Praktek Dokter Spesialis Kebidanan & Kandungan dr.Hj. Maria Ulfa SpoG - Kota Depok

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Praktek Dokter Spesialis Kebidanan & Kandungan dr.Hj. Maria Ulfa SpoG

Address :

Jl. Raya KSU, Tirtajaya, Kec. Sukmajaya, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16412, Indonesia

Phone : 📞 +888
Postal code : 16412
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 10AM–1PM
Tuesday 10AM–3PM
Wednesday 10AM–1PM
Thursday 10AM–3PM
Friday 10AM–1PM
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Categories :

Jl. Raya KSU, Tirtajaya, Kec. Sukmajaya, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16412, Indonesia
Uton Sultoni on Google

Dokter dan karyawannya sangat ramah, tempatnya bersih nyaman, Untuk yang sibuk bekerja tidak ada waktu untuk mencari dokter kandungan, di sini tempatnya karna buka praktek dari senin-minggu buka.
Doctors and employees are very friendly, the place is clean and comfortable, For those who are busy working, there is no time to find a gynecologist, this is the place because they are open from Monday to Sunday.
Tika Setiyati on Google

Untung ada klinik dokter yang buka hari minggu, apalagi lagi pas urgen karena habis jatuh. alhamdulillah babynya sehat. Dokternya juga sangat baik menjelaskan, susternya juga baik. Terima kasih
Fortunately, there is a doctor's clinic that is open on Sundays, especially when it's urgent because it's fallen. Thank God the baby is healthy. The doctor is also very good at explaining, the nurse is also good. Thank You
Helmy Widiastuti on Google

Dari awal kehamilan masih2 baru buka praktek sampai udah dateng ke 3 kalinya...sangat memuaskan... Pernah nyoba klinik dokter lain tapi balik kesini karena memang sebaik ini... Ibu dokter sabar, penjelasan detail, tidak terburu2 hampir 15 menit ...senang sekali....Semoga Makin berkah bu dokter dan kliniknya...Aamiin?
From the beginning of pregnancy, I still just opened my practice until I came for the 3rd time...very satisfying... I've tried another doctor's clinic but came back here because it's as good as this... Doctor's mother is patient, detailed explanation, not rushed, almost 15 minutes.. .so happy....God bless the doctor and the clinic...Amen
Siska Marjayanti on Google

Setiap bulan kontrol disini tempat nya nyaman, dokter baik & sabar. untuk adm & bidan pelayanan nya ramah pertahankan ya.. Tarif USG terjangkau apalagi ditangani oleh dokter. Smoga klinik nya semakin berkembang
Every month the control here is comfortable, the doctor is kind & patient. for admins & midwives, the service is friendly, keep it up.. Ultrasound rates are affordable, especially when handled by doctors. May the clinic grow
suci amalia on Google

Tempat bersih, nyaman, meski gak terlalu besar, apalagi pasien sptnya makin lama makin banyak. Petugas & dokter ramah. Biaya periksa dll jg murah dibanding provider lain. Cek updatenya bisa via IGnya jd klu ada promo & program unk bumil, kita gak ketinggalan info Overall, suka ?
The place is clean, comfortable, although not too big, especially since there are more and more patients. Friendly staff & doctors. The cost of checking etc. is also cheap compared to other providers. You can check for updates via IG, so if there are promos & programs for pregnant women, we don't miss any info Overall, like it ?
Dzakiyyah N Afifah on Google

Hamil pertama di tempat rantau. Hampir seharian telusur dokter kandungan yg oke di Depok. Sampailah menetapkan pilihan ke dokter Maria karena liat review yg bagus. Pas periksa pertama malam hari, setelah periksa sempat heran karena dokter kurang ramah dan penjelasannya kurang bisa didengar karena suara lirih tapi memang dokteenya sabar. kita bersumsi mungkin dokter capek. Periksa kedua, coba datang pagi. Dan ternyata hasilnya beda! Dokter lebih ramah, penjelasan detail, sabar, mengayomi dan mau menjelaskan setiap pertanyaan yang diajukan. Harga disini sangat terjangkau, tempat bersih, pelayanan administrasi juga ramah. Apalagi dokternya perempuan jadi lebih nyaman ? Alhamdulillah puas sama pelayanan di klinik inii. Sangat recommend untuk periksa disini ?
First pregnant in overseas. Almost all day searching for a good obstetrician in Depok. It came to making the choice to see Maria's doctor because of the good reviews. When I checked for the first time at night, after the examination I was surprised because the doctor was not friendly and his explanations could not be heard because the voice was low but the doctor was patient. We assume maybe the doctor is tired. Second check, try to come early. And the results are different! Doctors are more friendly, detailed explanations, patient, nurturing and willing to explain every question asked. The prices here are very affordable, the place is clean, the administrative service is also friendly. Moreover, the female doctor is more comfortable ? Alhamdulillah, satisfied with the service at this clinic. Highly recommend checking here
Hizbiyatul Islamiyah on Google

Nyaman periksa & USG di sini. Harus proaktif tanya sih, bukan tipe dokter yang banyak bicara, tapi alhamdulillah beliau menjawab dengan clear, fair, dan apa adanya. Oya, alhamdulillah bukan yang buru-buru juga. Antrian juga nggak banyak, jadi nggak harus nunggu berjam-jam. Tempat bersih dan terawat. Biaya periksa 120rb, USG 2D 25rb (entah karena promo atau emang segitu). Plus, ditawarin untuk tebus obat / vitamin atau nggak, sesuai kebutuhan.
Convenient check & ultrasound here. You have to be proactive in asking questions, not the type of doctor who talks a lot, but thank God he answered clearly, fairly, and honestly. Oh, thank God, not in a hurry either. The queue is also not much, so you don't have to wait for hours. Clean and well-maintained place. The cost of checking is 120 thousand, 2D ultrasound is 25 thousand (either because of the promo or is it really that much). Plus, offered to redeem drugs / vitamins or not, as needed.
Senandung aisyah rayya on Google

Clean & comfortable

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