Paseban Agung Telatar Boyolali - Kabupaten Boyolali

4.2/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Paseban Agung Telatar Boyolali

Address :

obyek wisata, Dusun Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro No.2, Dusun 2, Kebonbimo, Kec. Boyolali, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah 57316, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +879
Postal code : 57316
Opening hours :
Monday Closed
Tuesday 8AM–5AM
Wednesday 8AM–5AM
Thursday 8AM–5AM
Friday 8AM–5AM
Saturday 8AM–5AM
Sunday 8AM–5AM
Categories :

obyek wisata, Dusun Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro No.2, Dusun 2, Kebonbimo, Kec. Boyolali, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah 57316, Indonesia
Dion Pradhana on Google

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Salah satu opsi tempat wisata di tlatar -Lokasi: berada didalam lokasi wisata tlatar, tempat makannya cukup luas dengan konsep jawa yang cukup kental. Ada beberapa opsi lokasi foto. -Pelayanan: cukup baik dan ramah. Dalam menyediakan makanan juga tidak terlalu lama. -Rasa: menurut saya rasanya cukup enak walaupun tidak istimewa. -harga: standar di daerah wisata. -lain lain: tempat ini juga ada musola, ada terapi ikan dan beberapa spot foto.
One of the options of tourist attractions in tlatar -Location: located within the tourism site of Tlatar, where the dining area is quite broad with a fairly thick Javanese concept. There are several photo location options. - Service: quite good and friendly. In providing food is also not too long. -Rasa: I think it's quite tasty although nothing special. -prices: standard in tourist areas. -Other: this place also has a mola, there is fish therapy and some photo spots.
Bangfays on Google

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Dari luar tampak bangunan megah dari pada bangunan disekitarnya,tampak khas ornamen Bali. Saat masuk bangunan khas ornamen Bali kental. Disedikan meja makan lesehan maupun tempat duduk tinggi. Terdapat kolam renang di dalam,semakin asyik dan bikin betah anak-anak, sayang saat ada ular air di kolam terapi ikan, karyawan kurang gercep untuk antisipasi. Ada fasilitas karaoke di lantai atas, menu makanan juga lumayan lengkap serta rasanya juga cocok dilidah. Tempat parkir lumayan luas bisa menggunakan tempat parkir disekitarnya. Tetap patuhi protokol kesehatan jika anda makan disini.
From the outside, the building looks majestic than the surrounding buildings, looks typical of Balinese ornaments. When you enter the building, the typical Balinese ornament is thick. Lesehan dining table and high seating are provided. There is a swimming pool inside, it is more fun and makes the children feel at home, unfortunately when there are water snakes in the fish therapy pool, the employees are less quick to anticipate. There are karaoke facilities upstairs, the food menu is also quite complete and the taste is also suitable for the tongue. The parking lot is quite large, you can use the surrounding parking lot. Keep following the health protocols if you eat here.
Yudhi Kristianto on Google

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Pelayanan sangat mengecewakan,pengunjung banyak yg gak jadi makan karena proses yg terlalu lama,saya nunggu dari jam 12.30 selesai masakan jam 14.35,itupun harus bolak balik nanya sama pelayan bahkan sampai ke dapur,alasan pengelola karena rame, pdhl yg datang setelah saya mlh sdh terlayani itupun pesan bukan by phone
The service was very disappointing, many visitors didn't eat because the process was too long, I waited from 12.30 to finish cooking at 14.35, and even then I had to go back and forth asking the waiter even to the kitchen, the reason for the manager was because it was crowded, even those who came after me had already served even then the message is not by phone
Dyana Olyv on Google

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Agak kecewa sih, bayar2 trus tp tempatnya ga sesuai, klo buat selfie lumayan sih tp untuk anak dan keluarga msh kuranglah
I'm a bit disappointed, I paid for it, but the place isn't suitable, if you make a selfie, it's okay, but for children and families, it's less

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Demi kebaikan rumah makan yg enak ini...tolong kebersihan dijadikan perhatian utama. Terutama meja2 makan dan lingkungan sekitar rumah makan.. sangat kotor dna terkesan jorok krn setelah dipakai utk makan pelayan tdk langsung membersihkan. Tempat wisata apapun, termasuk rumah makan akan jauh disukai pengunjung kalau selalu bersih dan nyaman.. Selain kebersihan juga pelayanan, ketika kami datang meja tempat pemesanan tdk ada orang, kami sampai nunggu lebih 10 menit, bahkan baru dilayani ketika kami cari salah satu pelayan yg antar makanan..?
For the good of this delicious restaurant...please make cleanliness the main concern. Especially the dining tables and the environment around the restaurant... very dirty and looks dirty because after being used to eat the waiter doesn't clean it right away. Any tourist attractions, including restaurants, will be much liked by visitors if they are always clean and comfortable. In addition to cleanliness as well as service, when we came to the table where there was no one, we waited for more than 10 minutes, even just being served when we were looking for one of the waiters who delivered the food..?
Stefanus Irawan on Google

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rumah makan dengan konsep budaya yang luar biasa.. banyak spot selfie dengan latar relief candi, gapura bali, dan patung arca.. ditambah kolam renang yang bikin sejuk suasana.. di sini bisa makan sambil liburan.. harganya pun terjangkau standar rumah makan pada umumnya..
a restaurant with an extraordinary cultural concept.. lots of selfie spots with temple reliefs, Balinese gates, and statues in the background.. plus a swimming pool that makes the atmosphere cool.. here you can eat while on vacation.. the prices are affordable by restaurant standards generally..
Ruli Khusnu Rizka on Google

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Hari minggu jam 2 siang nggak terlalu ramai. Kolamnya bagus, ada kolam untuk anak2 juga, airnya mengalir, tapi sayang kolamnya nggak terlalu besar. Kesini pas sepi jadi nyaman2 aja berenangnya. Rasa makanan enak. Harga standar. Cuma snack frenchfries nya sedikit banget.
Sunday at 2 pm not too crowded. The pool is good, there is a pool for children too, the water flows, but unfortunately the pool is not too big. Come here when it's quiet so it's comfortable to swim. Food taste good. Standard price. Only the french fries are very few.
Algoritma Sukses on Google

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Arsitektur bagus, tema gua nya jg bagus, pemandianya sayang terlalu sempit, dan tidak ada wahana bermain anak. Padahal pengunjung bisa dibilang banyak. Terus kamar mandi bilas ganti sayang cuma ada 2, 1 untuk laki, 1 lagi untuk perempuan, kalau saat pengunjung ramai jd antri panjang. Pesan menu agak lama 30 menit lebih. Untuk kasir seharusnya tidak merangkap mejual souvenir, pemesan makanan jd antri, dan banyak yg bingung....
The architecture is good, the theme of the cave is also good, unfortunately the baths are too narrow, and there are no children's playgrounds. Though visitors can be said to be many. Then the washroom is changing, unfortunately there are only 2, 1 for men, 1 for women, if there are busy visitors, there will be long queues. Order menu a bit longer 30 minutes. For cashiers, they should not concurrently sell souvenirs, food orders are queued, and many are confused....

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