Panti Sosial Petirahan Anak Pakem - Kabupaten Sleman

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Panti Sosial Petirahan Anak Pakem

Address :

Kaliurang, Hargobinangun, Kec. Pakem, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55582, Indonesia

Postal code : 55582
Categories :

Kaliurang, Hargobinangun, Kec. Pakem, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55582, Indonesia
Hijrah Ms on Google

Tahun 1995/1996 pernah disini selama sebulan,, kenangan yg tak terlupakan ?
Year 1995/1996 was here for a month ,, unforgettable memories ?
Sule Suladi on Google

saya kelas 4 SD, pernah di sini juga. dan sampai sekarang saya tidak tahu maksud dan tujuannya
I am in 4th grade, been here too. and until now I did not know the purpose and purpose
Aik Nanindayou on Google

Dulu waktu kelas 5 SD pernah tinggal disini selama 1 bulan, kenangan waktu kecil ..
When I was in 5th grade, I had lived here for 1 month, memories of my childhood ...
Wafa Pibi on Google

SPA Kaliurang angkatan 95 dari SD perwakikan kecamatan Sewon ayuuukkk reonian
Kaliurang SPA batch 95 from Perwakikan Elementary School, Sewon sub-district, let's be reonian
budi prasetya on Google

2002 kelas 5 saya disini. Beserta SD Lowanu Bantul dan SD Sidomulyo klo ga salah. Barangkali ada yang ingat
2002 grade 5 I am here. Along with SD Lowanu Bantul and SD Sidomulyo if I'm not mistaken. Maybe someone will remember
berlian atmaja on Google

Dulu sekitar tahun 98/99 waktu sd pernah di sini , cm dulu gedung sedang direnovasi akhirnya pindah gedung di daerah klidon besi . Tp saya masih bingung , itu program apa ya dulu , sebulan bro ????
It used to be around 98/99 when you were here, but the building was being renovated, and finally I moved the building in the iron clone area. But I'm still confused, what was the first program, a month bro ????
Bhekti Winda on Google

aq pernah disini waktu SD... inget sekali kelas disekolah saya sedang direnovasi jadi pindah kesini sebulan lamanya... bersama sd lowanu dan sd sidomulyo... ?? terlalu indah untuk dilupakan angkat angkat koper naik ke wisma
I was here when I was in elementary school ... remember once my class at school was being renovated so I moved here for a month ... with SD Lowanu and SD Sidomulyo ... ?? too beautiful to forget lifting the suitcase up to the guesthouse
zulvriana's on Google

Adakah yg seangkatan sm saya thn 95 an, dari SD Muhammadiyah siliran, SD N Pathuk dan SD N brosot Kulonprogo... Pengalaman tak terlupakan 21 hari...
Is there anyone in my junior high school in 95 years, from SD Muhammadiyah siliran, SD N Pathuk and SD N Brosot Kulonprogo ... Unforgettable experience 21 days ...

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