Perumahan JANNAH HILL - Kabupaten Bogor

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Perumahan JANNAH HILL

Address :

Jl. Rw. Panjang, Rw. Panjang, Kecamatan Bojonggede, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16920, Indonesia

Postal code : 16920
Opening hours :
Monday 7AM–5PM
Tuesday 7AM–5PM
Wednesday 7AM–5PM
Thursday 7AM–5PM
Friday 7AM–5PM
Saturday 7AM–5PM
Sunday 7AM–5PM
Categories :

Jl. Rw. Panjang, Rw. Panjang, Kecamatan Bojonggede, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16920, Indonesia
dhan3108 on Google

Developer nya cepat tanggap terhadap semua jenis komplain... Terima kasih pak Fahad dan team...
The developer is responsive to all types of complaints ... Thank you Mr. Fahad and team ...
Eka Pura (OmBram) on Google

Jelek,tanah merah,dekat kuburan Parah deh pokoknya Not Recommended
Ugly, red soil, near the grave It's really bad Not recommended
Bisnisku Professional on Google

Perumahan baru yang bagus dan modern.. Dikengkapi dengan cctv.
Nice and modern new housing .. Equipped with cctv.
Irfan on Google

Jannah Hill bisa diartikan BUKIT SURGA, mungkin sang developer berharap para penghuni perumahan ini nantinya menjadi penghuni surga beneran. Untuk mewujudkan harapan itu, setidaknya ada dua hal yang dilakukan developer, pertama menyediakan musholla sebagai sarana ibadah bagi warganya. Yang kedua, memastikan agar cara pemilikan rumah di sini bebas dari praktik-praktik yang dilarang dalam agama islam, misal riba, gharar, maysir, dll. Karenanya, developer hanya mau menjual perumahan ini dengan skema cash atau dicicil langsung ke developer, akadnya murni jual beli, sehingga aman dari riba. Riba ini sangatlah berbahaya, salah satu dosa besar dalam islam. Bagaimana mau menjadi penghuni surga kalau rumahnya dibeli dengan cara ribawi? Masih ada kabar gembira bagi Anda yang ingin beli rumah di sini. Aksesnya lumayan mudah, hanya sekitar 2,4 km (10 menitan) dari stasiun Citayam. Saat ini juga masih berlaku promo FREE biaya2. Dari total 34 unitan sdh sekitar 24 unit yang terbooking, sisa 10 unitan lagi (saat ulasan ini dibuat). Yang ditawarkan di sini adalah rumah 1 lantai dengan luas tanah 72 m dan luas bangunan 38 m. Saat ini sdh dimulai pengerjaan infrastrukturnya. Bagaimana? Mau booking?
Jannah Hill can be interpreted as HILLS OF HEAVEN, maybe the developer hopes that the residents of this housing will become real paradise residents. To realize this hope, at least two things have been done by the developer, first providing a prayer room as a means of worship for its residents. Second, to ensure that the method of home ownership here is free from practices that are prohibited in Islam, for example usury, gharar, maysir, etc. Therefore, the developer only wants to sell this housing with a cash scheme or installments directly to the developer, the contract is pure buying and selling, so it is safe from usury. This usury is very dangerous, one of the major sins in Islam. How do you want to become a resident of heaven if your house is purchased by means of the Ribawi? There is still good news for those of you who want to buy a house here. Access is quite easy, only about 2.4 km (10 minutes) from Citayam station. At this time there is still a FREE promo 2 fees. Of the total 34 units, there are around 24 units booked, the remaining 10 units are left (at the time of this review). What is offered here is a 1-storey house with a land area of ​​72 m and a building area of ​​38 m. Currently, work on the infrastructure has started. How? Want to book?
Dasatra Rap on Google

Rumah yang modern dan sederhana cocok untuk keluarga kecil
Modern and simple house suitable for small family
Nia Maryam on Google

Perumahan syari bebas riba, pembangunan fasilitas sudah dimulai
Shari'a housing is free of usury, construction of facilities has begun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gara Sudaya on Google

Rumah Muslim - Rumus on Google


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