PSPP GALIH PAKUAN BOGOR - Panti Rehab Narkoba - Bogor Regency

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact PSPP GALIH PAKUAN BOGOR - Panti Rehab Narkoba

Address :

Jl. H. Miing No.16, Karihkil, Ciseeng, Bogor Regency, West Java 16120, Indonesia

Postal code : 16120
Categories :

Jl. H. Miing No.16, Karihkil, Ciseeng, Bogor Regency, West Java 16120, Indonesia
Jostigmata 555 on Google

Tempat yang cukup baik dan mengesankan untuk pengembangan diri. Dimana disana banyak kegiatan-kegiatan positif yang diberikan.
A pretty good and impressive place for self-development. Where there are many positive activities given.
Rahma wati on Google

??STOP NARKOBA Petugas ramah, baik Ilmu bermanfaat Semoga siapapun menjadi lebih baik diluar sana aamiin
??STOP DRUGS Friendly, kind clerk Useful science I hope everyone gets better out there
Eni Dwi Hastuti on Google

Rekomended bagi penyalahguna Napza yang ingin menjalani rehabilitasi, ini lembaga rehabilitasj yang dimiliki pemerintah cq. Kementerian Sosial.
Recommended for drug abusers who want to undergo rehabilitation, this rehabilitation institution owned by the government cq. Ministry of Social Affairs.
Rahma Wati on Google

Stop narkoba ?? semua petugas nya baik dan ramah Tidak ada kekerasan fisik Kedisiplinan Pelajaran Semoga yg dari pspp menjadi manusia lbh baik lg aamiin
Stop drugs ?? all the officers are kind and friendly There is no physical violence Discipline Lesson Hopefully those from PSPP become better human beings again Aamiin
Officar Manullang on Google

Membantu memulihkan korban penyalah gunaan Napza,sampai kembali berfungsi secara sosial dlm norma agama dn masyarakat sprt yg di harapkan.
Helps restore victims of drug abuse, to return to social functioning in religious norms and society as expected.
JAMALUDDIN Jamal on Google

Saya ikut Pelatihan Rehab selama 2 Bulan th 2007 program Baik Sekali
I participated in Rehab Training for 2 months in 2007 Very Good program
aditya laras on Google

satu tahun yang lalu praktikum di sini dan dapat banyak pelajaran baik dari program tc nya itu sendiri dan juga dari penerima manfaat yang menjalani program rehab. semoga sistem di sana semakin baik lagi sehingga penerima manfaat dapat terbantu dengan maksimal dalam menjalani proses rehab. dan semoga juga staf,peksos,konselor dan penerima manfaat di sana sehat-sehat selalu?
One year ago the practicum was here and there were many lessons both from the TC program itself and also from the beneficiaries who underwent the rehab program. I hope the system there will get even better so that the beneficiaries can be maximally helped in undergoing the rehab process. and hopefully the staff, peksos, counselors and beneficiaries there are always healthy?
hendra permana on Google

Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial milik Kementerian Sosial. Bisa konsultasi juga. Karena milik pemerintah biayanya Gratisss. Tempatnya luas dan fasilitas lengkap. Bisa belajar ketrampilan kya sablon, bengkel, desain, perkebunan, perikanan dll. Ada stadion futsal, lap basket, fitnes, bilyard, outbond. Buat keluarga yg berkunjung bisa nunggu di cafe yg ada barbershop dan distronya. ??
Social Rehabilitation Center belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs. You can consult too. Because it's government owned, it's free. The place is spacious and has complete facilities. Can learn skills such as screen printing, workshop, design, plantation, fishery etc. There are futsal stadiums, basketball laps, fitness, billiards, outbound. For families who visit, you can wait at a cafe that has a barbershop and distribution. ??

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