Pom Bensin Puspo Wardoyo - Kabupaten Sleman

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pom Bensin Puspo Wardoyo

Address :

Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar, Wonosari, Donoharjo, Kec. Ngaglik, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55581, Indonesia

Postal code : 55581
Categories :

Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar, Wonosari, Donoharjo, Kec. Ngaglik, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55581, Indonesia
Paras Advertising on Google

SPBU tergolong baru, area luas, toilet bersih dan luas, pelayanan baik
Gas stations are relatively new, large areas, clean and spacious toilets, good service
Nadya Maysara on Google

Tempatnya bersih, nyaman, ada kamar mandinya. Kamar mandinya bersih. Terus. Pelayanannya ramah juga. Pelanggan pelanggan ramah terhadap lingkungannya. Banyak mobil dan motor yang mengisi bensinnya juga dan yang lainnya sebagainya. Tempatnya atau lokasinya dekatnya lampu merah juga.
The place is clean, comfortable, there is a bathroom. The bathroom is clean. Continue. The service is friendly too. Customers are friendly to the environment. Many cars and motorbikes fill up on gasoline too and so on. The place or location is near a red light too.
Shofi Lareta on Google

Pegawainya sedikit jadi kadang antrinya lama krn kebanyakan pegawai stay di pertalite, klo kita mau isi pertamax kadang harus nunggu.
The staff are few so sometimes the lines are long because most employees stay at pertalite, if we want to fill in Pertamax, sometimes we have to wait.
Trisno Ary Budi on Google

Pasti pas, sangat bermanfaat, lokasi strategis
It must be right, very useful, strategic location
Shochib Maskuri on Google

Pegawenya ramah2, kadang ada yg jutek sich, tp tergantung kitanya jg klo kita ramah pasti dilayani dengan ramah jg,...
The employees are friendly, sometimes there are those who are rude, but it depends on us, if we are friendly, we will be served friendly too...
des on Google

Pelayanan oke meskipun ada salah satu karyawannya waktu saya ajak ngomong nggak membantu. Mungkin karena saya pakai masker dan helm full-face. Tapi saya beli Pertamax full tank. Niatnya mau bayar pakai MyPertamina, ternyata saldonya nggak cukup (wkwk), saya tanya si embak bisa nggak bayar sisanya pakai cash. Dijawab nggak bisa. Alhasil harus top up LinkAja dulu. Entah kenapa saldonya nggak masuk-masuk. Si embak masih sabar menunggu dan antrean mulai mengular. Akhirnya karena nggak enak, saya tanya lagi, bayar pakai MyPertamina sama cash bisa enggak. Katanya bisa. Lahhh. Tapi it's okay. Pom bensin bersih, luas.
Service is okay even though there is one of the employees when I talk it doesn't help. Maybe because I wear a full face mask and helmet. But I bought Pertamax full tank. The intention was to pay using MyPertamina, it turned out that the balance was not enough (wow), I asked the sister, can you not pay the rest using cash. Can not answer. As a result, you have to top up LinkAja first. I don't know why the balance didn't come in. The mother was still waiting patiently and the queue started snaking. Finally, because it wasn't good, I asked again, can you pay using MyPertamina and cash or not. Said he could. Lahhh. But it's okay. Clean, spacious gas station.
Febriana Indah on Google

Dhea Imut on Google


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