PopExpress Bekasi - Bekasi City

2.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact PopExpress Bekasi

Address :

Ruko Bumi Satria Kencana, Jl. KH. Noer Ali, Kayuringin Jaya, Bekasi Selatan, Bekasi City, West Java 17144, Indonesia

Postal code : 17144
Website : http://www.popexpress.id/
Opening hours :
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Ruko Bumi Satria Kencana, Jl. KH. Noer Ali, Kayuringin Jaya, Bekasi Selatan, Bekasi City, West Java 17144, Indonesia
Agung Ferdianto on Google

SM513152142212574884 Dari hari selasa tgl 18 Mei 2021 sudah 4 hari kerja blon sampe, saya tunggu sampe hari senin, kl masih blm sampe saya ambil ke gudang sendiri dan jangan dilarang.
SM513152142212574884 From Tuesday, May 18, 2021, it has been 4 working days before arriving, I will wait until Monday, when I still haven't taken it to the warehouse myself and don't be prohibited.
Ilham Nurcahyo on Google

Expedisi pengirimannya buruk banget si , paket udh ada di gudng bekasi kenapa dari tnggal 14 ga di kirim kirim ke alamat penerima , emngnya bekasi ke cikarang selatan perlu waktu berapa lama si, estimasi 3 hari tapi sampai saat ini juga belom sampe itu paket, telpon csnya juga ga guna cuman di suruh nunggu nunggu , paket ga ada kejelasannya , tolong dong pengirimannya di maksimalin, emngnya dipikir enak nunggu nunggu kek begini, udah ongkirnya mahal banget ga sesuai lagi sama apa yg di harapkan, kalo emng ga ada pegawai buat nganterin paket yaudah di buka aja pengambilan barang secara langsung, jngn di bilang ga bsa ga bsa trus dan ga ada solusinya , cuman di suruh nunggu nunggu , POPEXPRESS ????????? kenapa bisa si di namain dengan kata express sedangkan apa yg konsumen terima itu jauh dari kata express , E commerce ngelemparin paket ke popexpress dipikir akan jauh pebih baik ternyata sama aja , Expedisi ga sesuai dengan namanya
The delivery expedition was really bad, the package was already in the warehouse, why from 14 it was not sent to the recipient's address, how long does Bekasi take to South Cikarang how long does it take, estimated 3 days but until now it hasn't arrived at the package, call the cs also not useful, just being told to wait, the package has no clarity, please maximize the delivery, do you think it's nice to wait for this, the shipping is really expensive, it doesn't match what is expected, if there's no employee to replace the package, okay? just open it, pick up the goods directly, don't say it can't go on and there's no solution, just told to wait, POPEXPRESS ????????? why can the name be called express while what consumers receive is far from the word express, E commerce throwing a package to Popexpress thought it would be much better it turned out to be the same, Expedition does not match the name
Yosef Erza on Google

Pengiriman kurir lama, konfrimasi hanya sepihak
Long courier delivery, only one-sided confirmation
Eko Pujianto on Google

Ini gudang nya dimana si ya? Saya datengin ko gada tutup gitu?? Pesanan saya sudah 4 hr belom samapai jga... saya mau ambil tapi dimana sekrg cabang yg bekasi?? Tolong jawab minn
Where is this warehouse? I came, why didn't it close? My order has been 4 days and it hasn't arrived yet... I want to pick it up but where is the Bekasi branch now?? please answer min
ERI NANDA PRIAWANA. awan on Google

Kenapa hasil tracking mengatakan "pengiriman gagal karena tidak ada orang dirumah" padahal dirumah selalu ramai oleh keluarga saya dan kenapa tidak ada konfirmasi dari si kurir kepada saya melalui telpon? Tolong percepat pengiriman saya agar saya dapat menerima paket saya bernomer resi SM704512878603862256. Terimakasih.
Why did the tracking result say "delivery failed because no one was home" even though my family was always busy at home and why was there no confirmation from the courier to me by telephone? Please speed up my delivery so that I can receive my package with receipt number SM704512878603862256. Thank you.
Adjie Ahmad on Google

Halo barang saya dengan no resi SM704157331814592145 sudah 4 hari keterangan baru sampai Hub BKI, apakah bisa langsung di ambil di Hub BKI? Jika bisa tolong saya minta alamatnya? Tolong segera di jawab ya karna saya sudah coba DM, Email dll tidak ada respon.. Tolong profesional saya pesan barang karna butuh, jika nyangkut berhari hari di expedisi seperti ini sungguh sangat merugikan waktu saya, biasanya saya pakai JNE atau J&T tidak pernah selama ini proses pengiriman nya
Hello, my item with receipt number SM704157331814592145 has 4 days of new information until the BKI Hub, can it be taken directly at the BKI Hub? If you can please ask for the address? Please answer immediately because I have tried DM, Email etc. there is no response ... Please be professional, I order goods because I need them, if I get stuck for days on an expedition like this, it really costs me a lot of time, I usually use JNE or J&T, never during the delivery process
Revi Fera on Google

Paket sudah ada di gudang bekasi dr tgl 1 juli, sudah tanya kurir katanya dikirim tgl 2 juli. Sampai skrg belum sampai juga. Status barang masih di gudang. Belum ada kurir yg angkut. Mau ambil sendiri katanya mau diantar jd tunggu di rumah.. barangnya mau saya pake gimana ini..
The package has been in the Bekasi warehouse since the 1st of July, I asked the courier, he said it was sent on the 2nd of July. So far it hasn't arrived yet. Item status is still in warehouse. There is no courier yet. Wanted to pick it up himself, he said he wanted to be delivered so he waited at home.. how about I use this stuff..
Arif Kurniawan on Google

Udah lamaaa. Mau ambil sendiri pun gaboleh. Aneh
It's been a long time. You can't even take it yourself. Weird

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