai Desember 2019 sudah buka pagi, hari senin sampai sabtu dari jam 8.30 sampai tutup pendaftaran 11.30. Untuk anda kalau sore capek nunggu antrian lama karena ramai atau cuma bisa menyempatkan pagi hari, monggo bisa bisa berobat pada jam tersebut ?
Dental clinics starting in December 2019 are open in the morning, Monday to Saturday from 8.30 to 11:30 registration closes. For you, if you are tired of waiting for a long queue because it is busy or can only take the morning, you can be treated at that hour ?
Ridarta Intan on Google

Klinik ini melayani pasien bpjs ya. Kalau pagi buka dr jam 8 sampai jam 12. Kalu sore dari jam 5 sampai selesai. Kalau jam 7 malam sudah habis pasien ya sudah. Tp misal sampai jam 9 masih ada ya tetap di layani. Kalau disini terkenal dengan dokter giginya. Namanya dokter Jadri. Ramah dan baik orangnya. Tp sayangnya saya sementara ini ke klinik ini karna berhubungan dengan KIA. Atau kebidangan tentang kehamilan saya. Bidan disini juga ramah. Yang pertama ga lama antrinya kalau priksa kandungan disini. Selalu diarahkan harus seperi apa dan langkah selanjutnya apa. Kalau disini setiap 10 hari sekali bisa datang kesini karna obatnya habis, rada ribet sih karna sering banget kesini, beda dengan di puskesmas yang langsung dikasih obat buat 1 bulan. Tp enaonya disini tu kita bisa ngontrol kondisi bayi di kandungan kita secara rutin, mulai dari posisinya, detak jantungnya, dll pokonya bakal dikasih tau semua sama bidannya. Plus enak juga diajak konsultasi
This clinic caters for bjj patients. If it's open from 8 to 12 in the morning, then in the afternoon from 5 to finish. If it's 7 p.m., the patient is finished. But for example until 9 o'clock there are still served. If it's famous here, the dentist. His name Jadri doctor. Friendly and kind person. But unfortunately, I am temporarily attending this clinic because I am related to MCH. Or the midwifery about my pregnancy. Midwives here too friendly. The first is not long in line when checking the uterus here. Always directed should be like what and what the next step. If you come here once every 10 days because the medicine runs out, it's rather complicated because it's often really here, it's different from the puskesmas which is given medicine for one month. But here, we can control the condition of the baby in our womb routinely, starting from its position, heart rate, etc. the pokonya will be told by all of the midwives. Plus delicious also consulted
teenera outfit on Google

Mohon maaf tapi pelayanan sangat tidak ramah. Saya cuma tanya "apa bpjs saya bisa digunakan kalau kode wilayah tidak sama?" Jawabannya merendahkan & terkesan membentak. Padahal saya pasien baru & hanya bertanya 1x. Mungkin cukup sekali saja datang kesana, kecuali ada hal mendesak. Mohon pelayanan ditingkatkan, terimakasih
Sorry but the service is very unfriendly. I just asked "can my bpjs be used if the area codes are not the same?" The answer is condescending & seems snappy. Even though I'm a new patient & only asked once. Maybe it's enough to come there once, unless there is something urgent. Please improve service, thank you
Winda Fariza on Google

Pendaftaran bagus, tp pas bagian antrii lamaa polllll ,udah antri lamaa tp setiaapp saat pasien yg antri tp pulang trs dateng lg selalu di dulukan ,seharusnyaa pasien yg pulang trss dateng lg harus antri belakangan,kasian yg lamaa nunggu di tempat di jejel teruss gk masuk2 sampee siang?????
Registration is good, but when the queue is long, pollllll, it's been a long queue, but every time a patient who is queuing but returns home always comes first, patients who come home should come back and have to queue later, sorry for the long wait in the line and keep not coming in until noon?????

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