PT. Asia Fintek Teknologi - Central Jakarta City

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Contact PT. Asia Fintek Teknologi

Address :

Jl. Batu Ceper No.65, RW.1, Kebon Kelapa, Gambir, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10120, Indonesia

Postal code : 10120
Categories :

Jl. Batu Ceper No.65, RW.1, Kebon Kelapa, Gambir, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10120, Indonesia
Umijamiatun Rizqi on Google

Tolong ya, sya mau di batalkan pinjaman sya. Katanya ada telfon verifikasi. Tp tidak ada. Tolong lacak pinjaman now dan uang kaya. Karan sya sangat kecewa!!!!
Please, I want to cancel my loan. He said there was a verification phone. But nothing. Please track loan now and rich money. Karan sya very disappointed!!!!
Helmi Purba on Google

koq bisa yh uang masuk ke rek sya dari PT asia Fintek tolong di cek ,itu uang dri mana,di email ga di respon,coba login di aplikasi ini,data saya tidak di kenal.tolng di respon yh kk
How come the money goes to my account from PT Asia Fintek please check, where is the money from, the email is not responding, try logging in to this application, my data is not recognized, please respond
Andy Ibrahim on Google

Begal online ini sudah email cuma di respon sekali , hati2 untuk transferan ke PT. Asia Fintek Teknologi, harus di share dan di laporkan
This online thief has only responded to an email once, be careful when transferring to PT. Asia Fintek Technology, must be shared and reported
erwin saputra on Google

Tolong doank di baca email saya,, saya transfer dana melalui bca ke bni kredit tunai kenapa tidak masuk... sedangkan dari pihak bank bca sudah masuk... Malah saya transfernya kelebihan... Tolong di bales dengan cepat ya pak/ibu
Please just read my email,, I transferred funds via BCA to BNI cash credit, why didn't it come in... while from the BCA bank it was already in... In fact, I transferred the excess... Please reply quickly, sir/ma'am
Novi Nugroho on Google

Mau begal online ya ? pinjaman 2.800.000 tenor 91 hari, tapi kenyataanya yang diterima 1.820.000 tenor 7 hari dan harus dikembalikan sebesar 2.800.000. Ini wajib lapor OJK dan kepolisan
Do you want to be online? a loan of 2,800,000 with a tenor of 91 days, but in fact what was received was 1,820,000 for a 7-day tenor and had to be returned for 2,800,000. This is mandatory to report to OJK and the police

Segera didaftar yg kena pinjol gelap masyarakat luas & nama baiknya rusak dicemarkan untuk segera dilaporkan ke Mabes Polri Crime agar yg menampung uang dengan rekening virtual account yg bisa dilacak agar pinjol abal abal2 bubar .
Immediately register those who have been illegally borrowed by the wider community and have their good names damaged and defamed to be immediately reported to the Crime Police Headquarters so that those who hold money with virtual accounts can be traced so that fake loans are disbanded.
noname 11 on Google

PT. Haram, Hati2 yang udah kena transfer oleh PT ini, Di tagih sebagai pinjol, Kedok PT. Tpi sebagai aplikasi pinjol ilegal yang ditakdirkan terdaftar di ojk. Korban dari PT ini bisa balas komen saya dan kita laporkan bersama ke ojk dan kepolisian. Data pribadi yang di sebar luaskan oleh PT ini membuat kita rugi. Data pribadi di bocorkan kemana2.
PT. forbidden, Those who have been transferred by this PT, Billed as a loan, The cover of PT. But as an illegal loan application that is destined to be registered with the ojk. The victim from this PT can reply to my comment and we will report it together to the ojk and the police. The personal data that is disseminated by this PT makes us lose. Personal data is leaked everywhere.
Adi Nugraha on Google

PT yang se enak enak nya menyebarkan data pribadi orang yang atas menamakan dari Bank Indonesia, cuma kedok semata yang bertujuan sebagai pinjol ilegal yang tidak di awasi ojk. Hati2 yang udah dapat transfer an dan mengajukan pinjol di sini. Laporkan ke ojk dan kepolisian biar di tindak lanjuti. Bukti2 sudah terkumpul. Data saya disebarluaskan dengan seenak nya perusahaan. Melanggar undang2 ite dan pencemaran nama baik karna dpt SMS atau WA penagihan secara mengancam.
A PT that is as comfortable as it can be to spread personal data of people in the name of Bank Indonesia, is just a cover that aims to be an illegal loan that is not supervised by ojk. Watch out for those who have already received transfers and applied for a loan here. Report it to the ojk and the police so that they can be followed up. Evidence has been collected. My data is disseminated at will by the company. Violating item laws and defamation because you can receive SMS or WA threatening billing.

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