Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Qur'an Buaran Pekalongan - Pekalongan City

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Qur'an Buaran Pekalongan

Address :

Jl. Pelita II, Buaran, Pekalongan Selatan, Pekalongan City, Central Java 51117, Indonesia

Phone : 📞 +878
Postal code : 51117
Website : https://m.facebook.com/ponpesmodernalquran/
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–5PM
Tuesday 8AM–5PM
Wednesday 8AM–5PM
Thursday 8AM–5PM
Friday 8AM–5PM
Saturday 8AM–5PM
Sunday 8AM–5PM
Categories :

Jl. Pelita II, Buaran, Pekalongan Selatan, Pekalongan City, Central Java 51117, Indonesia
Aku sayang Kamu on Google

Berapa pak biaya pendaftaran dll ??
How much is the registration fee, etc.??
Hilmy Daffa Nuri on Google

Tempatnya bagus, nyaman, ada gedung serbagunanya juga.
The place is nice, comfortable, there's a multipurpose building too.
Lie Ulien Nuha on Google

burhanudin latif on Google

Tgl 25 juni 2020 hari pertama anakku mondok di ppmab
June 25, 2020, was my son's first day of lodging at ppmab
Erna Family on Google

Maaf ada untuk anak SD dari kelas 1 tidak yaa..
Sorry, it's available for elementary school children from grade 1, isn't it..
Pinka Melinda on Google

Dari depan bagus,agamanya bagus,sekolahnya juga bagus,namun ada kekurangan,kebersihan tempat masih kurang banyak kamar mandi yang sangat sangat kotor (tidak layak pakai) membuat para santri harus mengantri jauh lbh lama dan pelayanan makanya juga kurang baik
From the front it is good, the religion is good, the school is also good, but there are shortcomings, the cleanliness of the place is still lacking, the bathrooms are very, very dirty (not suitable for use) making the students have to queue far longer and the service is also not good
Husein Syauqi Azmi on Google

Kecintaan terhadap Al Qur’an dan cita-cita seorang Ulama Khafidzul Qur’an yang diprakarsai oleh KH Syafi’i Abdul Majid Al Hafidz yang menginginkan berdirinya sebuah Pondok Pesantren khusus Al Qur’an di Kota Pekalongan, tahun 1975 dapat terwujud. Sebagai seorang ulama kharismatik sekaligus seorang tokoh koperasi, beliau dapat menjalin kerjasama dengan berbagai tokoh masyarakat dan tokoh koperasi lainnya, seperti H.A. Djunaid dan KH.Ghofar Ismail untuk membantu mewujudkan cita-citanya. Sehingga pada 22 September 1975 Pondok Pesantren yang diberi nama : Pondok Pesantren Al Qur’an Buaran dapat diresmikan oleh Menteri Agama RI, Prof.Dr.KH.A.Mukti Ali. Pada saat berdirinya yang menjadi pegangan pengajaran di pondok pesantren tersebut khusus ilmu-ilmu Al Qur’an seperti : Ulumul Qur’an, Tahfidhul Qur’an, ilmu Qiro’ah, Qiroatussab’ah, Tafsir, Tarikh Al Qur’an, Khothul Qur’an dan lain-lain. Keinginan yang mulia tersebut mendapat sambutan yang hangat dari para ulama lainnya sekaligus mereka merupakan pengasuh utama sejak awal pendiriannya, antara lain : K.Sonhadji Abu Bakar, KH. Sa’dullah Dahlan Al Hafidz, K. Irfan said Al Hafidz, KH.Mudzakir Asyhuri, KH.Anwar Fathoni, Ustadz Yusuf Anggawi, KH Ghufron Ahid, KH.Lukni Maulana, Drs.A.Palal Irsyad, Asysyaikh Abdul Qodir Abdul Adhim Mesir. Sepeninggal para pendiri untuk menyusuaikan perkembangan dan perubahan waktu, Pondok Al Qur’an Buaran merubah kelembagaannya menjadi yayasan. Dan dibawah Ketua yayasan pondok pesantren yang sekarang H.A.Zaky Arslan Djunaid, Pondok Pesantren Al Qur’an Buaran mulai memperluas lokasinya, termasuk lokasi diluar yang semula, yaitu di Kelurahan Buaran, Jalan Pelita 2 dengan luas tanah 4 hektar. Dan atas kesepakatan bersama Pondok Pesantren Al Qur’an Buaran dirubah menjadi Pondok Pesantren Modern Al Qur’an Buaran Pekalongan, dengan lokasi dan fasilitas yang lebih memadai seperti asrama pondok putra dan putri representatif dengan dilengkapi Masjid jami’, Rumah Kiyai, Gedung Pertemuan, Rumah Sakit, Kantin, sarana Olah Raga, Miniatur Ka’bah dan Lokasi Peragaan Haji, sehingga seolah-oleh terwujudnya Islamic Centre yang berada di kota Pekalongan.
The love for Al-Qur'an and the ideals of a Khafidzul Qur'an Ulama initiated by KH Syafi'i Abdul Majid Al Hafidz who wanted the establishment of a special Al-Qur'an Islamic boarding school in Pekalongan City, in 1975 could be realized. As a charismatic scholar as well as a cooperative figure, he can collaborate with various community leaders and other cooperative figures, such as H.A. Djunaid and KH. Ghofar Ismail to help realize their dreams. So that on September 22, 1975 the Islamic boarding school which was named: Pondok Pesantren Al Qur'an Buaran could be inaugurated by the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. KH.A.Mukti Ali. At the time of its establishment, the teaching guide at the boarding school was specifically the sciences of the Qur'an such as: Ulumul Qur'an, Tahfidhul Qur'an, Qiro'ah knowledge, Qiroatussab'ah, Tafsir, Qur'anic dates, Khothul Qur 'an and others. This noble desire received a warm welcome from other ulama as well as they were the main caregivers since the beginning of their establishment, among others: K.Sonhadji Abu Bakar, KH. Sa'dullah Dahlan Al Hafidz, K. Irfan said Al Hafidz, KH.Mudzakir Asyhuri, KH Anwar Fathoni, Ustadz Yusuf Anggawi, KH Ghufron Ahid, KH. Lukni Maulana, Drs.A. Palal Irsyad, Asysyaikh Abdul Qodir Abdul Adhim Egypt . After the death of the founders to adjust to the development and change of time, Pondok Al Qur'an Buaran changed its institution to become a foundation. And under the current head of the Islamic boarding school foundation H.A.Zaky Arslan Djunaid, the Al Qur'an Buaran Islamic Boarding School began to expand its location, including a location outside of its original location, namely in Buaran Village, Jalan Pelita 2 with a land area of ​​4 hectares. And by mutual agreement the Pondok Pesantren Al Qur'an Buaran was converted into the Modern Islamic Boarding School Al Qur'an Buaran Pekalongan, with a more adequate location and facilities such as a representative boarding school for men and women equipped with the Jami 'Mosque, Kiyai House, Meeting Building, House Sickness, canteen, sports facilities, miniature Ka'bah and Hajj demonstration location, so that it seems like the Islamic Center is in the city of Pekalongan.
LMP 037 on Google

Gak salah mendoakan anak di pondok sini memang benar 2 berkualitas
It's not wrong to pray for the children in the cottage here, it's really good quality

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