Pondok Pesantren Mahasiswa Al Ihya Dramaga - Bogor Regency

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pondok Pesantren Mahasiswa Al Ihya Dramaga

Address :

Jl. Sawah Baru No.9, Babakan, Dramaga, Bogor Regency, West Java 16680, Indonesia

Postal code : 16680
Website : http://alihyadramaga.blogspot.com/
Categories :

Jl. Sawah Baru No.9, Babakan, Dramaga, Bogor Regency, West Java 16680, Indonesia
Ahmad Fauzi Ridwan on Google

Pesantren mahasiswa yang paling rekomended di sekitar kampus IPB, cukup 10 menit jalan kaki sudah sampai di IPB.
The most recommended student boarding schools around the campus of IPB, just 10 minutes walk had arrived at IPB.
Aih Rohmawati on Google

Lokasinya pinggir jalan, strategis. Sebrang Hotel Duta Berlian. Dekat kampus IPB juga. Jadi pilihan tepat bagi yang mau kuliah tapi bisa tetep ngaji dan merasakan suasana pesantren..
Roadside location, strategic. Sebrang Hotel Duta Berlian. Near the IPB campus too. So the right choice for those who want to go to college but can still recite the Koran and feel the Islamic boarding school atmosphere
Aziz Husain on Google

Sangat tepat untuk mengaji dan berkuliahhh
Very appropriate for studying and studying

nyaman bgtt mondok di sini...
very comfortable to stay here...
M. Kholili on Google

Untum mahasiswa yang mau mondok, ini rekomnded banget :)
Fortunately for students who want to stay, this is really recommended :)
Susanti Noorhayati on Google

Untuk mahasiswa dan karyawan yg mau tholabul Ilmi, pesantren ini recommended. Dunia akhirat teraih bersamaan.. insya Allah..
For students and employees who want to tholabul Ilmi, this pesantren is recommended. The afterlife will be reached simultaneously .. God willing ..
Nabila Zahra on Google

Tempat mengemban ilmu dunia akhirat, terutama untuk mahasiswa. Kegiatannya beragam. Rutinan wirid berjamaah ba'da subuh dan ba'da maghrib, mengaji (kitab kuning) setiap pagi setelah selesai wirid dan ba'da isya. Ada shalawat barzanji setiap minggu, khataman Al-qur'an, tahfidz, qira'ah. Selain itu setiap santri dan santriyat diwajibkan melakukan ro'an setiap hari rabu pagi, jadi kegiatan mengaji libur pada hari rabu pagi. Kegiatan2 seru lainnya masih banyak lagi seperti kegiatan isra' miraj, maulid Nabi saw, mengajar madrasah diniyah dll. Kapasitas untuk mahasiswi kurang lebih 22 orang dan mahasiswa kurah lebih 20 orang. 'Mahasiswa yang santri, saantri yang mahasiswa'itulah slogannya. Disana akan mendapat satu keluarga baru yang hangat dan beragam, ilmu yang berkah dan kehidupan kampus menjadi berwarna karena tidak hanya mengemban ilmu dunia tetapi ilmu akhirat bisa didapatkan di PPM Al Ihya Dramaga
A place to carry out the knowledge of the afterlife, especially for students. The activities are varied. Rutinan wirid in congregation at dawn and ba'da maghrib, recite (yellow book) every morning after finishing wirid and ba'da isya. There are barzanji prayers every week, Khataman Al-Qur'an, Tahfidz, Qira'ah. Besides that, every santri and santriyat is required to do ro'an every Wednesday morning, so the activity of studying the holidays on Wednesday morning. There are many other exciting activities, such as the activities of isra 'miraj, the birthday of the Prophet, teaching madrasa diniyah etc. Capacity for female students is approximately 22 people and kurah students are more than 20 people. 'Students who are students, students who are students' is the slogan. There will get a new family that is warm and diverse, blessing knowledge and campus life become colorful because not only carry the world knowledge but the afterlife can be obtained at PPM Al Ihya Dramaga
Nadiya Bang Bulloh Channel on Google

Mau tanya pondok ini apa masih dibuka ? Ada nomer telfon yg bs dihub ?
Want to ask if this cottage is still open? Is there a phone number I can call?

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