PT Kenta Pratama Jaya - Kabupaten Tangerang

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact PT Kenta Pratama Jaya

Address :

Jl. Raya Kutruk Tigaraksa Desa No.108, Ranca Iyuh, Kec. Panongan, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15711, Indonesia

Postal code : 15711
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–5PM
Tuesday 8AM–5PM
Wednesday 8AM–5PM
Thursday 8AM–5PM
Friday 8AM–5PM
Saturday 8AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Raya Kutruk Tigaraksa Desa No.108, Ranca Iyuh, Kec. Panongan, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15711, Indonesia
Yenny Wahyumei on Google

Hafizh on Google

yenny wahyumei setiawan on Google

Parjono Bagusragil on Google

Ngeriiii .....
Finsa Nofrizal on Google

Terima kasih banyak atas undangan wawancaranya. Merupakan suatu kehormatan & kesenangan untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang tim dan posisi yang saya lamar di perusahaan Bapak/Ibu pimpin, semoga berjaya dan sukses untuk PT Kenta Pratama Jaya
Thank you very much for the invitation to the interview. It is an honor & pleasure to learn more about the team and the position that I applied for in the company, Mr. / Mrs. lead, good luck and success for PT Kenta Pratama Jaya
Randy P on Google

Terimakasih atas undangan interviewnya, walaupun qta gk jodoh ?. Dsni sy mau review, pas dpat email dr pt kpj kbtulan sy tdk smpat utk survei lokasinya, sy on the spot pk maps pas hari H ny, krna emg d google maps ny cuma ada 1 lokasi gda kantor pusat dsb jd sy optimis itu lokasi utamanya. Jadwal interview jam 11, krna sy gk survei sy sngja brngkat lebih awal jam 9.30 krna tkut nyasar jg, krna estimasi dr rumah jg sqtar 30-40 mnit. Pas sy brngkat alangkah trkejutnya dn panik krna udah jam 11 jadwal interview sdngkn sy gk sampe² udah 1 jam sy cari itu pt gk ktemu² jg, d lokasi maps udah sampai tp gk ktemu dn sy tanya k orang² 1 pun tdk ada yg tau, sy coba mnjlankan kndraan dg pelan siapa tau sy klewat, tp trnyta gk ktemu pt ny yg sama dg yg d maps. Akhirnya sy mnyerah dn WA hrd ny klo sy tdk dpat mnmukan lokasinya, dan dia share lokasi, pas sy buka d maps kejutan k 2 dtang, koq bisa beda gini y alamatnya, d maps d arahkan k jalan kutruk 3raksa sdngkan yg d share lokasinya ada d panongan. Yasuda sy ikuti maps dr hrd ny, pas udah sampai d titik lokasipun sy masih d kasih kejutan k 3, awalny sy jg blm bsa mnmukan pt yg sm persis dg d yg maps krna itu patokan sy, pas d telusuri dg perlahan ktemu lah PT KPJ dan trnyata beda jauh dg yg d maps, sjenak sy berhenti dn berfikir knpa bisa alamat dan tempatnya berbeda semua. Saran sy bagi yg mau interview lbih baik mnta shre lok aja sm hrd ny klo tdk mau susah seperti sy. Klo utk proses interviewnya gda yg aneh, sm sprti kbnykan interview d prshaan lain. Skali lg terimakasih pt kpj dan pak vian kendo ats undangannya.
Thank you for the interview invitation, even though I'm not a match. Here, I want a review, when I get an email from PT Kpj, I am not able to survey the location, I was on the spot on the map on the H, because there is only one location on Google Maps, etc. I am optimistic that is the main location . The interview schedule is at 11 am, because my survey is still very early at 9.30 because I don't want to get lost too, because the estimate from the house is 30-40 minutes. When I was very surprised and panicked because it was 11 o'clock, the interview schedule was not until it was 1 hour, I was looking for it, I didn't find it, the map location has arrived but I can't find it and I ask people 1 don't even know, I try Imaging the channels slowly who knows I will pass, but I can't find the same pt as the one on the d maps. Finally, I give up on WA, if I can't find the location, and he shares the location, when I open the d maps, the surprise 2 comes, how come the address can be different, the d maps point to the 3raksa curse road where the one shared is the location and panongan. Yasuda, I followed the maps from HRD, when I arrived at the location, I was still given a surprise at 3, at first, I can't find the exact same PT as the map because that's my benchmark, when I trace it slowly I met PT KPJ and it is very different from the one on maps, I have stopped thinking about how the addresses and places are all different. My advice for those who want to interview is better, ask for the shre, just the hrd, if you don't want it to be difficult like me. If the interview process isn't strange, it's like other interviews. Also, thank you PT Kpj and Mr. Vian Kendo for the invitation.
rifky dwi septian on Google

Hari pertama dari bandung saya datang ke PT Kenta Pratama Jaya di Kabupaten Tangerang untuk Interview dgn HRD dan User Order Processing, selain itu saya juga melakukan psikotes. Setelah selesai bpk HRD menginformasikan "paling lambat dua minggu kemudian". Ternyata Kurang lebih satu bulan kemudian saya baru mendapatkan informasi untuk lanjut ke tahap interview dengan pak Bos. Kebetulan posisi saya sdg di kepulauan bangka belitung dan langsunv meninggalkan urusan keluarga berkunjung kembali ke PT Kenta Pratama Jaya di Kab Tangerang untuk memenuhi undangan wawancara. Sampai saat ini sudah hampir sebulan belum ada informasi kembali, apakah saya layak bergabung atau tidak jgn digantung, mau kerja malah dikerjain bulak balik ngongkos gw Mohon perhatiannya kepada bapak HRD PT KJP
The first day from Bandung I came to PT Kenta Pratama Jaya in Tangerang Regency for an interview with HRD and User Order Processing, besides that I also did a psychological test. After completion, Mr. HRD informed "no later than two weeks later". It turned out that about one month later I just got information to go to the interview stage with the boss. Incidentally, my position was in the Bangka Belitung Islands and immediately left family matters to return to PT Kenta Pratama Jaya in Tangerang Regency to fulfill the interview invitation. Until now it has been almost a month there has been no information back, whether I deserve to join or not, don't hang, want to work, instead I have to work back and forth. Attention please to Mr. HRD PT KJP
ayubestica on Google

Maaf banget pak bos, baru review sekarang2 nih hehe :D Pengalaman kerja di Kenta tahun 2019-2020 sangat menyenangkan, teman2 yang saling mendukung satu sama lain, bos2 yang selalu support karyawannya. Produknya oke punya, bahkan saya berniat pesen shutter di sini kalo renovasi rumah sudah beres.
I'm really sorry boss, I'm just reviewing now hehe :D Working experience at Kenta in 2019-2020 was very pleasant, friends who support each other, bosses who always support their employees. The product is okay, I even intend to order a shutter here when the house renovation is done.

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